King's Business - 1925-12

If you had $1.00, or $10.00, or $100.00, or $1000.00, or $10,000.00 to invest in the Lord’s work, where and how would you invest it, so as to insure safe and satisfactory returns, because you were sure that every dollar invested would be used in definite, soubsaving service? W e challenge your consideration of our workbwide

work, beginning in the United States and reach" ing out to all lands and all conditions of people, carrying v ; the Commis" Sxonof our Com" mander: “Go, give the ( j OSpel tO all



Where We Transact Business for the Lord, and Where Our Stu­ dents are Taught the Word. IfDay School, Evening School, Corres­ pondence School, Biola Press, Biola Book Room, The King’s Business. We carry on active evangelistic work, in which our students partic­ ipate, as follows: Twenty-five. Bible Women Shop Wor\ Seamens Wor\ Spanish Work Jewish Wor\ Biola Hall (City Mission for Men) Bible Training School in Hunan Province, China The Circumference Where Students Transmit the Gospel Message

Full Information Concerning Our Annuity Agreements Sent Upon Request Bible Institute of Los Angeles 536 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, California

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