December 1925
K I N G ’ S
Here’s your chance to get those books STDCC you’ve been wanting Absolutely • H t t W e offer you the following books as premiums for new subscriptions to The King’s Business and K. B. Sunday School Quarterly: FOR 1 NEW SUBSCRIPTION an y one o f th e follow ing:
W hy I Believe in the V irgin Birth — Wm . Evans, ........................................................cloth 1 .0 0 Jesu s is Com ing— W . E . B ................. C loth $ .7 5 W hy I R e je c t the H elping Hand of M illennial Dawn— W . C. Stevens............4 0 $ 1 .1 5 FOR 4 NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS an y one of th e follow ing: Fine Gold— Josep hine Hope W esterv elt— cloth $ 1 .2 5 T h e Conflict— E lizabeth Knauss.........................cloth 1.25 In T h e Tw inkling of an E ye— Sydney W atson ............... cloth 1.25 T h e M ark of the Beast— Sydney W atson— cloth 1 .2 5 S ca rlet and Purple— Sydney W atson............. cloth 1 .2 5 T h e Patm os V ision— Geo. W . Davis................ cloth 1 .7 5 Jam ison’s Comprehensive Bible C h a rt......... cloth 1 .2 5 FOR 5 NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS an y one of th e follow ing: In C h rist Jesu s: T h e Sp here of the Believer’s L ife— A . T . P ierson.............................ex tra cloth $ 1 .5 0 T h e Passing of “T h e Word**— Helen Henshaw .. 1 .5 0 P erp lexing Passages in the Fou r Gospels — K eith L . B rooks..................................................cloth 1 .5 0 P ersonal and P ractical C hristian W ork — T . C . H orton........................................................cloth 1 .5 0 FOR 6 NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS an y one of th e follow ing: Know ing the Scriptu res— D r. A . T . P ierson cloth $ 2 .0 0 T h e Bible and Spiritual Life — D r. A . T . P ierson ............................................ cloth 2 .0 0 T h e P eerless Poem s of David the King — Ja n e Copley .............................. ....................... .cloth 1 .7 5 T hin gs New and Old— D r. C. I. Scofield....... cloth 2 .0 0 Studies in the L ife and T eachin gs of O ur Lord — R . A . T o rrey ....................................................... cloth 2 .0 0 T h e Summarized Bible— K eith L. B rooks__ cloth 2 .0 0 God’s B est Secrets— Andrew M u rray ............cloth 2 .0 0 T h e Patm os V ision— G eorge W . Davis.......... cloth 1 .2 5 T h e W orld’s G reatest Need — T . E . H . Jo n e s...:............................................ cloth 2 .0 0 T h e Revival a t Broad L ane— K ate Drew ........cloth 1 .7 5 O r if you send in two or m ore you can m ake up any com bination you w ant ju st so the com bination price does not exceed 6 5 c for 2, $ 1 .1 5 for 3, $ 1 .4 0 for 4, $ 1 .6 5 for 5, $ 2 .0 0 for 6, $ 2 .4 0 for 7, $ 2 .6 5 for 8. $ 3 .1 5 for 9, $ 3 .4 0 for 10, $ 3 .6 5 for 11, or $ 4 .0 0 for 12. T his is an unusual opportunity to secu le the books you have been w ishing for Christm as gifts o r for your own lib rary. A little effort ju st now will secure every title you may w ish for. S T A R T TO D A Y 1 The King’s Business 536-558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, California Divine Unity of the Scrip tu res — Adolph Sap h ir ...................— .................. cloth 1 .5 0
D eath D efeated and Defied— R . A . T o rrey ............. $ .2 5 C hristian Scien ce and the W ord— F ra n k Huling.. .2 5 T ru th for You— J. H . Samm is..........................1................. 2 5 D iary of a D o ctor’s Son— K eith L . B roo k s.......... . .2 5 T h e G row ing Church— Cleland Boyd M cA fee............2 5 H igher C riticism— D r. R . A . T o rre y ................................2 5 Is Salvation Safe— K eith L . B rooks..................................... 2 5 K ey W ords to the K ing’s T reasu ry combined with W atch W ords for the K in g’s Servants— C. E . P axon .................------................... ...........—..................2 5 T h e Shepherd Psalm— D r. R . A . T o rrey—....... ............. 2 5 T h e Lord from Heaven— S ir R obert A nd erson............2 5 Jesus, Prophet, P riest and King — D r. R . A . T o rrey — —.............................. 3 5 M ysteries of the Kingdom— W . C . Steven s.......... .3 5 T rium phs of the C ross— W . C . Stevens........................3 5 T h e P rop h et Jon ah— D r. A . C . D ixon.......... >~i—— .2 5 R ansackin g the Scrip tu res— K eith L . B roo k s........ .2 5 W hat Saith the Scriptu res— K eith L . B ro o k s...... .2 5 W hy I R e je c t the H elping Hand of M illennial Dawn— W . C. Steven s..................... .4 0 Satan— Lew is Sp erry C h afer...... ......................................... 2 5 Simple Lessons in Bible M arking — K eith L . B rooks— ............................................... »25 Strongholds of T ru th— W . H. Griffith T hom as............2 5 T h e T im e of the End— W . E . C ap erton..........................2 5 T h ese Prem illennialists, W ho A re T h ey ? — T . C. H orton .................................................. .—— .2 5 T h e Tw o G enealogies— J. C . Stillion...............................2 5 FOR 2 NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS any one of th e follow ing: T h e R etu rn of the Lord Jesus — R . A . T o rre y— ..................... ....................p a p er .5 0 Scriptu ral Inspiration vs. Scien tific Im agination — R iley ..................................................................... paper .5 0 T h e L aym en’s H andbook of Daniel — G. A . B riegleb................ .— ..............................................5 0 Jesus, Prophet, P riest and K ing D r. R. A . T o rrey ..................................................C loth .5 0 Matthew ’s Gospel Self Interpreted K eith L . B rooks..................................... .................... — .5 0 T h e Son of God— K eith L. B rooks.....................................5 0 T h e Son of Man— K eith L . B roo k s........................ . .5 0 Suggestive Lessons on the T ab ern acle — Mrs. A . L. Dennis.......... ....................................................5 0 W hy I am a Christian— D r. A . C. D ixon....................... 5 0 Jesu s is Com ing— W . E . B ................................. paper .5 0 FOR 3 NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS any one of th e follow ing: Serm on Illustrations from the Bible — K . L . B roo k s....... ....................... ........................... — $ 1 .0 0 P erplexing Passages in the F ou r Gospels — K . L . B rooks................................................................ 1 .0 0 T h e V irgin B irth— Wm . Evans........................... C loth 1 .0 0 T h e Divine Unity of the Scrip tu res— A . Sap hir.. 1 .0 0 T h e L aym an’s Handbook of Daniel — G. A . B riegleb...................-.............................C loth 1 .0 0 Old T estam ent Types— W . B. R iley............. $ .4 0 Prophet, P riest and K ing — D r. R . A . T o rre y .................................................6 5 $ 1 .0 5
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