King's Business - 1925-12

December 1925


K I N G ’ S



THE KING’S BUSINESS INDEX TO VOL. 16 GENERAL INDEX Best Books .... 8 6 , 132, 170, 220, 275, 318, Bible Institute Happenings..............28, 79, Bible Institute in China..............16, 68 , 111, 159, 209, 261, 308, 356, 396, 431, 481, 553 Cartoons ............7, 53, 1.03, 150, 247, 293, 341, 381, 420, 469 Children’s Garden.. .........„25, 75, 119, 167, 217, 271, 315, 365, 403, 437, 485, 557 Christian Endeavor Topics...... 24, 77, 118, 166, 216, 270, 317, 364, 402, 439, 487, 559 Current Comment..............15, 67, 110, 208, 260 Defenders of the Faith................23, 74, 117, 164, 214, 268, 313, 362, 400, 435, 483, 555 Editorial................ 3, 51, 101, 149, 195, 245, 291, 339, 379, 419, 467, 533 Evangelistic Dept.........................17, 69, 112, 160, 210, 263, 309, 358, 397, 432, 478, 550 Family Circle.................................22, 73, 116, 163, 213, 267, 312, 361, 399, 434, 482 554 Iowa Christian Fundamentals Association 391, 444, 580 Pointers for Preachers and Teachers.—2 1, 72, 115, 162, 212, 266, 311, 360, 398, 405, 440, 488, 586 122, 177, 273, 560 Straws and Symptoms.........307, 355, 395, The Chosen People, the Land, the Book.... 430, 477, 549 Abell,. Marion A..................................... Aeschliman, Rene A......................................106, 155 Bauman, Louis S.......................................................55 7 Barber, Margaret E .............................................. 496 Belden, A. D............................................................... 538 Bettes, O. H. ......;...................... 54 Bender, Robtert H........................20, 71, 114, 171, 210, 264, 321, 359, 406, 447, 479, 551 Blanchard, Charles A.......................................... 179 Bole, S. J ..................199, 252, 298, 348, 384, 424, 475, 547 Breed, David R ...............................................203, 471 Brooks, Keith L. ................................. Bryan, William Jennings ................................... 297 Burrell, David Jam es ............................................ 1 I Cant, David ........................................... 19, 70, . 127, 172, 211, 264, 367, 407, 446, 494, 570 Ch’eng, Marcus ................................. 427 Copley, Jan e ...........................67 - Copeland, A. Reilly........................................ 254 Copley,'A lbert 302 Conners, F. A..................................... 222 Cooke, Mrs. Allyn ................................................ 205 Cooke, T. F.............................. 1 , 444 Gartrell, E. H............................................................ 473 Graebner, Theo. ................................................... 60 Hale, W. R ..............................22, 73, 116, 152, 163, 213, 267, 312, 361, 399, 434, 482, 554 Hartley, Gertrude ........ ¿.'X a L; 255 Haus, Kate H. ...^—.............................................. 460 Hinson, W. B ...................................................... 423 " 539 Hodgson, Homera .......................................248* 496 Holloway, T. T ........................................ 63 Horton, T. C....3, 23, 27, 5 1, 74, 78, 101, 117, 121, 149, 164, 165, 195, 214, 215, 245, 268, 269, 291,313,314,339, 362, 363, 379, 400, 401,419,435,436, 467, 483, 484, 533, 555, 556 Jones, J. Ernest .........................................................13 Jordan, Nora E ........................................................ 219 Keller, Frank A..............................16, 68 , 111, 159, 209, 261, 308, 356, 396, 431, 481, 553 Keyser, Leander S ....................12, 201, 347, 382 Lacy, Carleton ...........................262 Landon, W. B ............................... j .......... ............. 545 Machen, J. Gresham ...................... .249 Maclnnis, John Murdoch...................58, 242, 53 7 MacLennan, A. Gordon............................ 105 Marsh, F. E ..........9, 62, 107, 156, 194, 200’ 253, 300, 350, 388, 428, 474, 546, 562, 604 MacLennan, Stewart P ..................................... a 294 Meader, Sophie Shaw...................25, 75, 118, 167, 217, 271, 315, 365, 403, 437, 485, 557 433, 480, 552 29, 239, 283, 327, 500, 582 AUTHORS Day, Dorothea .. Davis, Jam es J... Dixon, A. C. ...... Fabricius, Jacob Fisher, Wm. A.. F itt, F. W ............. Frost, Henry W. ..... 512 ... 10 ..... 422 ..... 339 10, 104 ..... 564 ..... 518

188 114, 142, 161, 211, 239,280, 283, 310, 327 Welliver, Jam es P .................................................. 543 Wells, Richard ............ 472 Westervelt, Josephine Hope.... 14, 66 , 109, 158, 207, 258, 306, 353, 393, 429, 476, 548 Young, Robert .......................... I__ 392 EDITORIAL Applying the Implied ......................................... 53 Armoured and Armed ........................................! 4 Best Business ............................69 Eest Books ................................................................535 Best Books vs. Baneful Books........................ 5 Bryan’s Benediction ........................................... 534 Bryan the Brave— “Defender of the Faith’’ 379 Challenge from The Children’s Garden..... 54 Cheating the Church of its Christ................ 34 1 City of Tadmor ................ ;................................ 5 Confirming the Convert:......!............................. 533 Cordial Invitation ................................................ 248 Crime Cure ................................................................ 196 Crushing thè Church of Christ....................... 381 D ictator’s Dictation .......................................... 293 Distrust and Destruction .................................. 1.02 Eclipse of the Son............................................... 150 Evidence of Experience .................................... 54 Finger Prints vs. Nail Prints......................... 52 Fixed Foundation ................................................ 420 God’s Word W o rk s......................................l....... 3 79 God’s Heroes in His Hall of Fame.............. 291 Grateful Acknowledgment ............................... 15 1 Have a Heart ............................. 101 How to Live a Happy Life........................^.. 149 Lads and Lassies ................................................ 5 Laxity in Law Enforcement—«........................ 245 Living Word and W ritten Word are One 469 Love Lingo .......................................................... 102 Love and Loyalty to Our Lord.......................380 Loyaity to Our Lord........................................... 3 Making of Real Men ...................._.... !.... .......... 246 Man’s Weak Weapon vs. God’s Wonderful Word ....................................•_........ 247 Medernists’ Model ............... 103 Mending Broken China...:.............. 536 Menace of the Moss.................................... 53 Modern Samson ..................................................... 150 Money for Our Master.................... ................... 196 Mouse in the Meal ................................................ 340 News from Northfield and the Moody Muddle ................. 470 Obscuration of the Old Fashioned Home.. 104 Oìd-Fashioned Christian Family A ltar...... 339 Pathetic Picture — ................ 341 Philosophy of Prayer................................... 4 19 Plea to the Pulpit..............................................V 4 6 7 Poison Preachers and Professors................. 52 Power that Pushes the Pawn........................ 420 303 McCurry, S. S......................... 533 McDougal, Elliot C................................................ 202 McKenrick, Fred H.................. 206 Massee, J.. C.„................................................... ..... 5 7 Matthews, Mark A............ 56 Monro, Hugh R................... ....................'.............. 391 Morgan, V. V ...............24, 77, 113, 118, 166, 216, 270, 317, 364, 402, 439, 487, 559 Nay* Burton L ........................................ 65 Nygren, David F. ............. 342 Olney, William ............... - . 3 Orwig, A. W ...................................... ........83, 85, 572 Pearson, Claude H................................18, 70, 114, 161, 21 1, 280, 359, 408, 432, 495, 550 Pike, W. H. .......: | v:£.*.......... .......... ......... 169 Polsue, Dorothy B ......... .'....^..1......................... 5 1 6 Rawlings, W. H....................................................... 542 Reid, John G................................................... 15 7, 541 Reitzel, Chas. F ......................1................................. 386 Reynolds, Marion H............................ 19, 94, 113, 160, 211, 265, 310, 368, 397, 478, 570 Ridout, G. w . 343 Riley, W. B ................................................................ 198 Roads, Charles ........................................................ 8 Rodeheaver, Homer .............................................. 575 Sammis, John ...........2, 506 Sanford. George A.............-'-.'.-.•■1^81881. 491 Scott, Charles Ernest .......•..... .......................... 204 Shepard, Fred Scott ........:......... ........................ 10 Smith, Wade C. „.................................................... 304 Starkweather, Amelia M.......... >................ 144, 497 Stein, Elfreda— ................28, 79, 122, 177, 273 Stewart, Mrs. Lyman..................17, 69, 112, 160. 210, 263, 309, 358,397, 432, 478, 550 Strehlke, Louis F—................................................ 404 Thomas, Martin Luther.................................... 295. Talmage, T. DeW itt............................................. 154 Trumbull, Charles Gallaudet__.•....................... 153 Vaus. Jas. A....................................... 18, 29, 71,

Practical Aspect of Our Lord’s Appearing 246 Prayer the Percursor of Revival................ 380 Preacher and People ............. ! . - . . . 4 President’s Prayer .............................................. 51 President Seals His Official Oath of Office 15 1 Present Peril .............................................................421 Real Revival ............................................ j.......;... 195 Reasonable Reason for Giving Thanks....... 467 Record Reflections ............ 3 Respected Representatives ...... .......... ...I..... 103 Satan’s Stronghold .............................................. 340 'Serpent’s Sting ...................................................... 291 Service, the Saint's Obligation........................ 339 Side by Side— the Deicides.—. . . . 1 9 7 T act in the Use of T racts.................................. 292 The Carol and the Cross................................. 533 The Master’s Message to the Modernists.. 535 Universal Testimony to thè Undying Truth of God’s Word.............:........................ 195 Urgent Urge of the Gospel...............!.......... 292 Wealth-—Words— Work ............................. 468 Wheelbarrow Wisdom ............!......................... 4 19 Words from the Wounds of Jesus.............. 149 World’s Christian Fundamentals Conference ................................. 248 Yoking the Youth of America........................ 342 CONTRIBUTED ARTICLES Another Opponent of Special Creation....... 382 A Reminder, a Warning, and an Exhortation 546 A Sjlent God: Unscriptural, Unnatural, and Unhistorical ........................,.................... 53 7 Banker Who Banks on the Bible................... 202 Baptist Bible Union ........................................... 390 Books of the Bible .............................................. 255 Bright Side of Death............................................ 422 Bugle Call of God.'.................................... 423 C i 2 H 2 2 O 11 : Chemistry and Criticism ......... 545 Can a Christian Do W ithout the Church? 303 Christian Club for Christian Young Men.. 205 Come to the Manger ................:___539 Consecration of Courage.................................. 57 •Crisis in the Church ................... ........i...—...... 295 Divided House.......................................................... 345 Divisions of Bible Doctrine............................ 62 Duty of Intolerance...................... ....................... 256 Echo from the Presbyterian General Assembly .......................................................... 294 Educating Moral Idiots........... ............................. 7 Evolution of Man: the Verdict of History 60 First Bible Conference......................................... 472 Fishermen’s Club ..................!................................ 294 Funda.mentals ................ —................................... 1 1 Gathering of the Tribespeople........................ 205 Ground of Thanksgiving .................................. 198 Habeas Corpus? ..........................;....................... 157 Haeckel and His Accusers ............................... 201 “If I May But Touch!’’...................................... 541 Immanuel: A Christmas Meditation.......... 538 Importance of Bible Doctrine.!..!...................... 9 Is America Becoming Pagan?....................... 84 John G. Paton: Servant of Christ................. 425 Kingdoms of This World.................................. 248 Language of a Layman....................................... 473 Language of a Layman on the Old-Fashioned Religion ............................... 10 Lim itations of Scholarship................... 203 Laymen’s Work: Past and Present.............. 302 Marvelous Story of Conversion from . Bolshevism to Christianity ........................ 25 7 Man’s Questions and God’s Answers........... 105 Messiah of the Old Testament Prophecy.. 254 Mouse in the Meal ..................... ............................. 8 Nanyoh: China a t Worship............................... 58 Personal Christian Work................................. 83 Philosophy of the Death of Christ.... 106, 155 Pioneering in Kenya Colony, A frica......... 206 Pressing Need ................................. 65 Prophecy and the Bodily Resurrection__ 153 Pulpit Notices Old and New.......... ........... . 13 Reasonableness 'o f M iracles...... ,............ 63 Salvaged ................................................................. 3 04 Satan’s Triangle.... 199, 252, 298, 348, 384, 424, 475, 547 Shall We Modernize the Faith ?..................... 343 Shall We Part W ith John Three Sixteen? 391 Scriptures Accurate in Their Prophecies.. 200 Scriptures Authoritative in their Utterance ...................................................... 388 Scriptures Complete in Their Structure.... 107 Scriptures Divine in Their Enshrinement.. 300 Stronghold of Fundamental Doctrine...... . 108 Scriptures Peculiar in Their Adaptation.... 350 Scriptures Significant in Their Emphasis 474

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