Cannapages Mar/Apr 2023 Edition - Denver/Boulder/Slopes

Vol 10. Edition 2

News from CannaTown

Page 13

bricks. From the volcano bong with ery lava, to the gi- ant hash fe, to the wax Michaelangelo, the show has produced some of the most innovative smakes on televi- sion. It has also been a season of emotion. In the episode “Crackalackin Like a Foo,” contestant Scott Sutton was memorably disqualied in a moving heartbreaker aer a couple of serds were discovered in the judges’ bowl. ey crackled when the bowl was sparked; it was a humiliating moment and Sutton was ushered away in tears. e three remaining contestants exemplify the exper- tise capable of creating a smaking experience packed with theme park style theatrics. Let’s take a look: e rst nalist, Byrona, is a native Highlander who has the most experience in oral arrangements and pageant- ry. She shone right away in the rst episode when her pen- ultimate piece, a palette of waxes, was curated by a parrot. Tita, second nalist, likes to play with machinery. One of her signature achievements was e Drum , a 120-gal- lon hit of GSC that just keeps giving. Always a fan of the large chamber, her show-stopper in episode seven incor- porated the concept of swamp coolers into a “totally chill” design worthy of college Engineering textbooks. e third contender is a "bad boy" that doesn't play by anyone's rules, partly the motivation behind the signa- ture zero-visibility hot-box suction of his 2-seater roaster. Sloopy Joe, the Rosini waxsmith, is a real life H.G. Wells. e semi-nale was a nail-biter. As usual, each Baker had to produce a take on a well-known smake for the sig- nature challenge, this time, "Dank Tartlets" utilizing mint creme pat and yuzu jelly. e technical challenge called for a “Magnum Pudragon” or, Magnum or Platinum Kush, nely ground and topped with hash shavings, tradi- tionally served in a long form peace-pipe with breadsticks. It was hard not to ignore the pressure; the bowls had to each roast just right. Not too hot, not too cold, to bring out all the avors and highs. And the cocktail of hashes, deriva- tives and all other things had to be present in the smake. Denzel T. Hungton's show-stopping three-chamber cheeng helmet dropped jaws with its booming bass, but it was still not enough to best Sloopy Joe’s Vanilla Hindu Kush, nely ground and topped with Golden Goat caramel sugar wax, garnished with 1980’s Brooklyn Street Hash and smaked from a sun-ripened pineapple-bong. is year, Paula and Rue say they're looking to be knocked out, to vomit or crap their pants, or to be dumb- struck by the sheer magnitude of the nal smake. We can only imagine what hasn't been tried yet.

Final Contestants & Sloopy Joe's 'Roaster'

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