King's Business - 1925-12

December 1925

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


such, but even so it is a joy unspeakable to be here as an ambassador for Christ. “In a few years, when we have blazed the trail, there will be many others out here telling these benighted people the story of the ‘Man of Sorrows’ of whom they have so many images and which are in reality but dolls, of wood, marble and plaster. How our hearts burn to tell them of the One who can hear their prayers and who can save them from their sins. “We start out tomorrow on a trip covering a large part of the territory further inland, if all goes well, seeking out a place for a farm where we may gather together large num­ bers of Indians and to tell them of Jesus and the Bible.” For a long time William sat with his head in his hands before writing further and then he took up his pen again. “I wish for you and yours a long and happy service for your Master. I wish you every happiness in the future in your new relationship. I shall always be glad to hear of your life and service and I thank you again for writing me and again I assure you of free and full forgiveness. “Sincerely your friend, “ (Signed) William Harmon.” Cuzco. The cathedral bells were being rung to call together a multitude to return thanks for the departure of the here­ tics. Long before the appointed time for starting, Sr. Vir- gilo came to them with news of the gathering crowds. In front of the house stood the escort, but Sr. Yirgilo advised a secret departure, and the two friends felt that his advice was worth considering when they knew of his kindly help and protection in the past. Slipping quietly from the back of the house they made their way to the waiting mules, and mounting them, rode out of the city by unfrequented streets till they reached the heights above the city. There, looking back, they could see by the aid of field glasses the waiting, expectant crowd, and realized how ineffectual a handful of soldiers would be in protecting them from an angry mob. Thankfully they started on their journey, bearing away to the east toward the high mountains they must cross before reaching the eastern slope and the low lying region beyond. William and Randall, being young and full of life, found a keen enjoyment in the trip over the lonely mountain trails. They had a feeling that they were specially in God’s care as they journeyed on. At noon they camped at a tiny moun­ tain stream, and turning the mules to graze, bathed in the clear water, prepared their lunch, and then went on their ride through the long afternoon. That first night they spent on the open mountain side, sleeping as youth is ever apt to sleep. They rose in the chill dawn, saddled their mules, drank the steaming hot coffee and were well along the way when the lazy sun put in his appearance. That night they spent in a shepherd’s hut on the mountain side, feeling. it would be warmer than the open, for the nights at that high altitude, even though in the tropics, are often bitterly cold. The hut consisted of one room, with three sides, and was thatched with straw. There were sev­ eral Indians there, and a number of foul-smelling animals, which kept up a continual disturbance during the night. Traveling was much better than putting up with such accommodations, so they made a very early start the next day, and they reached the top of the pass in the morning. CHAPTER 14 BLACK GOLD |HE next morning William and Randall rose early and were ready for departure. The authorities arranged to give them an escort of soldiers to the railway, or at least till they were well away from

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If money does not accompany order, goods will be sent C. O. D. If books are to come by mail add 10% for postage.

B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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