King's Business - 1925-12

December 1925

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


THE CAROL AND THE CROSS— “Glory to God in the Highest!”

obscurity and poverty. No record is given of this period of His life. He was known as “ the carpenter’s son,” and probably worked at the carpenter’s bench. His induction into office occurred in the Jordan River where a wilderness worker baptized Him. Then fol­ lowed three years during which, with a heart full of compassion and lové, He ministered to old and young,

The wonders' of the Word of God never cease. Always, everywhere, we are confronted with marvel­ ous pictures and wonderful revelations, and here in the second chapter of Luke we have a never-to-be-for­ gotten scene :

rich and poor, day and night, accompanied by a little group of fellow w o r k e r s . Words dropped from His lips which will live throughout eternity,— words of promise and prophecy and peace. The touch of His hands meant health. His voice penetrated the caverns of death and brought life. No soul was sunken so low in depths of sin that His love could not reach and rescue. Loved of some, hated by others, He lived His short life, completed His course and delivered Himself into the hands of His enemies. There is another scene on a hillside. Three crosses are out­ lined against the sky and the Son hangs in the middle. The heavens are dark, fa-night dark­ ness at noon time. The death cry of the Son reaches Heaven. There is a hush, in Heaven and then we may be sure the courts of Heaven ring again with the angelic chorus, “ Glory to God in the highest!.” Sin’s debt is paid. The Son has triumphed over Satan. The door of Heaven is opened to sinful men. The cross gives place to the crown, and mil­ lions of saints are there to join in the chorus, ‘ ‘Glory to God in the highest !’’ Let Christmas bring to all of our “ Family” this Hallelu­ jah Chorus, and may young and old join in the anthem of

A hillside in the Land of Promise. A little band of shep­ herds keeping watch over their flocks. It is night and they are chatting together. There is a flash of light from the Heavens and the form of an angelic vis­ itor is seen. It was the “ Angel of the Lord” and the glory of the Lord enveloped him. Thè angel, addressing the awed shepherds, said : “ I am come with good tidings of great joy for you and for all people. Unto you is born this day in the City of David a Saviour.,”. And,, as the angel spoke, a mul­ titude of the heavenly host sur­ rounded him, lifting t h e i r voices in holy unison, and say­ ing, “ Glory to God in the high­ est ; and on earth,1peace to men of good will!” •What a contrast between man’s ways and God’s ways! Who are these shepherds ? They are nameless. W h e r e is the Child? In a manger in Bethle­ hem. Do wé ever hear any­ thing of Bethlehem after this? No. Do we hear anything of the shepherds? No. Why is this? “ My ways are not your ways ; neither are my thoughts. your thoughts, ’’ saith the Lord.

LOVE HAS COME Love has come to earth today, Sing! sing! celestial choir! Love has come on earth to stay, Lift the holy anthem higher. ■Let your music reach the skies Till the earthrhound sleepers rise, And exclaim with wondering eyes,— “Sweet day of days, Lo, Christ .is born! We sing.His praise, No more forlorn— Hallelujah!” Love has come on earth to live, Sing! sing! angelic host! Love has come His life to give, Laud Him to the uttermost. Let your gladsome tidings ring,. Round the world and comfort bring, Then the sad ones soon shall sing,—iiyj “Sweet day cuf days, Lo, Christ is born! We sing S is praise, No more forlorn—A Hallelujah!” ' Love has come on earth to die, Sing! sing! poor sinners, all! Lonely ones who sink and sigh, Who before the tempter fall— More than victors you may be, Love has come to. make you free, Let your hearts cry out with glee,— “Sweet day of days, Lo! Christ is born! We sing His praise, No more forlorn— Hallelujah!” —S. S: McCurry in “The Christian.”

Here is the event. Here are two or three witnesses. Here is the message : “ Glory to God in the highest!” That message has come down through the ages and will be heard the whole world ground at this Christmas time. “ Peace on earth to men of good will.” That was the greatest message ever given to the children of men. It is the Solution of all the world’s problems, if the world would only hear and heed it. , “ A Child is born,” yes,—but “ a Son is given:’1’ Whose Son? God’s only begotten Son. Given to whom? To a World of lost souls. God’s greatest gift to meet the world’s greatest need. Man surely never conceived this event and its climax. The Child grows to manhood, during thirty years of

praise brought to us from Heaven itself, “ Glory to God' in the highest ’’ ! And may the Christmas Child so dear to us have the place of honor and praise throughout all our days. CONFIRMING THE CONVERT To win men to Christ is the work of the church. Every possible legitimate means should be used to accomplish this. The instructions are definite and apply to every believer. The means and methods to be employed in this, the most joyful service committed to men, are clearly stated in the Gospels and Epistles.

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