King's Business - 1925-12

December 1925



K I N G ’ S


and they felt so inadequate to meet the need. There were only two of them, and there was need of hundreds of ambas­ sadors of the King of kings. They followed along the ïnambari River until they came to a good road, leading as they were told, to Lake Titicaca off to the southwest. Along this road they traveled for days toward Puno, on the lake. They were brown and hardened travelers, with a new sense of Peru’s need before them. They decided that either on the lands not far from Cuzco, or near the region of Lake Titicaca, would he the best placé for the location of such a farm as they had in mind. They were sure that if they had the money they could pur­ chase a farm having hundreds of acres, and this was the information they were eager to send home to - America. They decided to go by rail to Arequipa and to open up tem­ porary mission work there, if possible, while awaiting news from the board at home. As they were passing through the mountains about half way to Arequipa, rejoicing in their safe deliverance thus far, suddenly in one of the most lonely places they were startled by the sound of a rapidly approaching band of horsemen. The train had more than once been attacked by robbers, and evidently the crew and passengers were looking for such an event, for out came many firearms, and the passengers hurried behind seats for shields. One man on lookout duty near the end of the car gave the reports of the fast approaching band of horsemen. The engineer was clearly trying to make his engine do its best, but they were making little headway. William and Randall, crouching behind their seats, fully expected any second to hear the firing begin, but fervently and prayer­ fully they hoped the danger would in some way be averted. Suddenly, with a broad smile, the lookout held up his hand and said, “It is all right.” Many were wondering if it might be a ruse to get them all within gun range of the accomplices, and for several moments they crouched doubtfully in their places. (To be continued) I will not doubt, though all my ships at sea Come drifting, home with broken masts and sails; I shall believe the hand that never fails Prom seeming evil worketh good for me. And though I weep because the sails are tattered, Still will I cry, while my best hopes lie shattered, “I trust in Thee!” —Marvin J. Nichols.


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This Christmas

We Wish to Recommend these as Good and Helpful Books for Young People W ell known books and newly issued books of standard value. A ll packed with healthy reading — some have pictures. At 50 Cents A L ittle Card A stor a W aif of the Sea Boys of the New Testam ent Ben and K it . Boyhood of Jesus Hazel Glen L ost in the Wood Narrow Pathway Pilgrim ’s P rogress P rison er of Happy Hansel R ose R obin and May Ruth B erg en ’s Lim itation R ockabye Book

Boys In Days of Prophets Boys in P atriarch al Homes Bunny’s Friends Buy Y our Own C herries Child’s L ife of Christ Charm of the Impossible Child’s Sto ry of the Bible (A ) Dozen of Them G irls of the Bible G eordie’s V icto ry H enrick’s F orest Home H er M other’s Bible H eart of a Rose Homeward Jou rney Adventuring w ith Sister Abigail By this Sign W e Conquer B roth er L aw rence J. Cole (T h e ) Com rade In W hite Am ong th e Red Indians B asket of Flow ers Christie’s Old O rgan E ric’s Good News (T h e ) First Christmas Follow ing the G lory Fifty-tw o Bible Stories Jessica ’s M other

Stories o f School Days Stories from the L ife of Jesus T h ree T im es T h ree T h eir V acation V o ices from Nature M irren th e G ipsy G irl W e Tw elve Girls W orld of L ittle People W ood C ottage Cents (T h e ) G irl W ho W alked W ith ou t F ear L ittle M erry Xm as (T h e ) M iracle on Hermon W hy the R obin’s B reast is Red Cents Jessica ’s F irst P rayer Line Upon Line Peep of Day P recep t Upon P recep t San na’s P ray er Teddy’s Button (A ) Thoughtless Seven W ith Pu and H is Brigands

At 60

At 75

Memoirs of Mighty Men A series of m issionary biographies told in simple lan­ guage for boys and girls. T h ese life stories of the great m issionary heroes can be used as text books in young folks’ classes and as rewards and gifts. Nothing of the kind has h eretofore been available. T h ey fill a real need and will be welcomed by m issionary study class leaders. T h e follow ing titles are now ready: R obert Moffat A lexand er M ackay

T . C . HORTON , Editor-in-C hief T h e K in g’s Business, 5 3 6 -5 5 8 S. H ope St., Los A ngeles, C alifornia. D ear F riend :

Enclosed, find $ ............................................... and list of names on attached sheet of paper to which please send T h e K in g ’s Business (reg u lar p rice $ 1 .2 5 in U . S., $ 1 .5 0 for­ eign) and the K . B. Q uarterly (reg u la r 7 5 c in U . S., 9 0 c fo reig n ), for one y ear— both for $ 1 .2 5 if so specified— that these people may be “ARM ED and A RM O U R ED " for the fight in D efen ce of the Faith. Advance my own su bscription.......... ............................years. Name.................................................................................... Address...........................................................

Jo h n G. Paton W illiam C arey David Livingstone Charles H. Spurgeon G eorge Whitfield Jam es H annington

Joh n Bunyan Jo h n W esley Jo h n Knox M artin Luther

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B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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