December 1925
K I N G ’ S
(Continued from page 588) The above are beacons to warn us of the rocks of error, the shoals of evil, the sand-banks of human reliance, the breakers of unbelief, and the under-tow of fear. An Exhortation We are exhorted to take heed what we hear (Mark 4:24),* and how we hear (Luke 8 :1 8 ). The “what” is the Word of God and the “how” is the faith. We may illustrate how we can do both by pondering several other words which only occur once and which are associated with the Word of God. “To set forth in order”-H(Auatassomai) Luke 1:1 “To set in order” means, as we understand the sentence, to arrange in an orderly manner. The apostle does not mean to take anything that is not reliable or speculative, but he sets in order the things which the believers believed and which we received from “ministers of the Word.” Luka illustrates his declaration, for it will be found his Gospel divides itself into three main sections: I—His birth, childhood, and His ' inception to service (1 to 3 :3 8 ). H—-His temptation, teaching and transfiguration (4 to 9 :3 6 ). Ill—His journey from the Mount of Transfiguration to Olivet via Calvary, and the incidents by the way (9 :3 7 to /end). The word is given to us in its revelation that we may see the beauty of its thought, and find the gold of its truth In all its symmetry, order and grace. “Rightly Dividing’!^ - (Orthotomeo) 2. Tim. 2:15 To “make a clean cut,” or “to dissect correctly,” is the significance of “rightly dividing.” The expression is a priestly one and seems to refer to the priest cutting up the animal brought for sacrifice, such as the peace offering, and giving to the Lord, the offerer, and the priest their several parts (Lev. 7:28 -35 ). How important it is to make a clean cut in presenting the truth and not mix up, for instance, what is applied to a condemned sinner and a consecrated saint; between our standing in Christ and our state in life. “Earnestly Contend”— (Epagonizomai) Jude 3 “To be in an agony” : is the meaning of “earnestly con tend.” The word is a compound one. The prefix "epi” means upon, and the other part means to strive or to strug gle, and is translated “strive” in Luke 13:24, and “fight” in 1 Tim. 6:12. The word comes from the same root as “agony” (agon), applied to Christ in His conflict in the Garden of Gethsemane. We are to agonize for the faith once delivered to the saints. “Uncorrnptness”^—(Adiaphthoria) Titus 2 :7 The incorruptible truth is the only thing that can give uncorruptness in teaching. Christ warns us against putting the leaven of error and evil with the meal of God’s Word (Matt. 13), The three measures of meal may be taken to illustrate the truth about the three persons of the Godhead. To mix the error of the universal Fatherhood of God is to corrupt the truth that men are only the children of God by faith in Christ; to mix the leaven of the denial of Christ’s deity is to corrupt the truth of His essential Godhead and personal glory and make Him only a man; and to mix the error of the denial of the personality of the Holy Spirit is to make the Spirit a mere influence, which error cuts at every truth of the Gospel. (Continued on page 390)
Splendid for Christmas giving— especially when you can buy them at such a saving.
No. 95X . India P ap er T ex t Bible, self-pronouncing, con taining the authorized version of the Old and New T e sta m ents w ith all the proper nam es accen ted and divided into syllables and m aps in co l ors. T h e type used in th is Bible w as moulded especially for the purpose. It is the largest, clearest type to be found in an y self-pronouncing Bible o f like size. M easures only 5 % x 7 % inches. Bound in French Seal, divinity circu it, overlapping covers, round co r ners, red under gold edges, headband and m arker, leather lined. Splendid value a t $9.26. Can be obtained now for $6.25 No. 687. Self Pronouncing T e x t Bible. Size 5 % x 7 % inches. H as all proper nam es accen ted and divided into sy l lables, m aking pronunciation easy. C ontains colored m aps o f the H oly Lands. Bound in French M orocco, limp, round corners, red under gold edges. R egular price $3.50. R em ark able value a t............................$2.35 No. 746. Minion T ex t Bible, on Bible paper. Size 5 % x3 % inches. Bound in Genuine Mo rocco, divinity circu it, red under gold edge, leather lined to edge. R egular price, $6.35. Excellent value a t................$4.50 No. H 23X . M i n i o n T ex t P o ck et Bible, on India paper. Size 5% x3% inches. Bound, in Genuine Levant, divinity c ir cu it, red under gold edge, leather lined. Regular price, $6.00. It would be hard to duplicate th is Bible a t....$3.95 No. 319. One o f our m ost liked O xford India P ap er R ef erence Bibles, w ith Brevier Black -faced type. Size 7x4% inches. 'Only one inch thick, and contains 12 m aps. Bound in real M orocco, divinity c ir cu it, grained ca lf lined to edge, silk sewed, round corners, red under gold edges. Regular price, $10.00. You will like th is Bible-—certain ly you will like the present price of $7.50 No. 821. Minion T ex t Bible, genuine India paper. Size 5 % x 5 % inches. Bound in Genuine M orocco, divinity circu it, red under gold edge, leather lined gold lines on cov er and back. R egular p rice $8.00. One of th e b est values in this whole list now a t______ ......¡......,...$5.75 No. 129. Sm all P o ck et Bible containing the authorized v er sion of the Old and New T es tam ent— tex t o n 1 y—-without helps o r references except six m aps printed in colors. Size 3 % x 5 *4 inches. Bound in French M orocco leather, divin ity circu it, overlapping edges, round corners, gilt edges, silk m arker. R egu lar p rice $2.4$. Especially priced fo r quick 8ale a t .......____ ................$1.75
No. 8 1 7X. Self Pronouncing B lack F ace Type T each ers’ Bible which for clearness of type convenience of size and logical arrangem ent is n ot su r passed by any other Teachers* Bible. Genuine India paper, bound in French • M orocco leather, divinity circu it (ov er lapping cov ers) round coin ers, red under gold edges, silk head band and m arker, leather lined. Size 5x7 % inches. Regular price $9.00. Now on sale for $6.65. No. 876X . T each ers’ Bible with black faced type, self p ro nouncing, printed on genuine India paper. C ontains an un usually full concordance com bined w ith a sa tisfa cto ry Bible dictionary, all under one a l phabetical arrangem ent. Bound in genuine Persian Seal lea ther, leather lined to edge, d i vinity overlapping c o v e r s , round corners, red under gold edges, silk sewed. Regular p rice $12.00 W ell w orth your atten tion a t the special price of ...................................... :....$9.35 No. 142X. Self Pronouncing T ex t Bible in which all the d if ficu lt words and proper nam es are divided into syllables and accented. Printed from clear face brevier type on genuine O xford India paper. Bound in genuine French M orocco lea ther, leather lined, straig h t edges (n ot overlapping) round corners gilt edges no m aps. Size 4 x 6 % x l 1/16 inches. R eg ular p rice $7.35. A splendid value a s now priced at....$ 5 .5 0 No. 13X. Splendid Concord an ce Bible printed from black faced m inion type on genuine India paper. Bound in real (n ot im itatioii) M orocco lea ther, leather lined divinity c ir cu it (w ith everlapping edges) round corners, red under gold edges. Silk sewed. H as full cen ter colum n references b e sides the concordance. R eg ular price $9.90. Specially priced for th is sale............$7.00 No. 135X. E asy to read T ext Bible printed from black-faced m inion type on Oxford India paper. Bound in real French M orocco leather, divinity c ir cu it, (w ith overlapping edges) round corners, red under gold edges. S i z e 4 % x 6 % x l5 / 1 6 inches. Regular p rice $5.35 and w orth it. Now on sale for $4.00 No. 3 5 OX. Self Pronouncing Reference Bible printed from easily read brevier type on genuine India paper. Bound in French M orocco leather, divin ity circu it (w ith overlapping edges) round corners, red un der gold edges. C o n t a i n s tw elve m aps and index to m a p s . S i z e 5 % x 7 % x l1 / 1 6 inches. R egular price $7.00 Now on sale a t............ .'....... $5.25
All Bibles delivered prepaid when cash accom panies the order. If money does n ot accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D.
BI OLA BOOK ROOM Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.
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