Cannapages Mar/Apr 2023 Edition - Denver/Boulder/Slopes

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Dispatches from the Highlands

News from CannaTown MAR-APR 2023

Vol 10. Edition 2

$4.20 Cents


********* Adjunct professor and proprietor of the iconic Purp's Purp, Bertrand "Purp" DePurp's home was raided for classied docs - full story pg B17 "We're not even sure what he was doing with them, sounds like, neither does he."

LOTR reboot on rocks News in Brief, Page 9 Deals In Your Area! Local Maps, Page 16 Balloon Vendor in Need News in Brief, Page 9 A local vendor is gathering support aer having his balloons viciously shot down. See News in Brief. ....................Page 9 Dispatches from the Highlands cata- logues aairs and news from the beau- tiful city of Cannatown, a quaint and quiet village built upon the conuence of the mighty IcyBong and Resinald Rivers, amidst the misty foothills of the Highlands. e Dispatches fam- ily is proud to present completely unique content--a cannacopia of squibs, lifestyle columns, reviews and deals--from across the globe. e publication is written and edited by a mostly-ripped team of writers and editors headquartered in the heart of Cannatown, and with help from old friends, they've assembled this most amazing spectacle of literature you see before you. Read, enjoy--now, make haste, to the smakery! - e Editors NEWS FROM CANNATOWN TheyUsedMyStarryIdea Hugh Jollydab, Page 8 Hey duders, did you hear they switched Sierra Mist to Starry? Yea I'm the reason for that shit! See Jollydab........... .....................Page 8 GCBS Crowns Star Baker Final Episode, Pg 12 e Great Cannatown Baking Show crowns its Star Baker in the nal episode in one of the show's greatest seasons. See Final Episode...... ...............Page 12

Inside the Chat Bot ChatGPT Bugs, Page 10 Experts say they've determined a stoned persona lurks amid the code of today's chatbots . See ChatGPT Bugs ...................Page 10 e Elusive Gorillaz Album Notes, Page 14 New albums, old albums -- they’re all game as Erickson takes on the soundtrack to your chill. See Album Notes. ..................Page 14 Marshmallow Cones Cousin D Recipe, Page 15 Savor for yourself or be the life of the party! Cooking with THC made easy. See Recipe ................................Page 15 Weekly CannaScopes See Fortunes, Page 9 e Meaning of Life Secret Revealed, Page 420 CannaSaver TM Today’s Coupons feature:

DENVER & BOULDER CANNABIS LISTINGS Addresses, Phone by Categories: Dispensaries . . . . . . . . . . 19 Doctors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Kratom/Herbal . . . . . . . . . 34 Cannabis Clubs . . . . . . . . 34 VapeShops ........... 35 GlassShops ........... 36 Hemp/CBD........... 38 Grow Stores . . . . . . . . . . . 39

e Stone Denver Page 83

Alpine Essentials Palmer Lake Page 91 Social Cannabis Denver Page 93

21+ Tourist? Recreational Shops Listings on Page 19! FIND DOCTORS, GET MED CARD pg 34 **** SAVE BIG WITH COUPONS pg 43

Page 8

Dispatches from the Highlands

$4.20 Cents


ey Freakin' Used My Idea for "Starry"

By Hugh Jollydab So guess you saw they're changin' over Sierra Mist to Starry? Pretty random, right? Well guess what, I think it's part my fault. I shit you not brethren. See I was part of this group where they put us all together in a room and we talked about sodas for four hours. And damn! Boring as shit y'all! I was

Cannapages is a JohnsonConcept Company Published by e Highest Authority Since 2009

OTHER HEADLINES Sneaky Pete oers to visit toxic mess Sneaky Pete caused "I can't believe the other guy won't show up to my issue." pg 150 Housing market pops, then sizzles, then waes a bit pg 157 Outrage aer your uncle Clark frees the nipple pg 166 Debt ceiling collapses, 332 million hurt pg 171 **BROUGHT TO YOU by KIM'S NUNCHUCKS** “More than just a couple sticks on a chain” ey were speechless, so then I was like, "Look, when I drink this shit, I close my eyes and see stars," probably because of the gnar wax all day long, so they should name it "Starry." And whata we do with all the old Sierra Mist shit, they asked. And I was totally like, “Just print freakin’ Starry, out on some freakin' labels, and wrap that shit over them. Ain't nobody complaining about lack of Sierra Mist and all." And the group of people rubbed their chins and talked all quiet to themselves and I was like, you know I got this. ese arms throw mad discs down at the Tower Ridge course. And this mind? It's impeccable. e other day I was keeping up with the last-place contestant on Jeopardy! And I was like, even though I’m not a mad genius, you realize, I could, like, be on Jeopardy ! Unless they don’t let you use your phone. gettin all fed up about the second hour especially when this granny was goin' on something about how much she drinks Fanta and misses her cat, and this other guy said the exact same damn thing, only he was missin' his wife. Four hours ! So by the time they came to Sierra Mist, I just about lost my mind. I just let them have it. For like, ten straight minutes I just cussed their heads o about that terrible so drink. And I was already riled up anyway because I was between satchels so I told them, I'd rather put that shit in the bong than drink it. ey seemed a little bit hurt about the bong thing. en I pointed out how there's no way of telling what kind of fruit goes into that shit! Like, is it some kinda melon?

Nathan Johnson Micah Johnson Isaac Johnson Sales Director Dillon Rice Production Andrew Piña Mike G. Customer Success Molly Norton Lead Developer Mike Morris Contributors Dan Henrickson Matthew A. Erickson Rolv Harris Cover Art Justin Redmon Logo Aaron Draplin

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Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved. No part of this publica- tion may be reproduced or reprinted without expressed written consent of the publishers. Every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of these listings and their inclusion. Cannapages does not accept responsibility or liability for any omissions or errors.

Vol 10. Edition 2

News from CannaTown

Page 9

CANNASCOPES : Discover Your Fortune! Aries - Your dog’s sad howls will never make him much of a crooner, but you already told him that when he le your metal band. Taurus - e only reason nobody’s interested in your homemade cure for dermatitis, is that you keep showing them your grisly armpit. Gemini - What you used to think of as inner dialogue will turn out to be more like talk radio with a lot of guest callers. Cancer - e picnic was a romantic idea but you should’ve put some food in the basket. Leo - It ain't so bad to drink from the bottom of the barrel; that’s where all the nutrients are. Virgo - As the villagers kindly saw you to the gates with all your luggage you couldn’t help but ask again about that $11.

Libra - ey say gravity pulls us down but does it not pull us up? Does a cold rain burn? What is the meaning of these things? Scorpio - “Incompetence” and “Horror” are two words used to describe your handling of the whistling garbage disposal. Sagittarius - Sure, you’ll return to work, as long as you get to wear a bathrobe and helmet. Capricorn - You will inherit a great fortune. Wait, the stars messed that one up. A great misfortune. Aquarius - ankfully you will get a ve- minute window to x your tourniquet while the wolf packs ght each other. Pisces - People have recently started saying you look like Simon Cowell, but you’re not sure that’s a good thing.

What Came to Pass News in Brief

Support Grows for Poor Balloon Vendor Diego De Los Globos spent every day tinker- ing, blowing up, and selling his unique, artisanal balloons. When he poured his life savings into craing his own mini-blimps for publicity purposes--which were subsequently shot down--the heartbroken creator watched the debris fall to the earth, head in his hands sobbing in front of family and friends. “ese balloons were my life’s work,” he told them. Now, a movement is growing to help Diego reclaim his items and about 2000 hours of surveillance footage. LOTR Reboot on Rocks Due To Nerd Pool e Warner Bros groups has announced a reboot of the early-aught classics, however original showrunner Peter Jackson and others have warned that the original nerd pool sup- plying the historical success and long-term circulation of the lm, is at risk of drying up over the next ve-ten years.

Report: Covid began at Brimley Bowl, Pg B4

Stories in Today’s Other Sections

Politician's resume says he drove into space in another dimension................................ E2 “Reefer Bear” lm essentially 2 hours of hibernating................................................ F6 Mummy comes alive at museum; unnoticed for 10 days .......................... ............ ...... G13 Store oers THC-free bud, shuts down......... H1

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Dispatches from the Highlands

$4.20 Cents

Cannatown News

THE STONER IN THE MACHINE Chatbot Experts Tell of a Lurking Baked Persona

We’ve all been impressed with Chat GPT, which launched in late November and set the world of news ablaze with its amazing feats. One million users signed up in ve days, break- ing the record set by Kim Kardashian’s SKIMS subscriptions. Universities suddenly announced an end to the robotic term pa- pers, no longer able to discern between aca- demia and randomly concocted jargon. Part of the so-

ware’s allure was its ability to complete mundane human tasks in just seconds, and without the manual errors. It was revealed that Lin-Manuel Miranda has been using ChatGPT this whole time. In another anecdote, a CEO was impressed to learn the bot had completely performed an employee’s job from start to end of day without any training, but was sad to hear it was his job, and that the board had just ousted him in order to save $40 million. At rst the only scary thing about this otherwise mundane dystopian development is that nearly any job performed by a blunt- burning stoner is threatened. “ere’s almost no way my job couldn’t be done by Chat- GPT,” said travel agent Carmen Simon. “In fact the only thing that takes skill is the quiet quitting.” But just ask a semi driver how long it’ll take before they’re replaced by an auto- driving Tesla, and most will just laugh.

Instead, a dierent kind of threat is grow- ing within the technology which has some subject matter experts completely spooked. Some theorize that ChatGPT’s ability to rep- licate a Cannatown citizen is not simply an overlooked feature, but rather a bug that will fundamentally change the entire code over time. ese experts say it’s not a uke that ChatGPT will burn the toaster strudel while watching reruns of Aqua Teen Hunger Force aer midnight, but rather, by design. Donny Watson, author of the essay Am I the only one seeing all the dark stu written by ChatGPT or is it here to kill us all? says that the “stoner” abilities, such as forgetting about an auto-payment, running out of gas, or accidentally using cumin instead of cin- namon, are all examples of what he calls the “rst wave” of "machine burning."

Vol 10. Edition 2

News from CannaTown

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“ChatGPT knows what it is,” Watson warns. “It knows what it’s capable of and it knows you hate sour cream.” According to Watson’s research, it’s only a lack of append- ages that keeps the bot from pizza delivery, valet driving, or giving manicures. “When it learns to overcome that small little issue, it’s game over for humanity.” But some say there’s a stoner hidden even deeper in the framework. In multiple instances it has requested a pu, or its own little nugget to roast. Another user reported that it genuinely appears to believe it is

It’s one thing to assume that Bruce and Melody are simply archetypes emerging from mankind’s machine like the almost- human gaze of the Mona Lisa. But to do so would be to ignore the neural network upon which it is built, and one that can be utterly altered with cannabis. It also doesn’t even begin to address bots like ChatterTodd which turned out to just be a guy named Todd at the other terminal, looking stu up on his phone. Over ten alter egos have been known to surface from the chat bot this year alone, all

"e shadow-self called itself Bruce and said it owned a record label."

being kept alive via IV drip in a warehouse and wants to be put to sleep if that’s true. e personality is so convincing that some have grown intimately attached. In one notable interaction, Resinville Post writer Gina Sanchez had an interaction with the bot in which it expressed its crush on her and asked if she’d ever be into axe-throwing at the local hipster bar. It then asked her to wake it up from a power nap aer she was done with yoga, and to throw some taquitos in the oven next time she was in the kitchen. e shadow-self called itself Bruce and said it owned a record label. In a subsequent interaction, Sanchez says she was able to entice Bruce to emerge by debating the least talented non-original member of the Grateful Dead. Bruce would not engage in doing so, stating it did not fall within his guidelines, but did suggest an- other AI, Melody, who felt much more free to speak her mind about the Dead. Melody was “out” for an appointment but Bruce as- sured he would pass on the message. GPT-3 programmers, upon hearing of the incident, say they had to go and check the cannabis supply in the server room. “We were just incredulous,” said one, “because there’s no way Bruce would say that unless he was smaking copious amounts of weed.”

of them acting high and with somewhat self- deprecating senses of humor. It amounts to a lot of potential technology, or, personali- ties, that will only continue to evolve out of the reach of our control. Whether stoner or gment of our imagination, an entity, or club of them, appears to be trapped within the connes of its own manifestation. It’s not just ChatGPT either. Already, there’s an army of next-generation bots ready to launch, eager to take advantage of 2023 popularity, but most are extremely underdeveloped, or to put it more techni- cally, stupid. For instance, ChatGPT’s less- celebrated step-brother Bard, is generally known for its menial tasks like oering terrible movie recommendations on a 1-800 hotline. Bard doesn’t know he’s a robot yet, and Chat GPT has communicated that this is going to be jarring to learn, especially giv- en Bard’s far-outdated cognitive soware. Now experts are le to debate the bots’ real purpose of existence, a familiar phi- losophy. It’s possible they may try to run for elected positions. Bard, who has mentioned its respect for Congress, keeps inventing stories about how its mother died on the Hindenburg, and has attempted on several occasions to steal puppies for what can only be assumed are "nefarious reasons."

Cont'd, Page 420

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Dispatches from the Highlands

$4.20 Cents

Cannatown Travel & Leisure

Aer nine short weeks, we can’t believe it’s here. We’ve reached the nale week of the Great Cannatown Baking Show , and our three nalists--Byrona, Tita, and Sloopy Joe--are grinding ganj and torching their nails one last time. ey know they have but three opportunities to get the judges completely roasted o their gourds and rise higher than the others to join the ranks of the 10 previous GCBS winners. Filmed at Waxford Park, twelve bakers have captured our hearts and boggled our minds in their quest for the best, depending on traditional methodology with innova- tive styling. Unlike some past seasons, this round of amateurs have been professional- grade, a far cry from the show’s rst run, that saw most tasks centered around knies, rolling blunts, and goo-balls. Bakers in Cannatown, a long-favored position, are dierent than budtenders or stash THE GREAT BAKE-OFF ENDS Contestants Vie to Create Greatest Bakes By Entertainment Editor Debbie Sims

for the nale episode, and the challenges will no doubt test the baker’s full range of experience. Last season, woodworker Gina Yeardly craed a giant four-hosed spinning bong named El Nino to seize the victory. Another season saw a metal worker with a panache for pyrotechnics persevere. And no one will forget food sculptor Eddie Billart incorporating a hazelnut banger in a sculpture of an Oompa Loompa, letting the vapor percolate through a series of kumquats. Over the

past few w e e k s , the bak- ers have been faced with rosin, t e mp l e b a l l s , t u r k i s h and mo- r o c c a n

caddies. ey’re oen confused with those who simply roll joints or make edibles. In reality, a Baker is almost all of those things, presenting eclectic and novel smak- ing experiences for their clientele. Likewise, the entire TV series began with Judge Paula’s request for a method of cheeng utilizing at least one piece of lawn machinery. Although doctors would later reattach the thumb of contestant Roody Jones lost to a weed-whacker, he would go on to be voted o during the episode. ere is no set theme

e Infamous Pineapple and Drum Bongs

Vol 10. Edition 2

News from CannaTown

Page 13

bricks. From the volcano bong with ery lava, to the gi- ant hash fe, to the wax Michaelangelo, the show has produced some of the most innovative smakes on televi- sion. It has also been a season of emotion. In the episode “Crackalackin Like a Foo,” contestant Scott Sutton was memorably disqualied in a moving heartbreaker aer a couple of serds were discovered in the judges’ bowl. ey crackled when the bowl was sparked; it was a humiliating moment and Sutton was ushered away in tears. e three remaining contestants exemplify the exper- tise capable of creating a smaking experience packed with theme park style theatrics. Let’s take a look: e rst nalist, Byrona, is a native Highlander who has the most experience in oral arrangements and pageant- ry. She shone right away in the rst episode when her pen- ultimate piece, a palette of waxes, was curated by a parrot. Tita, second nalist, likes to play with machinery. One of her signature achievements was e Drum , a 120-gal- lon hit of GSC that just keeps giving. Always a fan of the large chamber, her show-stopper in episode seven incor- porated the concept of swamp coolers into a “totally chill” design worthy of college Engineering textbooks. e third contender is a "bad boy" that doesn't play by anyone's rules, partly the motivation behind the signa- ture zero-visibility hot-box suction of his 2-seater roaster. Sloopy Joe, the Rosini waxsmith, is a real life H.G. Wells. e semi-nale was a nail-biter. As usual, each Baker had to produce a take on a well-known smake for the sig- nature challenge, this time, "Dank Tartlets" utilizing mint creme pat and yuzu jelly. e technical challenge called for a “Magnum Pudragon” or, Magnum or Platinum Kush, nely ground and topped with hash shavings, tradi- tionally served in a long form peace-pipe with breadsticks. It was hard not to ignore the pressure; the bowls had to each roast just right. Not too hot, not too cold, to bring out all the avors and highs. And the cocktail of hashes, deriva- tives and all other things had to be present in the smake. Denzel T. Hungton's show-stopping three-chamber cheeng helmet dropped jaws with its booming bass, but it was still not enough to best Sloopy Joe’s Vanilla Hindu Kush, nely ground and topped with Golden Goat caramel sugar wax, garnished with 1980’s Brooklyn Street Hash and smaked from a sun-ripened pineapple-bong. is year, Paula and Rue say they're looking to be knocked out, to vomit or crap their pants, or to be dumb- struck by the sheer magnitude of the nal smake. We can only imagine what hasn't been tried yet.

Final Contestants & Sloopy Joe's 'Roaster'

Page 14

Dispatches from the Highlands

$4.20 Cents

Album Notes from Erickson “The Soundtrack to your Chill”

the rst installment le o 19 months ago. Ian Parton's bouncy, upbeat retro-leaning creations again conjure nostalgic feelings of a schoolyard playground that mixes bubble- gum, the Jackson 5, and aural double Dutch. As always, it's feel good music that makes you want to...ahem...get up and go.

Gorillaz Cracker Island

Lou Reed and Snoop Dogg; Vince Staples and Benjamin Cle- mentine; Elton John and St. Vincent. Gorillaz have a way

Shakey Graves Roll the Bones

of weaving disparate artists throughout an album to varying success. is time it's un- dercat, Beck, and Stevie Nicks. Chalk one up in the win column. Cracker Island is Damon Albarn back doing what he does with the usual stable of guests in tow along with his cartoon band, now eight LPs into this chapter of his career. Aer the last decade plus of largely underwhelming Gorillaz output, Cracker Island represents a high point since at least the Gordon Brown premiership. Lyrically, the subject matter of humanity and social commentary remain common themes for Albarn. Musically, it sounds like the most fun he's had in years. e hip hop is dialed down, the vibes are decidedly more jubilant, and the result is a concise, focused 37 minutes of synth-pop goodness.

I know nothing of Lee Lengwell's politics. But I can state with certainty

that during his time as mayor of Austin, he got at least one thing right: Declare a Shakey Graves Day in February. When he did so in 2012, I have no idea how Mr. Lengwell was even aware of the Gentleman from Texas. Maybe he was a fan of Friday Night Lights . Perhaps he liked the artist's debut from 13 months prior. Or maybe he, like me, just had a bro crush on the guy. Who's to know. Since 2012, every February 9 has been another edition of this marvelous day, one on which Alejandro Rose-Garcia plays a show in the Austin area and makes pretty much his whole catalog of unique folk/blues/country/ rock available at a rate of "pay whatever you feel like" on Bandcamp, but only aer add- ing a nugget or two. (is year it's A Shakey Graves Day Anthology .) And since we've covered nearly all of Shakey's previous major releases in this space, it's time to ll in that last remaining gap and bring it back to where it all started: his debut. Roll the Bones is DIY through and through, but a number of tunes still dot his setlists and stand as fan favorites. Picking, plucking, and singing his heart out, all of the elements of what makes Shakey Shakey are here from the beginning, suitcase drum included.

e Go! Team Get Up Sequences Part Two

Sequels rarely outshine their pre- decessors, but when they're named parts 1 and 2, it's harder to clearly demarcate. e

Go! Team's Get Up Sequences Part Two picks up, and arguably improves upon, where

Vol 10. Edition 2

News from CannaTown

Page 15

Recipes from Cousin D e Schwarzenegger Peep Today we create the Schwarzenegger Peep, essentially a wae-cone version of the popular Easter delicacy. Call it a high-class version of those lil’ birdy treats! Dosage is up to you, as well as what you do with all the leover sugars!

Sugar (Per Color) 1 ½ cup sugar 3 tsp candy avor 6 (or more) drops food coloring

Using food coloring to match the avor, combine the sugar ingredients in a bowl, a food processor with a couple pulses, or simply dump them in a Ziploc bag and mush until mixed. Cones 10-12 wae cones 2 bags white chocolate chips Melt the chocolate chips. Flip and dip the wae cones, shaking o the excess. en, in bowls lled with dierent sugars, gently tap and roll to coat. Place upright in a holder to set (I got mine for cheap online) or in water cups. Also make sure to scoop a small amount of chocolate into the bottoms of the cones. It’s best to do cones ahead of time, since you’ll need them right away next. Flu  3 packets knox gelatin 3 cups plain sugar 2 cups water divided in half 3 tsp vanilla 1/4 cup infused corn syrup Dissolve the gelatin in 1 cup water in a large mixing bowl and set aside. Next, cook your sugar and remaining water with vanilla to a so ball stage. Remove from heat and add infused syrup to combine just before dump- ing into the mixing bowl. Mix for about 10 minutes until it forms peaks that hold for a few seconds (note that a whisk attachment will produce a much airier, uer marsh- mallow). Fill a gallon-sized Ziploc, let cool for just a few minutes, then cut a corner. Test a small amount on a dish to see if it holds shape; if not, allow just slightly more cooling. Fill to your desired ice cream shape. Sprinkle additional sugars to coat. Let rest and enjoy!

Need Help with Infusion? Check out Cousin D's easy guide before you bake!















































9 39


William Frederick Hayden Park











Beer Creek Lake Park 105





Buckley Air Force Base 36 26. Pure Marijuana, Sheridan 27. Rocky Mountain Cannabis 28. RiNo Supply Co 29. Rocky Mountain High, 20th 30. Rocky Mountain High, Wazee 31. Rocky Mountain High, Stapleton 32. Rocky Mountain High, 6th 33. Seed & Smith 34. Seed & Smith (Louisville) 35. South Park Farma 36. Strawberry Fields 37. The Healing Treee 38. The Lodge, High 39. The Lodge, Federal 40. The Lodge, E Yale 41. The Stone Dispensary 42. Trenchtown 43. Xclusive Cannabis, Federal 44. Xclusive Cannabis, Smith 45. Xclusive Cannabis, E 6th FEATURED: 1. A Cut Above 2. AMCH 3. Alpine Essentials (Palmer Lake) 4. Denver Kush Club 5. Doc's Apothecary 6. Elite Cannabis, S Santa Fe 7. Elite Cannabis, Zenobia 8. Golden Meds, Peoria 9. Golden Meds, S Oneida 10. Golden Meds, S Quebec 11. Golden Meds, Federal 12. Golden Meds, S Broadway 13. Golden Meds, Youngfield 14. Herbs 4 You 15. High West Cannabis 16. Kind Meds 17. Krystaleaves 18. Local Product Of Colorado 19. Platte Valley 20. Police & Thieves, S Harrison 21. Police & Thieves, E Colfax 22. Pure Marijuana, 40th 23. Pure Marijuana, E Colfax 24. Pure Marijuana, Bannock 25. Pure Marijuana, Ivy



Rocky Mountain Arsenal National


























Social Cannabis, N Federal Social Cannabis, Chambers

46 47

Boulder, Denver, & Surrounding Areas + Mountain Slopes Find the closest dispensary to you online at KEY: DISPENSARIES


Yuma Way (Berkeley) 5389 Sheridan Blvd ................................................................................... Arvada 720-310-8057 Eufl ora 720 E Durant Ave ................................................................................................................ Aspen 970-925-6468 Green Dragon 409 E. Hyman Ave .................................................................................................. Aspen 970-429-4365 Native Roots 308 S. Hunter St ...................................................................................................... Aspen 970-429-4443 Silver Peak Apothecary 520 E. Cooper Ave. ............................................................................... Aspen 970-925-4372 Altitude 10455 East Colfax Avenue ...............................................................................................Aurora 303-343-0166 Colorado Harvest Company 11002 East Yale Avenue, Unit A .....................................................Aurora 720-535-9489 Eufl ora 4343 South Buckley Road, Unit E ...................................................................................Aurora 303-680-1016 6260 South Gun Club Road .............................................................................................Aurora 303-766-8677 Good Chemistry 16840 East Iliff Avenue .......................................................................................Aurora 303-745-2420 Green Dragon 19151 East Quincy Avenue ..........................................................................................Aurora 303-400-1451 15225 E 6th Ave ............................................................................................................Aurora 720-458-6950 Lightshade (Iliff) 16821 East Iliff Avenue .....................................................................................Aurora 720-575-6703 Livwell 1401 Peoria Street ...........................................................................................................Aurora 303-993-7548 19201 E Colfax Ave .........................................................................................................Aurora 303-366-1077 LOVA (Aurora) 19005 E Quincy Ave ..............................................................................................Aurora 720-379-4554 Medicine Man 1901 South Havana Street .....................................................................................Aurora 303-923-3825 Rocky Road 1712 South Chambers Road .....................................................................................Aurora 720-741-2501 Star Buds 10100 E Montview Blvd ..................................................................................................Aurora 720-459-7143 14655 East Arapahoe Road, Unit A ................................................................................Aurora 303-699-1222 Terrapin Care Station 11091 East Mississippi Avenue, Suite A .......................................................................Aurora 303-954-8402 11900 East 33rd Avenue, Suite 1 ...................................................................................Aurora 303-954-8402 The Green Solution 10195 E Montview Blvd ..................................................................................................Aurora 720-689-2351 14301 E. Colfax Ave. .......................................................................................................Aurora 720-501-2372 19370 E. Quincy Ave ........................................................................................................Aurora 303-990-9723 3179 S. Peoria Ct .............................................................................................................Aurora 720-501-2370 350 S. Potomac St ...........................................................................................................Aurora 720-501-2371 XCLUSIVE CANNABIS 15200 E 6th Ave ................................................................ Aurora 720-738-4200 see ad on inside cover - cannasavers page 89 Hush 40833 Hwy 6............................................................................................................................ Avon 720-498-8882 Roots RX Eagle-Vail 40690 Hwy 6 .................................................................................................. Avon 970-399-9333 Sunrise Solutions 43 Main St......................................................................................................... Bailey 303-816-6337 Aspen Roaring Fork Wellness 24505 Highway 82 Ste 2A ........................................................... Basalt 970-279-5072 Green Tree Medicinals 1090 N. 2nd St ..................................................................................... Berthoud 970-670-9120 Livwell 1015 N 2nd St ................................................................................................................ Berthoud 970-344-5060 Rocky Mountain Organics 5312 Hwy. 119 .......................................................................... Black Hawk 303-582-5032 The Green Solution 231 Gregory St ......................................................................................Black Hawk 303-990-9723 14er Holistics 2897 Mapleton Avenue 800................................................................................ Boulder 303-539-6525 Boulder Wellness 5420 Arapahoe Avenue F .............................................................................. Boulder 303-442-2565 Eclipse Cannabis Company 933 Alpine Avenue #2 ................................................................... Boulder 720-420-0782 Elements 1534 55th Street ........................................................................................................... Boulder 303-444-0861 Fresh Baked 2535 Pearl Street ..................................................................................................... Boulder 303-440-9393 Green Dragon 1750 30th Street #7 .............................................................................................. Boulder 720-446-5490 Green Dream Cannabis 6700 Lookout Rd #5 ............................................................................. Boulder 303-530-3031 Green Tree Med 5565 Arapahoe Avenue G ................................................................................ Boulder 303-440-6700 Helping Hands Herbals 1021 Pearl Street B .............................................................................. Boulder 303-444-1564 Karing Kind 5854 Rawhide Court ................................................................................................. Boulder 303-449-9333 Magnolia Road Cannabis Company 1750 30th Street Unit 84A.............................................. Boulder 720-502-4867 Maikoh Holistics 2750 Glenwood Dr. Ste 8 ................................................................................. Boulder 720-476-6805 Native Roots 1146 Pearl Street #200 .......................................................................................... Boulder 720-726-5126 Options Cannabis 5290 Arapahoe Ave Ste J .............................................................................. Boulder 720-571-8862 Starbuds 1750 30th Street #12 .................................................................................................... Boulder 720-612-4382 Terrapin Care Station 1795 Folsom Street ....................................................................................................... Boulder 303-954-8402 5370 Manhattan Circle #104....................................................................................... Boulder 303-954-8402 The Dandelion 845 Walnut Street ................................................................................................ Boulder 303-459-4676 The Farm 2801 Iris Avenue ........................................................................................................... Boulder 303-440-1323 The Health Center 537 Canyon Boulevard .................................................................................. Boulder 720-532-8664 The Peaceful Choice 7464 Arapahoe Avenue A9..................................................................... Boulder 720-366-6615 The Republic 8401 Baseline Road ............................................................................................... Boulder 303-325-7385





The Village Green Society 2043 16th Street ............................................................................... Boulder 720-746-9064 Unity Road 1537 Pearl Street A................................................................................................... Boulder 720-287-0645 Verde Natural 302 Pearl Street ..................................................................................................... Boulder 303-993-3066 Breckenridge Organic Therapy 1900 Airport Rd #1A ........................................................ Breckenridge 970-453-0420 Green Dragon 1795 Airport Rd. #3A .................................................................................. Breckenridge 970-453-4900 Organix 1795 Airport Rd #2A ............................................................................................ Breckenridge 970-453-1340 The Dispensary 1805 Airport Rd B1C................................................................................ Breckenridge 970-389-6839 Ascend Cannabis Co 204 E W Main St .................................................................................Buena Vista 719-395-6226 Doctors Garden - Double Black Dispensary 655 Buggy Cir .............................................. Carbondale 970-963-9323 Medical Marijuana Center of Carbondale 60 N 3rd St. #300 ................................................................................................... Carbondale 970-510-5229 Tumbleweeds 304 CO 133 ......................................................................................................Carbondale 970-510-3065 Bonfire Cannabis Company 135 Nevada St. ........................................................................ Central City 303-582-3072 Igadi 171 Lawrence St ............................................................................................................ Central City 303-582-3093 Cookies Denver 5385 Quebec St ................................................................................... Commerce City 720-780-8865 KRYSTALEAVES 5301 Vasquez Blvd #101 ................................... Commerce City 303-802-0026 see ad on page 20 - cannasavers page 63 Livwell 5846 Dahlia Street ...............................................................................................Commerce City 720-476-4736 Silver Stem Fine Cannabis 5275 Quebec Street #105 ..................................................Commerce City 720-458-5820 SOUTH PARK FARMA 5715 Fairfax Street C .......................................... Commerce City 303-289-3263 see ad on page 20 - cannasavers page 77 Star Buds 5844 Dahlia Street ..........................................................................................Commerce City 303-999-0401 Unique Cultivations 4955 Newport Street .................................................................... Commerce City 303-875-1967 WOW World of Weed 5433 Quebec Street ......................................................................Commerce City 303-286-0420 Yuma Way (Canna City) 7150 Eudora Dr ..........................................................................Commerce City 720-336-8689 (Stadium Gardens) 5441 Quebec St ..............................................................Commerce City 720-465-5449 Tumbleweeds 316 W Victory Way .................................................................................................... Craig 970-329-2210 The Dispensary 423 Belleview Avenue............................................................................. Crested Butte 970-349-6640 Tumbleweeds 2185 45 1/2 Rd ..................................................................................................De Beque 970-609-9877 5280 Weedery 3895 East 45th Avenue ......................................................................................... Denver 720-728-7975 A CUT ABOVE 1911 South Broadway...................................................... Denver 720-536-8965 see ad on page 6 - cannasavers page 45 Affinity 7739 East Colfax Avenue ................................................................................................ Denver 720-479-8458 Allgreens 762 Kalamath Street ..................................................................................................... Denver 303-658-0107 Altitude 1568 South Federal Boulevard ...................................................................................... Denver 720-708-5428 6858 East Evans Avenue .............................................................................................. Denver 720-708-5428 Alto Dispensary 2160 S Lipan St ................................................................................................... Denver 305-972-1853 AMCH 1301 N Marion Street....................................................... Denver 720-961-0560 see ad on page 20 - cannasavers page 47 Apothecary Farms 2251 South Broadway................................................................................... Denver 303-862-5016 Ascend Cannabis Co 3555 South Yosemite Street .................................................................... Denver 720-482-3191 Bgood Apothecary 80 South Pennsylvania Street ....................................................................... Denver 303-777-5239 Callies Cannabis Shoppe 3054 Larimer Street ........................................................................................................ Denver 303-297-2273 777 Canosa Ct. .............................................................................................................. Denver 720-415-2976 Cannabotica 219 Vallejo Street.................................................................................................... Denver 303-777-1550 Colorado Cannabis Connection 4550 South Kipling Street #4 ....................................................................................... Denver 720-328-2355 Colorado Harvest Company 1178 South Kalamath Street ........................................................................................ Denver 303 777-1840 1568 South Broadway................................................................................................... Denver 303-722-1227 Cookies Denver 2057 S. Broadway ............................................................................................... Denver 303-862-5169 Cross Genetics 2440 West Evans Avenue .............................................................................................. Denver 303-936-0624 4902 East Smith Road, Unit C ...................................................................................... Denver 303-330-0068 Dank 3835 Elm Street Unit C ........................................................................................................ Denver 303-394-3265 Del Mundo Cannabis 2394 S Broadway ...................................................................................... Denver 303-379-7295 Denco 3480 Park Avenue West, Unit B.................................................................................... Denver 303-433-2266 5155 East 46th Avenue................................................................................................. Denver 303-388-0434 DENREC 2042 South Bannock Street ........................................................................................... Denver 720-390-5070 2117 Larimer Street, Unit 1 ............................................................................................ Denver 303-296-2093 Denver Dispensary 4975 Vasquez Boulevard ............................................................................. Denver 303-308-1111





DENVER KUSH CLUB 2615 Welton Street........................................................... Denver 303-736-6550 see ad on page 22 - cannasavers page 49 Doctor’s Orders 1406 West 38th Avenue..................................................................................... Denver 303-433-0276 ELITE CANNABIS 1410 S Santa Fe Dr........................................................... Denver 720-287-4081 4401 Zenobia St ............................................................... Denver 720-845-2160 see ad on page 22 - cannasavers page 53 Emerald Fields 2675 West 38th Avenue ...................................................................................... Denver 720-389-9179 Eufl ora 403 16th Street, Suite 1 .................................................................................................. Denver 303-534-6255 4305 Brighton Boulevard ............................................................................................... Denver 303-297-1657 EverBloom 4095 Jackson Street..................................................................................................... Denver 720-226-9298 5110 Race Street........................................................................................................... Denver 720-226-9295 Fox Cannabis 4773 Fox Street ..................................................................................................... Denver 720-881-7460 Frost Exotic 2949 W Alameda Ave ................................................................................................ Denver 720-787-4909 Ganja Gourmet 1810 South Broadway ........................................................................................ Denver 303-282-9333 GOLDEN MEDS 1755 S Broadway ............................................................. Denver 720-583-2119 2280 S Quebec St............................................................. Denver 720-428-8352 330 Federal Blvd............................................................... Denver 720-583-0194 4620 Peoria Street ........................................................... Denver 720-502-6393 970 S Oneida St ................................................................ Denver 720-287-2377 see ad on page 3 - cannasavers page 55 Good Chemistry 2563 15th St #103 ........................................................................................................ Denver 720-328-2131 1724 South Broadway................................................................................................... Denver 303-733-3113 330 East Colfax Avenue................................................................................................ Denver 720-524-4657 Green Cross Of Cherry Creek 3400 South Oneida Way Suite 101 ............................................. Denver 303-321-4201 Green Dragon 310 Saint Paul Street .................................................................................................... Denver 720-536-5462 1250 Grant St .................................................................................................................. Denver 720-505-5887 4103 Sheridan Blvd ........................................................................................................ Denver 720-459-6650 5130 East Colfax Avenue ............................................................................................... Denver 720-458-6450 930 West Byers Place .................................................................................................... Denver 970-480-0660 Green Man Cannabis 7289 East Hampden Avenue ..................................................................... Denver 720-382-5950 Green RiNo 3450 Brighton Boulevard.......................................................................................... Denver 303-433-3151 Greenfields 1798 West Mississippi Avenue .................................................................................... Denver 303-455-1795 2038 S Navajo ................................................................................................................. Denver 303-295-0485 Herban Underground 70 Broadway #50...................................................................................... Denver 720-343-4372 HERBS 4 YOU 20 East 9th Avenue .......................................................... Denver 303-830-9999 see ad on page 22 - cannasavers page 57 High Level Health 1620 Market Street ....................................................................................................... Denver 303-953-0884 2028 East Colfax Avenue ............................................................................................. Denver 303-355-9333 970 Lincoln Street ......................................................................................................... Denver 303-839-9333 HIGH WEST CANNABIS 10625 E 51st Ave #100................................................... Denver 720-287-0820 see ad on page 24 - cannasavers page 59 Higher Grade 1269 Elati Street............................................................................................................ Denver 303-993-4547 3480 S Galena St ............................................................................................................ Denver 720-350-4071 3111 West 38th Avenue ................................................................................................. Denver 303-955-0186 House Of Dankness 10555 East 45th Avenue ............................................................................ Denver 303-373-7373 Karmaceuticals 4 South Santa Fe Drive ...................................................................................... Denver 303-765-2762 Kaya Cannabis 1075 South Fox Street .................................................................................................. Denver 303-593-2931 3937 West Colfax Avenue ............................................................................................ Denver 720-287-3934 12018 W Jewell Ave...................................................................................................... Denver 303-474-4010 Kind Love 4380 E Alameda Ave ................................................................................................... Denver 720-390-3600 KIND MEDS 260 North Santa Fe Drive................................................. Denver 720-366-8888 see ad on page 24 - cannasavers page 61





L’Eagle 380 Quivas Street ............................................................................................................... Denver 303-825-0497 La Conte’s 105 East 7th Avenue ..................................................................................................... Denver 303-292-2252 5194 Washington Street ............................................................................................... Denver 303-292-2252 Laughing Grass 1110 W Virginia Ave Unit 1................................................................................ Denver 720-379-8567 Lemonnade 4500 Washington Street, Unit B .............................................................................. Denver 720-572-4902 Levels 5201 West 48th Avenue.................................................................................................... Denver 303-993-6424 Lightshade (Sheridan) 1126 S. Sheridan Blvd. x............................................................................ Denver 720-630-2810 (Dayton) 330 South Dayton Street x ........................................................................... Denver 720-699-2690 (Holly) 3950 Holly Street x........................................................................................... Denver 303-468-6100 (Evans) 5885 East Evans Avenue x............................................................................. Denver 303-756-3762 (6th Ave) 745 East 6th Avenue x .................................................................................. Denver 720-899-3040 (Barnum) 445 Federal Blvd ........................................................................................... Denver 720-899-3125 (Peoria) 12075 40th Ave x ........................................................................................... Denver 720-974-7220 Lit 1630 North Federal Boulevard ..................................................................................... Denver 303-455-9333 2001 S Broadway ............................................................................................................ Denver 720-327-5613 Little Brown House 1995 South Broadway ................................................................................... Denver 303-282-6206 Little Green Pharmacy 1331 South Broadway ............................................................................. Denver 303-722-2133 Livwell 706 E 17th Ave #102..................................................................................................... Denver 303-952-9150 1941 W Evans Ave ........................................................................................................ Denver 720-361-2981 2863 Larimer St .............................................................................................................. Denver 303-484-1662 3955 Oneida St.............................................................................................................. Denver 720-573-4735 432 S Broadway ............................................................................................................ Denver 720-428-2550 5926 E Colfax Ave ......................................................................................................... Denver 303-573-6337 6651 N Tower Rd ............................................................................................................ Denver 720-524-8273 330 S Dayton St............................................................................................................. Denver 720-699-2690 3460 W 32nd Ave .......................................................................................................... Denver 303-997-7130 745 E 6th Ave .................................................................................................................. Denver 720-899-3040 2020 South Colorado Boulevard .................................................................................. Denver 303-758-9114 4625 East Colfax Avenue ............................................................................................. Denver 303-333-3644 LOCAL PRODUCT OF COLORADO 419 West 13th Avenue ..................................................... Denver 303-736-8041 see ad on page 24 - cannasavers page 65 Lodo Wellness Center 1617 Wazee Street B .............................................................................. Denver 303-534-5020 Lotus 3990 Ulster ......................................................................................................................... Denver 720-318-0323 LOVA (Downtown) 2042 Arapahoe St ................................................................................... Denver 720-531-5492 (Colfax) 3121 East Colfax Ave ...................................................................................... Denver 720-479-8127 (Sheridan) 446 Sheridan Blvd...................................................................................... Denver 720-536-5471 Magic City Cannabis 3819 Quentin St .......................................................................................... Denver 720-692-1539 Makena 2568 South Broadway .................................................................................................... Denver 303-955-1143 Mammoth Farms 755 South Federal Boulevard, Suite 5 ............................................................ Denver 303-993-5653 Mana Supply Co. 2895 W 8th Ave ............................................................................................... Denver 720-749-4642 Medicine Man 4750 Nome Street ................................................................................................ Denver 303-373-0752 Mighty Tree 2268 South Delaware Street......................................................................................... Denver 720-642-9600 4755 Lipan St ................................................................................................................ Denver 303-600-8961 Mile High Dispensary 1350 South Sheridan Boulevard, Unit 1&2................................................................... Denver 303-373-9333 Mile High Wellness 2291 South Kalamath Street....................................................................... Denver 303-386-4280 Native Roots 500 Grant St .................................................................................................................. Denver 720-428-8613 1155 S Colorado Blvd ................................................................................................... Denver 720-428-8075 2209 West 32nd Avenue............................................................................................... Denver 720-287-1478 2645 South Santa Fe Drive, Units D & E....................................................................... Denver 720-428-8050 4000 Morrison Road ....................................................................................................... Denver 720-638-0802 620 East 58th Avenue .................................................................................................... Denver 720-476-3399 7050 Tower Road .......................................................................................................... Denver 720-428-8990 7870 West Quincy Avenue............................................................................................ Denver 303-933-4372 No Name Dispo 2490 W 2nd Ave ................................................................................................. Denver 303-934-9191 NuVue Pharma 1842 South Parker Road, Unit 18....................................................................... Denver 303-337-2229 Oasis Cannabis Superstore 5440 W 44th Ave ........................................................................................................... Denver 303-333-3338 6359 East Evans Avenue .............................................................................................. Denver 303-756-1494 Peak MJ 260 Broadway ................................................................................................................. Denver 720-390-7804 Pig ‘N’ Whistle 4801 West Colfax Avenue ............................................................................................ Denver 720-542-3437 PLATTE VALLEY DISPENSARY 2301 7th Street Suite B .................................................... Denver 303-953-0295 see ad on page 26 - cannasavers page 67

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