December 1925
T H E K I N G ’ S
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Was Mary a “Youthful Spouse Recently Married” ? (Continued from page 544)
a word which makes this undoubtedly a work of divine power, a miracle. And this such a virgin birth would be in such a connection, and nothing less could be. 2. But suppose a “Youthful spouse recently married,” as per Gesenius, should bring forth a son. That hap pens about once every two seconds in this world. Wonders would never cease if this were the intended mean ing of Isaiah. The prophet hardly wasted his words by such trifling, we trow. 3. Suppose an unmarried young woman conceives naturally and brings forth a son. That .would be wicked ness. Surely none will seriously claim that as Jehovah’s sign! 4. Perhaps some would suggest the naming of this son “Immanuel,” which means “God with us.” But a majority of old Hebrew proper names of men had the name of God or Jehovah as part of them. It would be hard to con vince a Jew that that could be God’s sign. 5. But the doing of what is utterly unknown to nature, the bringing forth of a son by a virgin, who is a virgin and who remains a virgin, is and must be a divine work and a divine sign, greater than which God never gave, and never will give, since that sign included His own incarnation in hu man flesh, His own union with human nature. With all this involved, no wonder Satan and the modernists count this the crux of the controversy. Fear not, little flock. That “best scholarship” is hot as fierce as it looks, nor does it know half what it thinks it does. You need not be Hebrew scholars to meet it. And, that I may not lack the en dorsement of the world’s greatest au thority on the Hebrew tongue and its cognate languages, let me close with this statement, made privately in writ ing by Prof. Robert Dick Wilson of Princeton: “There is absolutely no evidence in either Babylonian, Arabic, Aramaic, Syriac or Hebrew, for the use of Almah in the sense of ‘young married woman.’ I have looked up every pas sage in which it occurs in Hebrew and its equivalent in the cognate lan- Enlist You r Friends in the Business o f the King by sending them T h e King’s Business
guages, and I have sought in vain for any such usage. Dictionaries are man made. Demand the original source from anyone holding that a word means so-and-so.”
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