King's Business - 1925-12


December 1925


K I N G ’ S


A REMINDER, A WARNING, AND AN EXHORTATION (Continued from page 546) “Wrest”- 8 (Strebloo) 2 Pet. 3:16 This word means “to wrench,” to “control by a wind­ lass.” It comes from “strepho” which means to twist or reverse, and is rendered “turned back” in calling attention ito Israel’s backsliding in turning back to Egypt (Acts 7: 39). To put the Word of God on the rack of man’s corrupt mind is for the man to make it say the opposite to the divine intjent. “Sleight”— (Kubeia) Eph. 4:14 “Sleight” means “to gamble with dice.” The word comes from “kubos,” a cube— a die for playing, hence it is a means to defraud. The Word of God may be .used as an instru­ ment to deceive others, when it is made to serve man’s evil purpose and as a hobby-horse for the aggrandizement of self and self-interest. “Tossed To and Fro”-^-(Kludonizomai) Eph. 4:14 The figure suggested is of surging water as seen in the fluctuating billows of the sea. What a striking contrast between the compactness of the unity of the human body, and the fluctuating of the surging billow? These are the illustrations used to show the difference between those who are deceived by the windy doctrines of men, and those who are ballasted by the weighty Word of God. “Itching”— (Knetho) 2 Tim. 4:3 To have “itching ears” signifies that someone is tickling them, for the word “itching” means “to tickle.” “Knoo,” from which “Knetho” is derived, means to scrape. The words of men tickle the ears by their pleasant sound and their flattering compliments, but the healthy teaching of the Spirit searches the heart to discover the evil, and saves the individual, by leading to Christ. Beware of the devil’s ear- ticklers! “Unskilful”— (Apeiros) Heb. 5:13 To be unskilful in the “Word of righteousness” is to be> devoid of experience (see margin) like a babe. The only thing that can give ,us wisdom and experience is what Paul said to Timothy, namely, “The Holy Scriptures” (2 Tim. 3 :1 5 ), and these will make us to be like a thoroughly fitted vessel starting on a voyage (2 Tim. 3 :1 6 ). “Slip”— (Pararrueo) Heb. 2:1 The reference is anything flowing past a point of vantage. The swimmer passes a given point by active movement, but that is not the thought suggested by “slip.” The R.. V. gives ‘‘drift away,” and that is the thought, suggesting at once a passive and careless boatman being carried on by the current past the place of safety. How easy it is to drift with the stream of current opinion, but how blessed to be moored to the quay of God’s impregnable rock. “Moved Away”-H(Metakineo) Col. 1:23 To be “moved away” means to be stirred from where we are into another place. To be “grounded in the faith” like a well-rooted tree, and to be “settled” like a building rest­ ing on a good foundation, is the acme of an ideal condition; but to be “moved away” is to be the puppet of the evil one and to be found in the Doubting Castle of Despair. (Continued on page 589)



BIBLES are always acceptable as gifts. We offer the following Bibles at very attractive prices.

No. H 75X . A Genuine India Pap er Minion Reference Bible. Size 6 % x 4 % inches. Bound in Genuine M orocco, divinity c ir­ cu it, red under gold edge, leather lined to edge. Button clasp, silk sewed. Regular price, $7.80. Special Sale P rice, $5.45. No. 777. An exceptionally fine Minion' R eference Bible printed on real India paper. Size 6 % x 4 % inches. Bound in Genuine Sealskin, divinity c ir­ cu it, red under gold edge, calf lined to edge, silk sewed. R eg­ ular price, $10.55. Special price for th is sale a t $7.25. No. 17. Clear Nutype T each ­ ers Bible self-pronouncing, con­ taining new type, teachers aids to Bible study, Concordance, dictionary a n d 1 su b ject index. Bound in French Seal, divinity circu it, round corners, red un­ der gold edges, headband and m a rk e r,. grained lining. Size 5 % x 8 inches. R egular price $5.50. Exceptional value a t $3.65. No. 53 1 . A H igh Grade T eachers Bible printed from M inion type, on genuine India paper. Size 6 % x 4 % inches. Bound in genuine M orocco, di­ v in ity circu it, red under gold edge, leath er lined to edge, silk sewn. P rice, $8.90. Spe­ cially priced now a t $6.65. No. 6 87. Self Pronouncing T ex t Bible. Size 5% x7% . inches. H as all proper nam es accen ted and divided in to sy l­ lables, m aking pronunciation easy. C ontains colored m aps of the Holy Lands. Bound in French M orocco, limp, round corners, red under gold edges. Regular price $3.50. R em ark­ able value a t $2.35. No. 89. A Self-Pronouncing T ex t Bible, P o ck et size. It has the largest, clearest type to be found in any Bible of like size. H andsom e flexible leather bind­ ing of French M orocco, divin­ ity circu it style, round co rn ­ ers, red under gold edges, headband and m arker. Splen­ did qu ality for $3.90. Certainly worth your atten tion , $2.65. No. 31 9 . One of our m ost liked Oxford India P&per R ef­ erence B ibles, w ith Brevier Black -faced type. Size 7x4% inches. Only one inch thick, and con tain s 12 m aps. Bound in real M orocco, divinity c ir­ cu it, grained ca lf lined to edge, silk sewed, round corners, red under gold edges. Regular price, $10.00. You will like th is Bible— certain ly you will like the present price of $7.50

No. 7 31. R eference Bible, Ja sp er type on Bible paper. Size 6 % x 4 % inches. Bound in Genuine M orocco, divinity c ir­ cu it, red under gold edge, leath er lined to edge, silk sew ­ ed. Regular price, $8.90. As long as this lo t la sts the price will be $6.65. No. 7 07. R eference Bible, Brevier type, on India Paper. Size 7% x5 inches. Bound in French L evant M orocco, divin­ ity circu it, red under gold edge, leath er lined. Sold a t $8.35. Exceptional value a t $6.15. No. 7 X . B revier Reference Bible. Size 7^4x5 inches. Prin ted on India paper. Bound in Genuine M orocco, divinity circu it, red under gold edge, leather lined to edge, silk sew­ ed. Regular price, $10.50. Now, $6.85. No. 101. T each er’s C oncor­ dance Bible printed from B our­ geois type on India paper. Size 8x5 % inches. Bound in French Levant, divinity circu it, red under gold edge, leather lined. Sold a t $10.50. Now, $7.35. No. 3 3 1 . A well arranged T eachers Bible, printed from Minion type, on Bible paper. Size 6 % x 4 % inches. Bound in real M orocco, divinity circu it, red under gold edge, leather lined to edge. R egular price, $8.25. Can now be had for $5.85. No. 25 4 . S p l e n d i d size P o ck et Bible containing the full T ex t. Printed from clear noqpareil B lack -faced type on India paper. Size 5 % x 3 % inches w ith six m aps. Bound in French M orocco, divinity circu it, silk sewed, round co r­ ners, red under gold edges. R egular price, $4.00. D uring th is sale the p rice is $2.85. No. 3 1 5 . - T ex t Bible printed in C rystal type on Bible paper. Size 4 % x 234 inches. Bound in French M orocco, divinity c ir­ cu it, red under gold edge. R eg­ ular price, $2.40. Special sale price, $1.75. No. 249. India P ap er R efer­ ence Bible, Minion Type, size 6 % x4 % inches. , Contains 12 m aps and index to m aps. The lightest, thinnest and m ost com pact handy Reference Bible y et made. Bound in Real M orocco, leather lined to edge, round corners, red under gold edges, divinity circu it. R eg­ ular price, $8.50. Specially priced a t $5.85

A ll B ibles delivered prepaid when cash accom panies the order. If money does not accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D.

BI OLA BOOK ROOM Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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