King's Business - 1925-12

December 1925

T H E K I N G ’'S B U S I N E S S


Irish Missionary Deputation to Canada and U. S. A...................................... ...........499 “I will Come Again” (Poem).M^.,.............. 516 Jewish Developments in Russia..................... 604 Keep Posted bn Evolution................................. 347 Light on Mormonism .............................-........... 236 Love Has Come (Poem )— — .....—........... — 533 Love’s Purpose (Poem) ....................-........—- >0 Make it Plain!.........................................—............. 450 Missionary Conference of Long Island....... 285 Missionaries Wanted a t Once!..................... 370 Moody Colportage Distribution— ...........128 More Specimens of Bold Immorality............ 603 Mute Strings Speak Again...... 5 J2 My Captain (Poem )............................... 4 .............-.512 My Cup Runneth Over (Poem ).....496 My Prayer (Poem) —............................... ....— 460 Never Alone (Poem )............................................. 144 New- Efficiency Tool.............................................. 371 New Whole Bible Lesson Course................... 82 No Room in the Inn..........-............................... 801 Old Sheets Needed ............................................... 523 Qur New Dean ................................................."--- 242 Outline Studies in the Book of Jude....27, 78, 121, 165, 215, 269, 314, 363 Outline Studies in the Epistles of John 401, 436, 484, 556 Out on Life’s Mighty Sea (Poem ).............. 85 Pastor Monsky, of Austria, Visiting America ............................................... 155 Pen Jabs ................................................... Pithy Paragraphs .....................................- ........ ¿19 Pithy Paragraphs ..................................-....... —- -584 Praise! (Poem ) ...............................-......453 Prayer (Poem) ...................................-........ 455 Praise the Lord W ith Glad Rejoicing! (Poem) ............................... M l ........ 52 Praise Ye the Lord! (Poem ) —-... 467 Refreshing Revival in Arizona................ ...... 322 Rejoice! (Poem ) .................................................. 287 Remarkable Results of Modernistic Reckoning ................................-.................;— 225 "Resolved, T hat Evolution as Taught in Our Schools is Unscientific, Unscrip- tural, and Anti-Christian” ..................... .... 409 Revival Fires in Northern Ireland.............. 35 7 Secretary W ilbur’s Sunday............................... 155 "Seekest Thou Great Things?” (Poem )— 43 Seventh Annual Christian Fundamentals Convention ........................................214 Some Advantages of the Evening School 169 Some Summer Conferences............................... 276 Southwest Bible and Missionary Conference ................................................. —— 523 Statement of Appreciation .....................----- 55 Statement of Doctrine,B.I.O.L.A............305, 490 Stir Me Into a Flame (Poem )........................ 101 Summer Bible Conferences.............................- 3 70 Summer School of Music of the John Brown University —.......... . 278 T. C. Horton Feted by His Friends——.— 152 Tell Temperature ................................................... 227 The Best We Have (Poem )..............——....... 192 The Bible ...........W ........ 126 The Book of Books........................................... —- ¿0 The Bookl (Poem) .............H .........-~v -- 342 The Bridge at Nan Yoh Kisi..............—— 538 The Christian and His Christ........................ 600 "T he Conflict” ..........r -...........................-22 The Fishermen’s Club of Long Beach......... 387 The Greatest Person in the Universe. (Poem) .........i...-—............... --................... -—— ¿82 The International Fishermen’s Club—.......... 536 The Isle of Cyprus ..............-..................-........... 123 The Gospel in Bible Lands.............................. 406 "The Joy of the Evening School” (Words and Music) ....................................... 189 The King’s Business for 1926........................ 536 The Late Dr. Arthur T. Pierson on Higher Criticism ..............— 491 The Little Behind-Hand Man— ................... 128 The Mary-Martha Home for Girls......... 450 The Moody Memorial Church..........------ 5 74 The National Debt.;¿i¿.íL......— — 5 71 The Old Hymns (Poem )...— -......................... 601 The Revelation of Jesus Christ.................... 524 "The Sacrifice of Thanksgiving”................ 284 The Story of the “Glory Song”................... 575 The Word Made Flesh (Poem )..................... 564 The Word of God in the Garden of Russia 265 The World wide Revival Prayer Movement ............................-........................ 277 “Then Shall I Know” (Poem )................ - 197 "Then Shall I Know” (Poem )..................... 448 Thirty-Nine Lessons on the Fundamental Doctrines of the Word of God................... 191 Three Days of Intercession Ending W ith "W atch Night”................. T.— ......... 573 ’Twas Christmas Eve (Poem ).......... . 599 Washington’s Prayer for the United- States .......... -- ---......... ,5 1 Welcome Words from the Family Circle.. 74 What Bible Publishing Means .................... 498 Where the Garden of Eden W as Located 38 Whole Bible Lesson Series for 1926............ 562 Will They Obey "Symbolically” ?.—.«...—. 47 Your Need and Mine (Poem ).......................... 96

Section of the Great Pyramid at Gizeh, Cairo, Egypt ............................................—- 60 Some Fruits of Missionary Effort in Kenya Colony, Africa ..............—.................. 206 Some Graduates of High School and Training Institute, Mt. Lebanon, Syria 406 Street Scene in Jerusalem ...................... —- 290 Students of Hainan Bible Institute, China 442 Sunday Afternoon Meeting of Long Beach, Calif., Fishermen’s Club................ 387 Surgical Instruments Used by Roman Physicians Two Thousand Y ears Ago 61 T, C. Horton Feted by His Friends...— ..... 152 T. C. Horton, Superintendent Emeritus, Bible Institute of Los Angeles.......— ....... 54 Today Is as Yesterday in Nazareth........... 544 Two Chinese Students .-,...¿¿'¡272 Where the Gospel Rings Out in Chicago.. 574 W. B. Riley, D. D........-........................................... 198 William Ewart Gladstone ............................... 255 William Jennings Bryan ...............................—- 378 MISCELLANEA Abundant Entrance .......... . . . . . . 5 0 5 Across the Continent by Faith..................... 2 19 A Captive Delivered— ............33 A Christian College —. — '9 A Fisherman in China.ii^...-.------..................... ¿42 A League of Prayer..r, . . : . 602 “A Little While” (Poem )........— ............. 188 “A Little While” (Poem )......................... 604 A Loyal Layman Laid to Rest........-............ 466 A Manifesto and Call to Arms.............— ... '523 A Memory Study on the Books of the Bible............M | ................ ...... 492 A ‘Minister’s Message on Public Schools.. 5/9 A Momentous Decision ................ .................-- 392 A New Fundamental Premillennial Church 32 1 A Night of Prayer— Why Not in Our Day? - ....................................... M ......... . H A Seven-Fold Royal Bestowment (Poem ) 194 A Street Scene in Jerusalem ...........,................ 290 A Successful Texas Revival.................... 285 A Tour of Palestine and Egypt..................... 323 A Unique M inistry................. ......— .......— 274 A Vacation W ith Spiritual Refreshment,. 285 All Needs Met (Poem )......................................- ¿06 An Advent Hymn (Poem )....... -............ 590 An Eight Months’ Revival in Des Moines, Iowa........... ........-V--...... *25 An Evangelist Who Almost Fell by the Wayside ................ 1............... .................41,,... 587 Appreciated Appreciations ............................. 562 Armored for Action! (Poem ).......................... 2 9 J As Told by Themselves.................................... 3 7 I Battling for the Bible................. . 223 "Before the Foundation ofthe World ...... 496 "Being Justified Freely by His Grace” (Poem ) .........1 ............---......... S ...............54 Big Meeting in Lynn, Mass.............................. 2 /o "B iola” - (W

Scriptures United in Their Testimony...... 156 Scriptures Unique in Their Details.............. ¿53 Separateness of the Church.............-...........--- 249 Seventh Annual Convention World's Fundamental Association — -— - ....... 299 Some First-Hand Facts About Marshal Feng Yu-hsiang .........—........B S H R B s B 427 Scriptures Stamped by Christ s Testimony 425 Terrible Question ....................... -MrM-**— ^04 Threefold Program of the Trinity................ 56 The Angelic Song ........------————— ....... 542 Titles are Sometimes Misleading—1.............. ID “They Have Taken Away My Lord”......... 297 Tomb of Destiny.................................................... True Basis of Christian Unity...........-........... 566 Vulnerable Points in the Evolution Theory 12 Was Mary a "Youthful Spouse Recently Married"? ....................................... ¿43 Way to the Truth........................¡É.......1~ ......... 7 '* Who Is Responsible?........................................... ILLUSTRATIONS Abraham Lincoln’s Bible —— ........................ 50 A Modern "Ford” of the Jordan..................... Amzi Clarence Dixon . . . . .........-................. 422 A Poor Unsaved Chinese.................... .............. 5 15 "Aunt Sophie” and "Uncle Joshua .-........-.- 55/ Band of Hunan Bible Institute Students 209 Bethlehem ........................................................... 539 Bible on Which George Washington and Warren G. Harding Took Oath of Office 50 Biola Evangelistic Band No. 1................ - 481 Biola Evangelistic Band No. 2...................... 356 Biola Evangelists Putting Up Gospel Posters .......~......................................... 5Ub Biola Evangelistic Band No. 3—................... J j l B. I. O. L. A. Glee Club..... ............113 Biola Group a t Kikunshan, Honan, China 20 Bridge at Nan Yoh Kisi, China....................- 338 Charles G. Trumbull ..............-.....................-...... 153 Christian Endeavorers Holding Sunday Afternoon Service ................ ..........v-i..:..,-..: 3 I 7 Dean Maclnnis, B. I. O. L. A., with Group in China ..... .......................................... {59 Dr. A. Gordon MacLennan.......«..................... 105 Dr. Frank A. Keller — —.................................. 244 Dr. John M. Maclnnis, Dean B.I.O.L.A..... 242 Dr. William Evans .......................... . J...:. 42 Eager to. Learn to Read the Word of God 265 Easter Lilies ........................ ———^............... Ho Editor of The Children’s Garden...... . 5 65 Fall Term Graduates, B. I. O. L. A., 1924.. 122 First Presbyterian Church, ina Hollywood, Calif..........................I.............?...... 100 Fourth Annual Euodia Conference, Pacific Palisades, Calif................................... 263 Gao Keh-Cheng and His Brother, Gao-Mei-Cheng ...........................................v-¿¡r% 95 Gen. Feng, Mrs. Davis, Miss Beebe, Dr. Goforth ........- ............................... -............ 42 7 Gethsemane’s Garden.........................— ......... 1 ¿‘J Gone Down or Going Up?............................ —- 0 1 Hunan Flood, Changsha Custom House.... 16 Jehovah's Rain Saves Paton's 456 John G. Patón ..................................--................... 425 Ju st a Few of a Great Araiy of Chinese Christian Soldiers...................... 262 Ju st One of Many Instances When Paton's Home W as Besieged...... .............. 426 Lake San Cristobal, Colo............................ 404 Martha Groff Keller ........-..........—---............. 418 “Mary’s W ell" in the Village of Nazareth 545 Meeting a t Santa Fe Shops, San Bernardino, Calif.................—- ......... — 5 iU Milton Stewart Memorial Hall, Bible Institute, Changsha, Hunan, China......... 553 Miss Ejhia Nousrallah ................... .................. 55 7 Misses Jordan and Robertson ready to start on their trip 219 "M other" Keller and Mrs. Keller................ 244 Mosque of Omar, Jerusalem ..,...,..—....,........ 323 Mr. and Mrs. Wesley O. Kemptner and Little Daughter ———....—— .............. 36 Mr. E. M. Powell.......~...................—....— 466 Mrs. Mae Donaldson........-........33 Mr. V artan Atchinak on the Shore of "the Sea of Galilee.........................................566 Nanyoh Bible Conference Plant of the Hunan Bible Institute, China..................... 261 New Public Library Building, Los Angeles 100 Once "Drunk W ith Wine” Now ‘‘Filled W ith the Spirit”...—...........—.......-................. 265 Original Fishermen’s Club of Los Angeles 483 Pomona Eteri Club "Gospel Booth ..... '•....... 55 1 Railroad Shop Meeting ..............................478-479 Rev. Stewart P. MacLennan....,—................... ¡98 Rev. Harry O. Anderson.................................... 123 Rev. and Mrs. V artan Atchinak and school group ....................-........... 25 7 Road Up the Mountain at Nanyoh, Hunan, China ...................... ..................... —- 261


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