Wrigleyville Dental - February/March 2023

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The Benefit of Early Dental Intervention VISITS NEED TO START YOUNG

I am excited to share that, as an airway- trained dentist, I have been working hand in hand with Dr. Catherine Murphy, a trained orthodontist at our office, to help build a proper dental foundation for children starting as early as 2 years old. Have you ever wondered why your child grinds their teeth at night, or snores, or even has frequent bed-wetting episodes? How about behavior issues? It could be related to their teeth! Why should we pay attention to kids snoring and the way they

are breathing? Snoring and even sitting with lips open (which typically means they are not breathing properly) has been found to be associated with poor attention, hyperactivity, poor temper, low academic performance, social problems, anxiety/ depressive symptoms, lower cognitive scores, and bed wetting. Why should we wait until all the permanent teeth are in to start braces? We like to correct an orthodontic issue when we see one. We practice modern orthodontics.

We can use the growth of the child to build the foundation for teeth to come in and get them to breathe better so they get optimal growth. If we wait until the permanent teeth are in, often it is too late to develop the bone structure. It is a good idea to have an airway-focused dentist evaluate a child as young as 2 to guide optimal growth and development.

–Dr. Shivani Patel

TOOTH MOVEMENT VS. EXPANSION Different Types of Orthodontics Phases of Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontic treatment can be broken down into two phases. Phase 1 orthodontic treatment (typically under age 12) focuses on skeletal changes to the bone while a child is still growing. Looking at the image to the right, you can see the roof of the mouth is also the floor of the nose. The roof of the mouth consists of two bones that come together to create the palate. This palatal suture is open as a child and slowly comes together as they near puberty. By expanding the palate orthodontically, we can develop the jaws to create room for all of the permanent teeth. Since the palatal suture is connected to the upper respiratory area, the wider the palate, the wider the nasal floor. This newly expanded area means the easier it is for air to flow through the nostrils. Poor airflow and oxygenation can lead to an assortment of medical issues. Phase 1 takes care of the functional reason for orthodontics. Phase 2 orthodontic treatment focuses on alignment of the teeth (at this time, most permanent teeth are in). As a child nears and surpasses puberty, making skeletal changes, like opening up the palatal suture, becomes more challenging. The ideal age of orthodontic treatment is 3-10. Typically, when a child starts with phase 1, phase 2 consists of a short course of either braces or clear aligners to achieve that beautiful smile the child can be proud to show off!

The maxillary palatal suture is open as a child and slowly fuses as adolescence approaches. Notice the palatal suture is connected to the upper respiratory area.


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The science is clear: Too much screen time can lead to kids experiencing developmental delays, poor sleep, attention issues and weight gain. And yet, kids love those small glowing devices. To keep your children healthy, you need to find a way to set limits. But how can you create rules around their favorite pastimes without causing a lot of drama? Create realistic rules. You know your family best. Review the American Academy of Pediatrics’ best practices for screen time online, and then consider what’s both healthy and doable. Try maiking small changes. Determine usage limits and establish device- free times. Then create clear expectations and consequences, and don’t back down from enforcing them. Take the devices away. Create “no screen time” time. If needed, set a timer when the device shuts off on its own. It is not a punishment, though it might feel like one to your kids at first. But it’s actually helping them by removing the temptation. Your elementary school child will be less likely to get sucked into a YouTube hole, and your teen won’t send “just one” text at dinner if the device isn’t right there. Keep these devices out of sight during no-use time, and put Breaking the Habit HOW TO CUT YOUR KIDS’ SCREEN TIME

them away once your kids have met their daily limits. In the end, it will make things easier.

Spend more time together. Giving your children your undivided attention is incredibly valuable, even if it’s only for short periods. Brainstorm ideas of what your child(ren) want to do together. Figure out how you can create more face time (not FaceTime). Start conversations and play games to spend time together as a family. Even better, get outside! If you’re willing to spend time with them and act a little silly, your kids will have more fun kicking a ball around rather than playing Roblox. Better yet, you’ll both get some exercise. Finally, consider the example you’re setting. It’s hard to blame kids for their screen addiction when adults also have trouble prying themselves away from laptops, tablets, and phones. Think about how you can reduce your own screen time and consider installing an app that tracks your usage like StayFree or Social Fever. You might be surprised at how much time you spend staring at a little screen — and be inspired to cut back.


Signs of Sleep Disordered Breathing

Interested in Learning More?

Most children with breathing issues have some of the following symptoms:

Here are some additional resources:

Books: • “Sleep Interrupted” by Dr. Steven Park • “Sleep Wrecked Kids” by Sharon Moore • “Breathe, Sleep, Thrive” by Shereen Lim • “Breathe” by James Nestor

• ADHD • Asthma • Upper respiratory infections • Ear infections • Ear tubes • Bed wetting • Nightmares/night terrors • Poor academic performance • Hyperactivity • Aggressive behavior • Clenching/grinding teeth • Restlessness

• Waking often during sleep • Small/delayed growth • Anxiety/depression • Daytime sleepiness • Overweight/obesity • Night sweats • Gl distress/reflux • Emotional instability • Sensory issues • Snoring • Mouth breathing (lips apart at rest) • Chapped lips • Under-eye bags

YouTube videos: • “Dr. Karen Bonuck on Sleep Disordered Breathing”

• “Finding Connor Deegan” • “The Story of Headgear”

Podcasts: • “Better Sleep, Better Breathing, Better Living” by Steven Parko • “Airway Circle Radio” by Renata Nehme • “Childrens Airway First” by CAFF

Conclusion: Lack of nasal oxygen can cause various issues. Many children are not breathing well and/or efficiently, causing them to struggle throughout their day, the body compensates and shows signs. This may not appear obvious to the untrained eye. By detecting the signs of poor breathing in a child early, we can help kids breathe better and positively guide their growth and development so they can achieve their optimal potential.

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Place a number in every cell in the grid, using the numbers 1–9. You can only use each number once in each row, each column, and each of the 3x3 boxes.

Let’s be honest — the media makes it seem like we all crave pouty, plump lips. However, many do not like the idea of injectables and fillers when it comes to enhancing their lips. After all, who really enjoys being poked with needles and opening up the possibility of bruising? That’s why Fotana LipLase is a great non-invasive option without the fake pouty lips look! WHAT IS LIPLASE? LipLase uses a precise laser to provide heat to your lips’ deep layers to stimulate and promote the production of collagen. More collagen means more lip volume! The treatment may be performed on both the inside and outside of your mouth without any needles, making it non-invasive and comfortable! A LipLase session typically takes about half an hour with no bruising downtime or looking swollen! Typically, we recommend that our patients come into the office for 3–4 sessions to achieve a natural, subtle, lasting change over time. WHO CAN BENEFIT FROM THE TREATMENT? All adults: LipLase is a great and safe non-surgical option for those patients who may be uncomfortable with needles, those with thinner lips, or those who may have lost lip volume as a result of aging. It’s also great for those who want a slightly different shape to their lips. WHAT ARE THE RESULTS? After just a few sessions, without any numbing, needles, or pain, patients can expect to see smoother, fuller, and more youthful lips. The results are completely natural, as the laser promotes collagen synthesis. Fotana LipLase Is Here! Move Over Lip Injections …


• 2 1/2 cups chopped broccoli • 1/4 cup chopped onion • 1/4 cup packed cilantro • 1 tsp oil, plus more for frying • 1/3 tsp salt

• 1/2 tsp garlic powder • 1/2 tsp smoked or regular paprika • 1 tsp chipotle pepper powder

• 1 tbsp barbecue sauce • 3/4 cup chickpea flour


1. In a food processor, add broccoli, onion, cilantro, and 1 tsp oil and process until uniform. Transfer to a bowl. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix well to distribute. 2. Let mixture sit for 2 minutes for the broccoli to leak

If mixture is too dry and does not stick well, wait another few minutes or sprinkle some water and mix. 3. Shape into 5–6 patties. Heat a skillet over medium heat. Add oil and spread it in the pan. 4. Pan-fry the patties for 4–5 minutes per side. 5. Serve with Sriracha, ketchup, barbecue sauce, marinara, or a cooling ranch as desired.

enough moisture so you can form patties. If mixture is too wet, add more chickpea flour.

To find out if LipLase is right for you, give us a call! We are ready to help you achieve your best natural look!

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3256 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago, IL 60657

Inside Developing the Proper Dental

pg. 1


Tips to Break Your Kids’ Phone Habits

pg. 2

What Is Fotana LipLase?

pg. 3

Smoky Spicy Broccoli Fritters

pg. 3

Ginseng: A Powerful Root

pg. 4

Exploring the Benefits of Ginseng Let’s Get to the Root of Your Health

For many years, ginseng, an herbal root, has been used as a natural remedy for a range of health conditions and illnesses. Two types of ginseng exist — Asian and American — but they are very similar in that both of them contain ginsenosides, a beneficial compound. Ginseng is widely used to enhance athletic performance and protect against illness and is usually found in an encapsulated powder form, as the taste is bitter.

to get a common cold or the flu. This same study reported that for those who were already sick, taking the herbal root could reduce the sickness period from 13 days down to six. IT PROVIDES YOU WITH ENERGY. Ginseng contains ginsenoside compounds that help to boost your energy levels in a few different ways. First, ginseng helps to reduce inflammation. Inflammation could potentially make you feel lethargic and fatigued, and ginseng keeps your central nervous system balanced to ensure it doesn’t deplete your energy. It also keeps the levels of the hormone cortisol in check to maintain homeostasis and counteract stress. IT IMPROVES YOUR BRAIN FUNCTION. Ginseng is proven to improve cognitive function and memory in both Alzheimer’s

patients and healthy people. However, the exact mechanism behind ginseng’s ability to boost your brain health is still unknown, but the links have certainly been proven! Some other benefits of ginseng root include increasing libido, treating erectile dysfunction, reducing inflammation, and lowering cholesterol. Before you consider supplementing with ginseng, check with your doctor to make sure it’s safe for you!

Let’s take a look at a few of the many benefits of ginseng root!

IT BOOSTS YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM. Ginseng has antiviral properties that help your body fight off sicknesses. In a 2020 study, individuals who took two capsules of ginseng a day were roughly 50% less likely

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