King's Business - 1925-12


December 1925

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

were amazed to find upon their return that the men left behind had been killed and partly eaten. They made their own escape as best they could, and a punitive expedition was sent out at once to punish the Indians; the men of this expedition were given orders to shoot every Indian on sight, and it will never be known how many were killed. William and Randall were not loathe to leave their host behind, and heedless of the warning, pushed on toward the river Inambari, which was their goal. Whether the punitive expedition taught these savages a much needed lesson or not, such atrocities upon travelers into that interior never occurred again. But what of the atrocities upon these sav­ ages by those seeking to exploit the rich resources of this land? The young men, as they advanced toward their goal and met travelers coming and going, became convinced that the world did not know half of the unnameable tortures, burnings and floggings that these dark forests witnessed over and over again. ■ They knew that only a century ago the same kind of tortures were practiced openly upon people in Lima, and that in the name of religion by the."Holy Office of the Inquisition.” They realized that those dark, hidden places of Peru were still full of horrible cruelty, and probably would be until the light of the blessed Gospel of Christ was taken to the heart of the dark forests. A sickening fear more than once crept into William’s heart, a fear he did not tell to Randall. The impression grew on him gradually, and had to do with his father. He had been told that desperate criminals from many lands came to Peru to hide, and to recoup their fortunes, and as he thought of his father’s belief that he had embezzled the money, and his uncle’s conviction that his father was probably in South America, William began to dread that among these renegades of other lands his father might be found. As they camped near the river one night, a man came to them and begged them to accompany him to a camp some twenty miles further on, to attend to one of his company who was very ill, and they had no medicines. William and Randall were not medical men, yet both had some training in the use of simple drugs, and in first aid to the injured, so in the morning they started out with the man. When they reached camp that afternoon, they found what they felt sure was a camp of renegades and the sick man was in bad condition. They gave him.quinine and what care and attention they could, and after two days he began to improve; leaving some more medicine with them, they planned to start back to their former camp. William carefully scanned every face of these men, of which there were a dozen. All of them fine looking, anyone of them might have passed for a gentleman, but one’s mind was disabused of any such idea after a few hours in camp with them. They told tales of filth and cruelty, of crime and lawlessness, apparently with no compunctions. To the two young Christians it seemed that they had fallen into a filthy mire. There was more than one educated foreigner there, and several elderly men, and it was these men that William studied with the great fear in his heart. Could one of these men be his fatlier? He sought to find out some clue, but failed utterly. These men went by nicknames, and showed a loyalty to each other that, in view of their life, was rather surprising. Heartsick, William strove to dismiss the disturbing thoughts from his mind, but ever and anon they would return. After leaving the renegades, they returned to their former camp. They saw the needs of Peru as never before. It was not only in the crowded cities the Gospel was needed, but over every foot of the ground they had passed,


Give Books

This Christmas Carefully note these attractive Gift Books for Little Folks— Juniors

Beautiful Stories Series

Young People’s Favorite Authors


We recommend the fol­ lowing l i s t of books for y o u n g people— to those who will be wanting low priced books for Christmas giving. Nothing better can be had for the price. J.Cole Miss Toosey’s Mission Swan Creek Blizzard Laddie Ye Next Thing Did the Pardon Come Too L ate? Waxwing A Day’s Time Table (T ) Baritone’s Parish The Gift The Lost Star The First Thing in the World Reliable Gospel Gift Books for Boys and Girls— If the selection is left to us we will carefully select books to the best possible value to suit boys and girls of various ages. Bright Eyes Adventure of A Sixpence Bonnie Sweet Robin Two Little Helpers At Grandpa Bogart’s By Moonlight Harry’s Invention How He Escaped Mission of a Gray Sock Railroad Building Sketches and Stories Talking It Up Thanksgiving Dinner Jessica’s First Prayer Claud’s Victory Dody and Joss Lawrence’s Lesson The Little Match Girl Lonely Lily Mike’s Angel Through Thick and Thin Violet and Dorothy

Stories from the Bible told in a manner that will be readily understood and followed by young readers.

Profusely illustrated. The F irst Christmas Once in Seven Years

The Story of the Jubilee

W ith Hammer and Nail The Story of Jael and Sisera Five Kings in a Cave The Story of a Great Battle The W isest Man The Story of Solomon A Farmer’s W ife The Story of Ruth The Man Who Did Not Die The Story of Elijah When Iron Did Swim The Story of Elisha What Is Sweeter Than Honey? The Story of Samson The Boy Who Obeyed The Story of Isaac The Farmer Boy The Story of Jacob The Favorite Son The Story of Joseph The Adopted Son The Story of Moses The Boy General The Story of Joshua The Boy at School The Story of Samuel The Shepherd Boy The Story of David The Boy Who Would Be King The Story of Absalom The Captive Boy The Story of Daniel The Boy Jesus Binding Decorated in Gold and Colors


Sunday Schoo l Teachers and others who are want­ ing several inexpensive books to use as gifts will do well to order from these lists for Little Folks. Painting Books The Coloring of the Sketches may be left to the imagination of the child. Sunday “A Delight’V—'The Paint and Pleasure Book 50c Noah’s Ark Painting Book 50c Scripture Texts Painting Book 25c Picture Sewing Book

Farm Model Book Printed in outline for col­ oring and for cutting out each subject; made with folding bracket to stand by itself. 7x10 inches 25c

Printed in dotted outlines for children to sew with col­ ored yarns to make completed pictures. 7x10 inches 15c

If money does not accompany order, goods will be sent C. O. D., if books are to come by mail add 1 0 % for postage.

B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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