King's Business - 1925-12

December 1925

T H E K I N G ’ S



FINE GOLD or the Pearl of Great Price (Continued from page 548) I last saw you. But knowing you as I do, William, I feel sure of your forgiveness: “I want to tell you, too, that your many little talks on the joy and blessedness in the Christian life have all come back to me, and I understand them now, for I have yielded my life to Him whom I now love to serve as well as you. I am not living a weather-vane life now but have given the control of it over to the Master, and Xam so happy in Him. “I am hoping sometime that I may be called of God to represent Him in some far off heathen place, and am doing all I can to prepare myself to heed such a call when it comes. I remember now with pleasure your promise to con­ tinue to pray for me until I gave my life to Jesus Christ, and I know you will rejoice to know your prayers were answered. I regret so much that I was not able to see and tell you all this before you left this land, for it has long lain heavily on my heart, and when your XJncle Jack visited us and told us his news, I knew it was only fair that I, should write and tell you this. “We will always be glad to hear from you and are remembering your work in prayer, asking God to bless your labors for Him abundantly, “Again asking to be assured of your forgiveness, in which father and mother join, and assuring you of our . best wishes, I remain, “Your friend as ever, “ (Signed) Louise Birdsey.” A look of supreme delight shone in William’s face, and Randall, looking up from his correspondence, noted it with pleasure, then turned his back on his friend and was busy over answering his own letters, as they were planning to do but little letter writing on their trip. William’s feelings were mixed after reading the letter. He was glad to know Louise was a Christian, glad to know of her changed home, but he wished she had mentioned Worthington Randolph in telling of her home. Was he too a Christian? He saw by the way she had signed her name she was not yet married. They had almost no friends in common, and the disgrace which William felt was attached to him because of his father’s conduct made him sensitive about taking any initial steps to find out more about Louise. Slowly he drew his writing pad before him. It cost him an effort to write as he felt he must write. Oh! what it would have meant to him had this change come when he had first known her. “Dear Friend: “Be assured of my forgiveness fully and freely. Please do not think of it again. Had I known of the condition of affairs in regard to my father at the time you refer to X would have told you freely, hut Uncle Jack had kept It from me so that your words were a shock and surprise to me. However It was best that I should know, so do not blame yourself further. “I am more glad than tongue can tell to hear the news of your conversion and of your longing to serve Christ in tell­ ing the glad news to others. That is the logical outcome of every true conversion I believe. Although all are not called to leave home and friends and go abroad, yet I believe every follower of Christ is called to tell the Gospel story to others. “My service for Christ here is an unspeakable joy to me even though it has been and still lies through many trials and persecutions, or at least some people would call them

= - :BUY B IO LA “B E S T ” BO O K S = = = = = Our Slogan for 1926 A Scripture Text Calendar In Every Home It is a real neces­

sity in every home. T h e influence it has on the young in teaching great truths and incu l­ cating the right view of life should appeal to every parent. It teaches m orality and good citizenship and the lessons thus learn ­ ed w i l l follow through life.

Size of Calendar 9 % x l6 Inches.

An Art Gallery of the World’s Most Famouis Sacred Paintings T h e Scripture T e x t Calendar contains 12 beau ­ tiful reproductions of the works of some of the world s greatest artists. A ll o f these pictures rep­ resent what is best and most refined in the realm o f religious art. T h e color paintings are perfect and beautiful. A beautiful gallery o f the world’s most famous Sacred paintings. These beautiful reproductions are worth many times the low price o f the calendar. SPECIAL FEATURES — for 1926 — WORTH COST OF CALENDAR Th e usual features which have made this calen­ dar famous, such as the International Sunday School lesson each Sunday, daily Scripture verse, and twelve paintings from the masters, have been retained in the 1 9 2 6 calendar. Th e verse for each Sunday is the Golden T e x t in full, for the following Sunday. On the back page o f the calendar is shown a perpetual calendar, tab le o f standard time around the world, tab le of Easter Sundays from 18 6 0 to 1955, statistics on religions o f the world and lan­ guages o f the world. Ideal Gift Nothing could be m ore appropriate as a gift a t C h rist­ mas tim e than one of these Scrip tu re T e x t Calendars. F o r those who wish to pu rchase a sm all quantity fo r this pu r­ pose, we quote the follow ing: Single Copies, 3 0 c ; 5— $ 1 .4 0 ; 12— $ 3 .0 0 ; 2 5— $ 5 .7 5 ; 5 0— $ 1 0 .0 0 ; 1 0 0— $ 1 7 .0 0 Send Cash W ith O rd er 1 9 2 6 CALENDARS NOW R EAD Y Don t wait! Don’t delay! 1926 Calendars are now ready. Be sure to place your order for full supply. Our experience has been that by far the greater portion of these calendars are sold in advance of the New Year. Calendars are printed in English» German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Spanish, Italian, French and Japanese languages, but all foreign languages from a special edition with pictures (except cover) printed in the duo-color process. If money does not accompany order, goods will be sent C. O. D., if books are to come by mail add 1 0 % for postage.

B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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