December 1925
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
brew, “there are fifty of its graduates teaching in our Talmud Torahs (ele mentary schools) and Hebrew educa tional institutions.” The modern, scientific teaching of Hebrew requires a type of teacher al together different from the traditional unscientific and ungrammatical He brew teacher who for many genera tions has served as instructor of Jew ish boys. The new spirit engendered in part by Zionism is taking hold of Jewish institutions of all kinds, so that scientific methods are being more ex tensively introduced into nearly every realm of Jewish life. Dr. David Yellin, principal of the Hebrew Teachers’ College, has been in this country to secure a building fund for his school. Julius Rosenwald promised him 150,000 on condition that he raise the balance required, $100,000.— S. S. Times. Jewish Apostasy Jewish apostasy finds expression in Mr. James Waterman Wise’s “Liberal izing Liberal Judaism.” It might be a faraway echo from Union Theological Seminary. “Liberal Judaism,” he tells us, “affirms unhesitatingly that God does exist, that all depends on His existence, and that there is and must be a life after death. And then it won ders why it fails to hold the youth of today with its teachings! It does not understand that the very certainty of its attitude touching these certainly in soluble problems is enough to repel. “The religious mission of Israel must be renounced in name. It has already been renounced in fact. Israel can no longer be thought of as primus inter pares. There can be no Messiah people.” Rabbi Ransom of Albany calls for a “Shorter Bible.” “The great mass of inconsequential, trivial, and tauto logical material should be eliminated.” Furthermore, “a twentieth century Bible must recognize the universality of revelation. The ethics of Buddha, as well as of Confucius, and of all other god-intoxicated seers of human race, must be included in the Bible that is intended for the brotherhood of man.” This, too, might occur in a Union cliche. The sacrificial element of the law, he tells us, is antiquated or barbaric religion, and then offers this compromise. If Christianity will be satisfied with a life of Jesus, abandon ing the New Testament slanders against the Jews, the Jews will accept the Jewish ethics of Jesus. The American Hebrew favors such a rapprochement. “The next step for ward toward the universal religion would be to establish the Hebrew Un ion College as the leading American academy of theology in the scientific sense, so that it may become the House of Bible Study for all peoples. When the mythological, the pagan, the super stitious in the Bible have been finally stamped for what they are . . . the universal religion will stand revealed before the world . . . the brotherhood of man.”— Selected.
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