King's Business - 1925-12

B ring Spiritual Benefits Through Your Holiday Gifts

A W all Roll with a Scripture T e x t and R eferences for Every W eek-day in the Year. This method of presenting Scripture texts and references has proven an ideal medium for spiritual uplift and guidance, and for helpful B ible Studies. Sunday School Lesson Information for the Sunday dates Incomparable for Artistic Qualities Original and Unique in Every R espect R ichly decorated with artistic designs in full colors and gold

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Size 1 4 x 1 1 inches. Twelve leaves and front and back. Fitted with a mission finish molding, and a cord for hanging PRICE, 50 CENTS EACH (Sp ecial prices in quantities) UNION GOSPEL PRESS, Box 680 , Cleveland, Ohio ■ m A G ift for Bible-lovers CHRIST LIFE or, The Word of The Cross

For You r Sunday School Teachers “Christian Life Series” Sunday School Lesson Helps True to the Fundamentals of the Christian Faith j T h e T each ers Q uarterlies of this Series a re packed | with sound, sane, and Scriptu ral truths that insure spir- j itual as well as p ractical teaching. Expositional P ractical Dispensa tional Interdenom inational A Nice Line of Helps for Teachers and Scholars First-class Quality Material R easonable in Prices Ï Examine them for yourself Samples of the full line free on request. UNION GOSPEL PRESS I Box 680 CLEVELAND, OHIO I

A monthly magazine whose purpose is the deepening of the spiritual life. It sets forth the abiding and abun­ dant life— the life which is Christ Himself.

Spiritual, Devotional, Constructive for Young and Old


T his magazine also contains NOTES AND HELPS

Sound in the Fundamentals on the Senior and Ju n io r Christian Endeavor Topics, and abridged Notes on the Sunday School Lessons. P rice, $ 1 .0 0 a year. (Sp ecial prices when ordered in quantities) UNION GOSPEL PRESS Box 680 CLEVELAND, OHIO ft5


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