King's Business - 1925-12

December 1925


K I N G ’ S



Correspondence School, Bible Institute of Los Angeles. This is a unique method of taking the chapters, verse by verse, with comment and cross ref­ erences., Mr. Brooks has used this method in the exposition of these two books of the Bible with the hearty ap­ proval and appreciation of a large Men’s Bible Class. 65c Calendars for Christmas and New Years. Pickering & Inglis, of London, have prepared a very attractive series of calendars,^ffi“D a i 1y Meditation” 1/6; Daily Manna, 1/-; Golden Grain, 1/3; Golden Text, 1/3; Young Folks, 1/-; Bible Almanac, 2/-; Daily Light, 1/%-; also, a “Golden Grain Diary” 2/-, and “Golden Grain Almanac”-/2 for 1926. The “Diary” contains ma­ terial of much interest to those in for­ eign lands, time tables, measures, weights, as well as Daily Texts. China From Within, by Dr. Charles Ernest Scott, of the American Presby­ terian Mission, Tsinan, Shantung Province, N. China. This is a book charged with a spirit of faithful pre­ sentation and furnishing a mass of refreshingly new material. During recent years China has been “written up” and “written around” to an almost wearying extent, but Dr. Scott has provided his readers with a strik­ ing and engrossing account of the in­ ner life of China such as is extremely hard to obtain in the long list of books devoted to a study of conditions in the Far East. (Revell) $2.00


Why Will Christ Come Back? by Dr. F. E. Marsh. This book consists of twelve Advent Addresses delivered by Dr. Marsh under the auspices of the Advent Movement in England, during the throes of the Great War. To use the name of Dr. Marsh is sufficient guarantee of any book or pamphlet. He is one of the greatest Bible stu­ dents and Bible writers, and he could not have chosen a more important theme than that of the Lord’s Return. (Biola Book Room) 65c Everlasting Salvation, by Charles Forbes Taylor, Pastor and Evangelist. A series of straight-from-the-shoulder addresses which plunge without pre­ liminary to the very heart of the Christian message. Mr. Taylor is con­ cerned only with the chief plea and main argument of his theme and to this end the entire force of his zeal and enthusiasm are directed. (Revell) $ 1 . 00 '' Christ’s Soul-Searching Parables, by Louis Albert Banks, D. D. The author’s name and fame as a lucid and picturesque writer of inspirational books, has long ago been firmly estab­ lished. From the matchless stories which fell from the lips of Jesus, Dr. Banks draws lessons for the spiritual guidance, enheartenment and consola­ tion of Christians. (Revell) $1.50

The Best Bible Tales (New Testa­ ment), by Nellie Hurst, author of Old Testament Series. This volume is a companion to the author’s former book. Miss Hurst belongs pre-emin­ ently to the world of the young. She is an accredited citizen of the “king­ dom of the child.” Of that fact the work she has done in these stories is abundant proof. A splendid book for teachers or for Christmas gifts for children. (Revell) $1.50 Where the Star Still Shines, by Win­ ifred Kirkland, author of “The Easter People,” etc. The author’s descrip­ tive ability has attained a vogue as widely recognized as it is richly de­ served; and never has she used it with surer effect or. with better results than in the writing of this delightful little brochure. Miss Kirkland has given us a narrative of great charm, etched with unforgettable beauty, depicting scenes from the life of a community where intellect still bows in reverence before the soul. (Revell) 60c Books and Pamphlets Poisoned Tongues, by J. J. Cook. A little booklet with a spiritual mes­ sage concerning the use of the tongue. (Wilfred-Gardner Pub. Co.) 15c Prophecies of Daniel and Revela­ tion, by Keith L. Brooks, Secretary

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