December 1925
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
dedication of Law Memorial hall of geology and biology at Cornell, here today. “Rev. Marion Law, the donor, of San Diego, Cal., was present to give the address of presentation.” When such statements (if they are correctly reported) can go unchalleng ed before a body of professedly Chris tian men, many of them having taken solemn vows to preach the Word of God, and to defend from all error the doctrines of the church, it is time all Bible believing Methodists (and thank God, there are yet many of them) should rise up in righteous wrath and cut off the supply of funds to such schools until there is a return to at least a semblance of respect for the Book, upon the truths of which, Meth odism and all evangelical churches are founded. But the tragedy of it is, that these same Bible loving Christians will go on furnishing the money for such faith wrecking teaching, and then won der, when their children get through college, why they have no regard or respect for the religion of their fathers and mothers. One is constrained to cry out, “How long, O Lord, how long?” Apropos to this, the writer received a letter a couple of weeks ago from a High school Senior whom it was his privilege less than a year ago to lead to saving faith in Jesus Christ. With evident concern, she said: “I want to ask you something, and I want you to tell me, or explain it to me. Why can’t X be a Christian just as good as I ever was, and believe that God did not create us instantly, but that we evolved from the lowest forms through all these thousands of years?” And then she went on to say that she and another girl had gone to a church of another denomination the Sunday night before to hear a sermon on:;“ Can I be a Christian and believe in Evolu tion?” “And,” she says, “we were told what narrow minded, ignorant dum mies we were; and I ’m getting tired of i t ! ” Now, these problems are very real to our young people and very grave, and must be met with a sympa thetic understanding, and may . God give us wisdom and love to answer their Questions in such a way as to drive them closer to Him, rather than to estrange them from Him. How we need to pray, and to study God’s Word, and to keep posted on the modern trend, that we may be wise counsel lors!— T. F. C. EXPRESSION AND IMPRESSION “Expression is the result of impres sion” ; the power of the former will correspond to the depth of the latter, as in the tree the expanse of the branches above ground corresponds to the expanse of the roots below ground. i — (A. T. Pierson.) a» Show this Christmas Number of The King s Business to your neighbors; they will like it and wish to subscribe. Give them the opportunity to do so.
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