December 1925
T H E K I N G ' S
conservation of energy asserts that the kinetic energy of the universe is a constant quantity,” then I know that to them miracles are impossible. I know that to them there is no free will, no teleology, no life beyond the grave. I know that to them there is no belief in the Biblical good and evil; that behind nature and nature’s laws are undirected chance and not a living God. I am not concerned about another world war which this sort of philosophy is bound to bring on. I am not anxious about the souls of educated men who teach this doctrine, for only the Spirit of God can convince them of their error. But I am concerned about the lives and souls of the mil lions of young people, who -are being brought up in the midst of this soul-destroying philosophy, and who are accepting it as truth. “If we could push ajar the gates of life, And stand within, and all God’s workings see, We could interpret all this doubt and strife, And for each mystery could find a key.” ’TW A S C H R IS TM A S E V E ’Twas Christmas Eve in the City, And people were buying stores; And the crowded shops were busy, As the buyers thronged the doors; But how few were buying the Truth that.told Of a Saviour born in the days of old! ’Twas Christmas Eve, and the people With parcels were passing by; The presents for little children, The gifts for the morrow nigh; But how few were wise, and their presents brought Like the wise who the infant Jesus sought! 'Twas Christmas Eve, and the postman Was passing from door to door, With greetings and invitations, And wishes a goodly store; But how few were the invitations given To the lonely Guest who had come from heaven! ’Twas Christmas Eve at the station, And packed for the journey home,. The travellers passed and hurried; Oh, when would the last one come? But how few were going the upward line That starts at the gate of the Birth Divine! ’Twas Christmas Eve; he was coming— The loved and the absent son; And the watchers watched and waited For the looked-for expected one; But how few of His Second Advent thought Whose first glad coming a Christmas brought! — (London) William Luff. “ D E F E N D T H E F A I T H ! ” ^ _ exh ort you th a t y e should earn estly contend for th e faith which was on ce delivered unto the saints ” Jud e 3. O ver Tw o Thousand “D EFENDER S O F TH E FA ITH ” invite you to jo in their ranks and help fight the d estruc tive deniers of the Word of God. E nroll a t once, and receive your “Amm unition” for carry in g on the battle m defense of the honor of our Lord, our homes and our children.
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This Christmas
Wonderful Bible Conversions B y Louis A lbert Banks
D r. Banks retells the New Testam ent accounts of some outstanding instances of conversions which occu rred dur ing the earthly life and m inistry of ou r Lord, and the days imm ediately follow ing P entecost. Tam ing the W ild Man of G ad ara;” “ T h e W om an W ho Forgo t H er W aterp o t; T h e Sin ner W ho cam e to Jesu s T hrough the R o o f;” “M ercy and Healing a t the Beautiful G a te;” “ T h e Conversion of the Chief o f Sinners”— These a re some of the chapter-titles of a book replete with evidences of C h rist’s wonderful power to forgive sins and restore m en’s souls. A fine, stirring book on a great them e. The Possibilities of Prayer By Edward M. Bounds Illustrative Prayer-meeting Talks By Louis Albert Banks, D.D. “He appeals tenderly and forcibly to the heart.”— N. Y. Review of Reviews. B y Edward M . Bounds “God gave Bounds an enlargedness of h eart and an insatiable desire to do service for Him . T o this end he enjoyed what I am pleased to term a transcend ent inspira tion, else he could never have brought out of his treasu ry things new and old far exceeding anything we have known o r read in the last half century. T h ere is no m an that has lived since th e days of the apostles that has surpassed him in the depths o f his m ar velous research into the L ife of P rayer. W esley*8 piety and genius and popularity flowed from his early life a m ajestic river. Bounds’ has been dammed up, but now it is beginning to sweep w ith resistless force and ere long he will be the m ighty Amazon of th e devo tional world.** From T h e Introduction. C loth, $ 1 .0 0 The Wonderful Names of Our Wonderful Lord By D r. T . C . H orton and D r. C harles E . Hurlburt T h ree hund red and sixty-five of tbese names Kave been selected, each of which furnishes the su bject of a wonder fully uplifting meditation. T h is book is arranged so as to m ake it easy for daily reading and when so read will en able you to really “ take the nam e of Jesus w ith you” every day. T h ese nam es were selected from both the O ld T esta m ent and the New and m ake a most interesting Bible Study in addition to the uplift of the meditation. Splendid for Christm as giving. C loth, $ 1 .5 0 R eady D ecem ber 1. A rich, exceptionally helpful addition to Dr. Bounds’ Spir itual Life Books, which deals with the place and significance prayer has in the life of the true believer. A book that emphasizes the fact that it is the privilege and duty of every Christian man and woman to pray continually for clear spir itual experience is the test of true discipleship and of vital communion with God. Cloth $1.25 “He stands for the high things of religion that take hold on the hearts of the peo ple and lift them to a higher life.”— Atlanta Christian Index. Prayer and Praying Men
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