December 1925
K I N G ’ S
THE CHOSEN PEOPLE, THE LAND, AND THE BOOK Jewish News Notes Compiled from Various Sources
XmasPresent ProblemSolved G et o r give the new book on Song of which the F irs t Edition w as practically sold before it left th e bindery. Called by a Song E xpert, “ the only book o f its kind in the world.” “TheSheet Musicof Heaven" (Spiritual Songs) ‘TheMightyTriumphsof SacredSong” C ontains 342 pages, a L ectu re on Chris- tian Song, a M iniature Encyclopedia of Interesting fa cts about Song in concise form , H elps to B e tte r Singing, 125 Choice “Standard Songs,” 175 Selected Modern Songs from the G reatest Publishers. A rt Covers, 75c; Fine Cloth, $1.00 25 o r m ore 50c and 75c respectively O rder from BISHOP C. F. DERSTINE, Scottdale, Penna. or Kitchener, Ontario “THEEHD OFTHEAGE” McConkey’s book on Prophecy. A companion vol ume to his book on The Revelation. Simple, clear, elementary. Ninety thousand circulated. Be sure to wfrite for it. Sent absolutely free to anyone in terested enough to write the publishers for it. Address SILVER PUBLISHING SOCIETY Dept. M, Bessemer Building, Pittsburgh, Penna. Help Wanted We require the services of an ambitious person to do some special advertising work right in your own locality. The work is pleasant and dignified. Pay is exceptionally large. No previous experience is required, as all that is necessary is a willing ness on your part to carry out our instructions. If you are at present employed, we can use your spare time in a way that will not interfere with your present employment—yet pay you well for your time. If you are making less than $150 a month, the offer I amgoing to make will appeal to you. Your spare time will pay you well—your full time will bring you in a handsome income. Its costs nothing to investigate. Write me today and I will send you full particulars by return mail and place before you the facts so that you can decide for yourself. ALPORT MILLS, Gen. Mgr. Employment Dept 3165 American Bldg., CINCINNATI, OHIO. International S. S. Lesson Text in si Full; Full Exposition; ImportantWords and Phrases Emphasized; Condensation of Thought; Changes in Revised Version Noted; Accepted Dates and Places; Prayer Meeting' Topics, etc. Flexible Binding, 35c postpaid. F.H. REVELL CO.,158 FIFTHAYE., N.Y.; 17 N. WABASH AVENUE,CHICAGO G E N T L E M E N ! PREVENT INFECTION— USE T R I S O M E R O L ! after the daily shave. Leaves the Skin pleasingly fresh, smooth, healed, toughened and fortified against disease. Price per jar, postpaid $1.00. Send ten cents for sample and convince yourself. BREWSTER LABORATORIES, 281 Main St., Huntington, L. I., N. Y. CARRY IT ALWAYS WITH YOU - , DR. R. A. TORREY’S Gist of the Lesson ORIGINAL “GIST” FEATURES
tine Securities Company (U. S. A .), at a recent conference, declared that “We are planning to consolidate the exist ing Jewish settlements, and in ten or fifteen years we will have a solidly Jewish Palestine.” British Zionists speak in more restrained fashion. But they say that they hope that in ten years’ time there will he at least 500,- 000 Jews in Palestine, and that the modern return from the captivity will be a fact in history— The Christian (London). New High Commissioner Arrives in Palestine Field Marshal Herbert C. Plumer, new High Commissioner of Palestine, has arrived in .Jerusalem. The new High Commissioner was re ceived at the Jerusalem station with impressive ceremonies. High officials of the Palestine administration, nota bles of the local population and large crowds gathered to greet the new ruler of Palestine. Mayor Nashashibi, mayor of Jerusalem, delivered a speech in Arabic which was translated into He brew and English, to which Lord Plumer responded with an address thanking the people for the reception. All the speeches delivered on the oc casion were translated into Hebrew, Arabic and English. The new High Commissioner took his oath under the constitution of Pal estine that day.— The Jewish Tribune. Troublous Times in Palestine Miss Mary T. Maxwell-Ford, of Safed, Galilee, where she has done much faithful work during many years, reports on conditions in Hauran (not the Hauran; the first occurrence is in Ezekiel 47:16 and without the article in Hebrew, the Septuagint and the English), the region east of the Jordan from Galilee, that terrible deeds have been wrought in the destruction of property and ruin of homes, including the church at Kharaba, “the lighthouse of Hauran.” The Druzes may yet stir up all Syria against the French. It is a time for prayer. The turmoil in Irak (Mesopotamia) and the war in Syria with the Wahabis alert for any chance to make trouble for the sons of ex-King Hussein (one is King Felsal of Irak, another ruler over Transjor- dania), are significant signs of the troublous times yet to come for the Jews of Palestine under the Antichrist. — Kingdom Tidings. Palestinian Teachers’ College The Jewish leaders in Palestine are seeking to establish on a firm founda tion the Hebrew Teachers’ College, in the city of Jerusalem. This Is distinct from the Hebrew University. It is “training the teachers required for the new public school system that is de veloping in Palestine, and is supplying the Hebrew schools of many lands out side of Palestine with teachers of a very advanced type. In the United States alone,” says the American He-
Temple of Solomon in America A replica of the Temple of Solomon will be erected in Philadelphia as an exhibit in the great exhibition to be held next year in celebration of the one hundred and fiftieth year of American independence. The Temple will be one of the largest buildings on the exhibi tion grounds, and will he a unit of a scheme of edifices that will trace the history of man from the time of the Chaldees to the fall of the Roman Em pire.—-S. S. Times. New Palestine Line A new company to be known as the Palestine Merchant Marine Company, Inc., has been organized to operate a fleet of six passenger and freight ves sels in the New York, Haifa, and Medi terranean trade in the near future. William Jordan, the president of the line, was chief in charge of the Near Eastern Littoral of the United States Shipping Board after the War, having been appointed by Albert D. Lasker, then chairman of the Shipping Board. The new organization is said to have a non-Jewish financial backing. Ves sels of the line will fly the American and Zion flags.— The Jewish Tribune. Funds For Palestine The estate of Tel Shemam, west of the large Nahalai Djebata block in the Valley of Jezreel, which belongs to the Jewish National Fund, has now passed Into the possession of the same fund, thus making another step towards the consolidation of Jewish national land in this region. Seven thousand dun ams of Tel Shemam and two thousand dunams of the neighboring Jeddah have been duly registered in the name of the Jewish National Fund. During the last two weeks of July the Jewish National Fund paid over the sum of eighty thousand pounds for the pur chase of land in Palestine.— Jewish Missionary Magazine. The Return, of the Jews x The Rev. W. Llewellyn Williams says, that the Jew is in Palestine in ever-increasing numbers. In 1914 there were about 70,000— today there are about 110,000. During the war thousands left the country. Not only have their vacant places been filled, but a fresh stream of immigrants flows into the land. The numbers are con stantly on the up-grade. “Ever more Jews are entering who not only pro ceed to Palestine from motives of na tional idealism, but were compelled to emigrate from their former countries on economic or political grounds. Pal estine being the only country the doors of which were open to receive them." In March last 3,300 entered the coun try. The central organization, the Pal estine Development Fund (the Keren Hayesod) speaks confidently of this number settling in Palestine almost automatically in future months. Judge Rosenblatt, the President of the Pales
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