December 1925
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
COME TO THE MANGER (Continued from page 539) The Dividing Manger
Give Books This Christmas You and your children need these books— consider them prayerfully. Poems with Power to Strengthen the Soul Compiled by Jam es Mudge If a good definition, o f poetry is “A record of the best thoughts and best and happiest minds,*’ then this volume of religious verse will be recognized as a collection of the finest known to the culling of Christian poetic thought. H ere a re the best thoughts on all su bjects that m ake for high personal ch aracter, toughening m oral fiber and helping souls Heavenward. T h e preacher, the teach er, public speakers as well as all lovers of the best will find h ere what th ey have often sought but never found.__________________ C loth, $ 2 .7 5 Children’s Stories from the Bible By Harry G. Theaker First Steps for Little Feet in Gospel Paths By Charles Foster
And so you see that manger divides the world of men and women. If a man stand upon this stone he shall he safe when the wild winds blow and the grim storms break and all the hells are loosed. But if that stone fall on a man, he shall be ground to powder. And so like that sun fitfully shining, that will make softer the wax and harder the clay, Jesus Christ of the manger comes to. you and me, and the heart gets soft or hard. And the life is open to admit Him or else the bars are closed against Him. That is what He was always preaching, that He is the decisive force of the world. Do you not remember how in His great sermon He said, “if a man heed my words and obey them, I will liken him unto a wise man which built his house upon a rock. And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house, and it fell not, for it was founded upon a rock. And if a man hear my words and disobey them, I will liken him unto a foolish man who builds his house upon the sand. And when the slanting rain smites, and the cruel winds blow, and the great floods are loosed, that house shall fall,” telling to all the world that permanency or dissolution depend altogether upon our relationship to the Christ of the manger. And that is what He said later on in His life when He affirmed in that great text that everyone here ought to know by heart. “He that believeth on the Son hath life. He that believeth not the Son shall not see life.” Only the two men in the world. And the one has, life, and the other shall never have it. And the one reason why the one lives on and the other is destroyed, is relationship to Jesus Christ. So write me down among His friends! From what I have seen of them I want to be among them. Not many wise, not many noble' are called, and yet so far as I have been able to study these humble folk who accept Jesus Christ as their Saviour, I had rather be found among them in life than among the other kind who are the deniers of the faith and the revilers of the Christ. Yes, and let me be found among these who love the Lord Jesus in death. You know I have been watching people as they said their last words in the world ere they went out into the timeless land, and from what I have seen of the way folk die, I want to be found among the friends of Jesus. H A V E Y O U S E N T Y O U R S Y E T ? “Sent what?” “Why your renewal, of course, and with it your list of Christmas G i f t Subscriptions. DECEMBER IS ALWAYS A BUSY TIME IN THE KING’S BUSINESS OF FICE, and you can greatly aid us to get through the “Christmas rush” by attending to this N O W !
328 pages; 148 illustrations This book is printed in such short, easy words, and tells with such clearness and sim plicity the precepts of Chris tian faith th at little ones 'of five and six years of age can understand and learn from it. Cloth $1.35
Forty-eight full page origi nal color plates add to the charm of this thoroughly lovely new book for small chil dren and the teen age. Cloth $2.00
How Granny Told the Bible Stories By E lean or H . Boyd T hese seven well told stories a re elegantly edited with reproductions of great paintings. C loth, $ 2 .0 0 Tell Me a True Story By Mary Stewart
The Peerless Poems of David the King A New Metrical Version of the Psalms By Miss Jane Copley All the outstanding features of the Psalms—P raise, Adora tion, Worship, Thanksgiving-— seem to be more thoroughly emphasized in poetry than in prose. Miss Copley has liter ally spent many years of her life in these Psalms, studying their every feature. And as a result of these years of appli cation, we are able to offer the finest poetic version of the Psalms that has ever been is sued. Splendidly printed from large clear broad faced type on a superior quality of paper and well bound. Cloth, $1.75
This splendid' book of orig inal stories has won a high place, not only in the hearts of children, for whom they are primarily - intended, but also among parents, kindergartners and others who have experi enced the thrill of retqjling Miss Stewart’s inimitable stor- ries to child listeners. It is a fascinating volume of “Bible Studies for the Children’s Hour,” which came quickly into deserved popularity. To have children of all ages sit spellbound through story after story only to plead for “ju st one more,” is an experience not a t all uncommon to users of “Tell me a true story.” Cloth, $1.75
The Children’s Missionary Series T h irteen splendid m issionary stories which tell of thirteen different countries, that are ju st the thing for children. These are exceptionally good books for m others who like to read or tell true, live stories to th eir little ones. Children of W ild Australia
Children of Persia Children of Ceylon Children of A rabia Children of China Children of Labrador Children of Borneo
Children of Egypt Children of India Children of Jam aica Children of A frica Children of Japan Children of Jerusalem
T hese excellen t books w ritten from the m issionary point of view all have eight full-page, highly colored illustrations which add greatly to th eir delightfulness. P rice, 9 0 c each If money does not accompany order, goods will be sent C. O. D. If books are to come by mail add 10% for postage.
B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.
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