December 1925
T H E K I N G ’ S
ALARM CLOCKS Prophets and alarm clocks are always under suspicion. They pester us too much in our sleep. They get us up too early in the morning. The dinner bell is much more to our liking than the fire bell. Burglar alarms do not make good music. Sirens are not in high repute for midnight serenades.. The wig-wag at the crossing is not pleasant in its declarations. The red lantern ahead in the street does not tend to composure and cheer fulness to joy riders. We even pro hibit roosters living within the city limits, because their message comes too early in the morning. We have slain our prophets and alarm clocks. We find little enjoy ment in being told we are bad. We locate the watchman on the wall; but we expect him to work his job without disturbing us. The bugler with his reveille is not often the adored of the Army. It is no special recommendation for a prophet to be -too greatly loved. When all men speak well of him some will be suspicious that he has ex changed the prophetic for the polit ical. Boys do not seem to like to have their necks washed; no more do men delight to have their hearts wrung. Even our old cars screech and yowl when we put the brakes on.s-L. A. Times.
Early in 1924 a widely known evan gelist walked into the office of a friend in a great city. “I have just come from’ a trip half way across the continent,” said he, “and everywhere Christian people have raised thè question as to whether there can he another great revival. It has disheartened me. Even I myself am unfit to go into another meeting until I can pray this thing through.” For an hour thè two men talked and prayed and “searched the Scrip tures.” Then the evangelist returned home and for a month “went down be fore God” until his eyes were WHOLLY off of man and once more WHOLLY unto God; since which time some of the greatest campaigns of his life have been held and THOUSANDS HAVE PROFESSED CONVERSION! What if he had given up? Hundreds of evangelists during the past dozen years HAVE given up, and hundreds of thousands of souls that MIGHT have been saved are still in sin. May not those who are mistakenly discouraging t h e s e men of God and who are likewise discouraging the Church at large, have some thing to answer for? How about the millions over the earth who are NOT being reached, but multitudes of
whom MIGHT be reached were it not for this disheartening note that grieves the Spirit and makes revival work doubly difficult? What if Aaron and Hur, instead of holding up Moses’ hands, had said: “The Amalekites are too many; the day of victory is past” ? Or what if Nehemiah had yielded to the weakening influence of discourag ing hinderers? (Neh. 4). Faith is God in action—NOW! “The prayer power has never been tried to its full capacity in any church,” said Hudson Taylor. “If we want to see mighty wonders of Divine power and grace wrought in the place of weakness,; failure and disappoint ment, LET THE WHOLE CHURCH ANSWER GOD’S STANDING CHAL LENGE: ‘Call unto me, and I will: answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things vrhich thou knowest not’ (Jer. 3 8 :3 ).” O ye who dishearten the Church and weaken its hands, speak unto the hosts of the redeemed that they “move for ward” ! “The coming of the Lord draweth nigh.” Will ,He find the Church’s allotted task of world evan gelization still unaccomplished? God Forbid! PRAY FOR REVIVAL!
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