December 1925
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
A LEAGUE OF PRAYER /, “To the Editor: Sir,—The Bishop of Glasgow, in address ing the clergy recently, delivered a fine discourse on ‘How to Pray.’ And now we have a leading London newspaper warmly commending a new ‘League of Prayer’ to all Chris tian people of all denominations,- and even those who belong to none of them, as it is certain that the fulfillment of the law of Christ would solve all the difficulties of the world. “It would appear that the appeal alluded to is from a body of private persons, who have no wish to advertise themselves, but who earnestly invite all Christians to use daily the invisible weapon of ‘all prayer’ on behalf of the nation. This is the answer to the vindictive hostility of the Bolsheviks to the Christian religion. The furious rage of the Communists against the practice of virtue is inspired by the knowledge that the bulwark of Christianity stands between them and the attainment of their vile ambitions. It is in defense of that, rampart, and the safety of our chil dren, that the invitation to private personal prayer is made. A ‘League of Prayer’ is non-political, undenominational, and independent of class; it consists of those who are moved to pray daily in private for the re-coronation of Christ as King. Nothing will suffice save an act of humiliation and repent ance in view of the blatant insults offered to His name, and as a defense against atheism, bitterness and class hatred by which the whole Empire: is threatened. The .rule of the spirit of the Gospel is incumbent on rich and poor, and if accepted equally by both, would prove the sole solution of our present troubles, and the hands of our politicians would be strengthened, society purified, churches reconciled, quar rels would cease, and a new spirit of simplicity would save the country from impending disaster. It has been affirmed that the degree in which mankind has achieved progress is directly proportionate to the degree in which the moral law has been observed. “It is hoped, then, that all Christians will unite in this act of daily intercession that the Redeemer’s kingdom may be firmly established in our land.”—Letter to The Christian Herald (London).
Give Books This Christmas Volumes concerning the deeper things— will prove a great blessing. Jesus Is Coming B y W . E . B. T his is TH E text book on the su bject of the R etu rn of the Lord. It teaches the imm inent, prem illennial, p er sonal, visible, bodily return of Christ, and we believe that a fter carefu lly reading this book everyone will have to admit that what the Bible teaches on this su b ject is abso lutely true and trustw orthy. A ll Christians who desire the right outlook on life, and the right incentive to soul winning, should com e under the influence of the teaching of this book. P ap er, 5 0 c ; C loth, 7 5 c
The World’s Greatest Need
God’s Best Secrets By Andrew Murray, If there ever was a man since the days of the Apostle Paul who h a s. dwelt in the secret place of the Most High where he could and did learn God’s Best Secrets, that man was Andrew Murray. And he is giving us eight of, these best secrets in this . book,— The Secret of Adoration, The Secret of the Abiding Presence, The Faith Life, The Secret of Fel lowship, The Secret of Inspira tion, The Secret of Interces sion, and The Secret of United Prayer. W ritten in the last days of his long and useful life, this book brings his very last word to the Christian Church. The book is made up of eight sections, each contain ing thirty-one short chapters. Each chapter has a Scripture heading so that it is particu larly helpful when used for daily meditation. Cloth $2.00
By T. E. H. Jones This volume tingles with spiritual fervor and strong sound common- sense. It fas cinates and fills with reverent delight. Each chapter’ teems with telling illustrations, and compels you to read on to the last word. There is not a dull page in it. Tells the old, old story of salvation through faith in Christ Jesus but tells it in an entirely new way. The ques tions dealt with are of vital interest to every human being. Their treatm ent is illuminat ing, enthralling, persuading. Ju st the book you need to put into the hands of intellect ual unbelievers. Cloth $2.00
Some people who profess the most do the least, because they expend all their energy in talking.
CLEAR SHINING AFTER RAIN Though dark and threat’ning be the skies, And floods and floods of sorrow rise," And our fond cherished hopes seem all in vain; The darksome clouds will make a shift, And bring to light a wondrous rift, And there will be, Clear shining after rain, Though loved ones, dear, should prove untrue, And love withheld that is our due; Till our whole frame is rent with inward pain; God is our refuge and our strength, He will bring back the loved at length And there will be, Clear shining after rain. Though ’gainst me all the world’s arrayed, I ’ll never, never be dismayed; Some day He will His purposes explain, And tell me why I suffered so. And why things were I did not know, ' And there will be, Clear shining after rain. Cheer up, faint heart, the morning light, Dispels the darkness of the night; And “what Thou doest now” will all be plain. No clouds are on the Shining Shore, But on and on, forever more, The Lord will bring, Clear shining after rain. iii^s-Amelia- M. Starkweather.
In His Image
By W illiam Jenn in gs Bryan T h e very book to show you why the world has dis cussed Mr. Bryan, and to challen ge you to a g reater love for the M aster whom he loved and served so faithfully up to the last day of his eventful life. W e cannot commend Mr. B ry an ’s book too highly. It appears a t the opportune moment, when the dark cloud of agnosticism is hanging over our educational institu tions, our churches and our homes. C loth, $ 1 .7 5 By G eorge W . Davis T his is the best single volume comm entary on the book of R evelation in print today. W e know th at that» is a big statem ent, but the book will fully back up all that w e say in its favor. It is an exceptionally well thought out book for these last days. T his book is not a book to b e m erely read and laid aside-— it is a book to be studied. If you are teaching a class in prophecy you will find “T he Patm os V ision” exceptionally helpful. P aper, 7 5 c ; C loth, $ 1 .5 0 The Patmos Vision
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