T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
December 1925
In what land have the Jews been put to shame more than in Russia? There God’s ancient people have been shot down in the streets like dogs; have been butchered and quartered like cattle and exposed in the stalls of the meat-shopS; have been sent to the mines of Siberia to die like slaves. Well, it is significant to know that in the land of shame and suffering almost sixty per cent of the movable prop erty has passed- from the Russians into Jewish hands. One-third of the railway systems of Russia is owned and controlled by Jews. Such was the influence and eminence of a certain Jew named Polikoff that at a. banquet held in the University of Petrograd this man’s health was proposed after the rulers. When the World War broke out it was found that Jewish refugees from Russia had over ?200,- 000,000 deposited in German banks. And at the present time there is in Russia a large army of. trained and disciplined Jewish soldiers ready to espouse, the cause of their oppressed countrymen at a moment’s notice. With reference to this army I will quote from a dispatch sent recently from Odessa; “For the first time since the days recorded in the Bible the Jewish peo ple have a large army capable of pro tecting the lives and interests of 5,000,000 of their race living in Rus sia. It was organized in secret a year ago; and this army has grown until it approximates 500,000 strong. It is well 'equipped with rifles, munitions and machine guns. Branches of it exist in every city of the Ukrainian republic having Jewish populations.” —-The Trumpeter for Israel. “A LITTLE WHILE” “F o r y et a little while, and he that. sh all ' come w ill come, and w ill not ta rry .” “We know that/ when he sh all appear, we sh all be lik e him .” A little while and Christians’ tear- dimmed eyes Shall clearly gaze on splendors of the skies. A little while and saints’ dust-covered feet Shall walk the golden sands of heaven’s street. A little while and all our feeble hands Shall wave their palms before the angel bands. A little while and lisping, wav’ring lips Shall shout and sing in Christ’s celes tial trips. A little while and changed our mortal frame Shall praise and glorify the Master’s name. A little while and Christ’s frail mortal child Shall be “like him” with His own glory filled. —F. M. Waehlte, in “The Faith.” ,
ANTHROPOLOGY — will b e discussed by the well-known B ible Teacher, Author and Lecturer,— Dr. F. E. Marsh, o f Lon don, England. T h e foremost question b efo re the world— both scientific and religious— today, is that o f Evolution, and no man is better fitted to write upon this particular phase o f that sub ject than Dr. Marsh. Tho se who have en joyed his splendid messages on **The B ib le” during the past year will eagerly welcome the forth coming series. REMEMBER that Th e King’s Business S. S. Quarterly car ries splendid helps on BO TH the IN TERNA T IONA L and W HO LE B IB L E SE R IE S , and that BO TH the Q U A R T E R L Y (regularly 75 c per y e a r), and M ON TH LY (regularly $ 1 . 2 5 per y e a r), may be secured for the special price o f $ 1 . 2 5 per year if so specified. T h e Quarterly m ay be obtained separately, if desired, for 75 c per year. DON’T FORGET that we are “COUNTING on Y O U” to help put T h e King’s Business on a self-supporting basis, by increasing the circulation— the ON LY way in which it can be done. R ead the editorial “T h e Best Business,” on page 4 6 9 , look at the inside back cover, and then take this November copy o f your magazine, and a copy o f the “O ct.-N ov .-D ec.” S. S. Quarterly, with you the very next time you visit a friend who is not already a subscriber, calling their attention to the different departments,— the timely Editorials, the stimulating and strength ening Contributed Articles; the inspiring reports o f G od ’s bless ing upon the Evangelistic Activities o f the B ib le Institute o f Los Angeles; the splendid Serial Story, “Fine Gold” by Joseph ine Hope W estervelt; the really helpful Helps for Preachers and Teachers, (B ib le Outlines, Illustrations, etc) ; the “Defenders of the Faith” page; the Outline Studies in the Epistles of John; the lovely little “Children’s Garden” . (T h e King’s Business Jun ior Magazine) ; the Comments on the Christian Endeavor Topics, from a strictly evangelical and evangelistic standpoint,— in fact a veritable storehouse o f good things for every member o f the family, amply justifying its claim to b e TH E B IB L E FAM IL Y MAGAZ INE . Use the coupon on page 5 2 2 for sending in the new sub scriptions, (together with your own renewal, if d u e ), following them with your prayers. T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S 536-558 So. Hope St. Los Angeles, Calif.
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