December 1925
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
MORE SPECIMENS OF BOLD IMMORALITY Rev. B. W. Miller, M. A., himself an experienced College man, gives in “The Pentecostal Herald” some further speci mens of the unbridled lust and sin of present-day college teaching. Christian parents are amazingly slow to recog nize the peril of their sons and daughters in even church colleges. We would be guilty before God if we did not per sist in warning them. The slaughter of innocents is on! Psychology as now taught is absolutely shocking. He quotes Prof. Breitweizer, of California University, as saying to his graduate class: “Check your soul at the door as you come in; modern, psychology does not recognize the exist ence of the soul.” William Jones said: “We do not need to posit the existence of; the soul.” ' Bo they teach that “criminality is not the result of debased souls, evil environ ments,, criminal associations, warped wills; it is due to im paired nerve and brain basis, distorted cranial capacities;; paralyzed intellectual and judgmental nerve centres, over- stimulation of anti-social connections! The criminal is not responsible for his crime. He is thus made and cannot help it !” “At death synoptic connections dissolve; the neurones are dissipated; the brain returns to dust-^the soul is anni hilated! Why be good? No future! No God! No heaven1 nor hell!” So students everywhere confess that faith is gone, reli gion is made a myth, God is ruled out! And all this to immature young people taught to look up to their professors and having no. way of defending their faith against such fearful onslaughts. Sociology, Mr. Miller says, is simply made “free love.’’; “Some of the greatest sociologists in America, as in Colum bia University and in California, openly teach free love;” “soul mates -should be as free to mate as the birds in spring.” In a large Eastern university, he says, the Dean, a woman, teaches and personally sanctions, free love. And biological teaching is frankly sexual, brutish, unblushing. Japanese students and Chinese students entering as con verts from mission wbrk at home^say, “My professors have robbed me of my faith. . I came to America a believer in prayer, in the Bible, and in salvation. Now all is gone!” “I am going back to India; to teach atheism and fight Christianity.” Mr. Miller gives definitely, in detail, and naming the colleges, much more of the same shocking teaching. My God! hlfsays, is there nothing can arouse American Chris tians.—C.'R. in “The Methodist.”
Give Books This Christmas To those who “think,” and those who wish for greater spirituality. Lord, Teach Us to Pray—Sermons on Prayer B y the L ate R ev. Principal A lexand er W hyte, D .D ., LL.D . In tw enty-three Serm ons, the great p reach er and e x p ositor discourses on certain Bible types ' of p ray er as illustrated by those of Moses, E lijah , Jo b , Paul and Christ, and leads us into the consideration of some aspects and methods of prayer, such as its costliness, reverence, the pleading note, the forgiving spirit, and the endless quest. T he British W eekly says: “ T his soaring book comes, from a pilot instru ctor in aviation who can teach us to mount up w ith wings because he has explored for him self the way of an eagle in the air. A volume lik e this could only proceed as D r. W hyte puts it, ‘Out of my own heart- sore experience/ Every page tingles w ith his living intercourse w ith the g race of God, the God o f g ra ce.” Rev. J. M. E . Ross, who selected and edited these dis courses, says of them : “T itan ic, colossal— nothing lik e it in the whole literatu re of the su b ject.” $ 1 .0 0
An Outline of the Books of the Bible By Jam es H. Brookes, D.D. A Re-issue of a Well-known Book of Unceasing Interest. One of the most- helpful books on the complete Bible ever issued in compact form. It presents in brief outline the principal design, together with enlightening information as to the 'real character and teach ing of each of the sixty-six Books of the Bible. A com plete course of Bible study in the most usable form. $ 1.00
Through Night to Morning By
Rev. A. C. Dixon, B.A., D.D. These nineteen discourses are among this notable preach er’s best revival sermons. They are sane, sympathetic presen tations of spiritual truth, il luminated with apt illustra tions, and marked by a keen understanding and apprecia tion of the deep meaning of the teachings of Christ. $1.50
What a little thing would change the life of many churches,—just “a-cord”—Xaccord) •
Fields of Glory
B y Russell H. Conwell, D.D . P astor B aptist T em p le, Philadelphia
That Dr. Conwell can still produce work of equal brilliancy and literary quality with “Acres of Diamonds” is amply demon strated by the contents of “Fields of Glory.” Clear thinking, illustrations which almost entirely consist of incidents selected from his own 1 wide experience of men and movements, high idealism, and eloquent language are charac teristics which loom large on every page of Dr. Conwell’s latest book. , $1.25
EVANGELIST GIVES THANKS FOR VICTORIES Rev. Arthur J. Smith, 153 Onslow Place, Kew Gardens, L. I., asks us to unite with him in thanksgiving for wonder ful victories which the Lord gave in recent meetings, not ably the conversion of a city physician (a deist); a moon shiner who had not been to church for twenty years, and a wealthy merchant who was converted at the death bed of his wife. He asks prayer that he may be given strength and spiritual power as. he continues his labors.
The Bible and Spiritual Life By D r. A . T . Pierson
A book .that will do much toward deepening the spiritual life of everyone who reads it. It shows the very vital relationship that the Bible has with the spiritual life of the Christian and then shows that life can be developed by properly studying the Bible. The following are some of the important themes treated. The Bible as God’s Book— The Bible as Man’s Book— The Prob lem of the Family— The Church of God— The Problem of the Individual Man— The World That Now Is— The Unseen World of the Spirits— The Problem of Salvation— The Problem of Faith — The Problem of Prayer-—Fellowship with God— The Problem of Service— The Problem of Suffering— The Problem of Provi dence-—Thie Mystery of History. Cloth, $2.00
If God blesses others why not bless God that He does?
Rev. Robert L. Selle, D. D., of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Conference Evangelist of the, Oklahoma Conference of the Methodist, Episcopal Church, will spend the winter and probably longer in California, with his headquarters at Santa Ana. He will conduct a series of evangelistic meet ings in that city beginning Nov. 8 and running probably until the first of December. Dr. Selle has held successful revivals in Oklahoma City, Wichita, Kansas City, Saint Louis, Dallas, Port Worth, Little Rock, Asheville, Bristol and many other cities. The King’s Business welcomes him to the Coast and hopes that he may see multitudes of souls converted to God in this part of the vineyard.
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B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.
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