Cannapages Mar/Apr 2023 Edition - Denver/Boulder/Slopes

Vol 10. Edition 2

News from CannaTown

Page 9

CANNASCOPES : Discover Your Fortune! Aries - Your dog’s sad howls will never make him much of a crooner, but you already told him that when he le your metal band. Taurus - e only reason nobody’s interested in your homemade cure for dermatitis, is that you keep showing them your grisly armpit. Gemini - What you used to think of as inner dialogue will turn out to be more like talk radio with a lot of guest callers. Cancer - e picnic was a romantic idea but you should’ve put some food in the basket. Leo - It ain't so bad to drink from the bottom of the barrel; that’s where all the nutrients are. Virgo - As the villagers kindly saw you to the gates with all your luggage you couldn’t help but ask again about that $11.

Libra - ey say gravity pulls us down but does it not pull us up? Does a cold rain burn? What is the meaning of these things? Scorpio - “Incompetence” and “Horror” are two words used to describe your handling of the whistling garbage disposal. Sagittarius - Sure, you’ll return to work, as long as you get to wear a bathrobe and helmet. Capricorn - You will inherit a great fortune. Wait, the stars messed that one up. A great misfortune. Aquarius - ankfully you will get a ve- minute window to x your tourniquet while the wolf packs ght each other. Pisces - People have recently started saying you look like Simon Cowell, but you’re not sure that’s a good thing.

What Came to Pass News in Brief

Support Grows for Poor Balloon Vendor Diego De Los Globos spent every day tinker- ing, blowing up, and selling his unique, artisanal balloons. When he poured his life savings into craing his own mini-blimps for publicity purposes--which were subsequently shot down--the heartbroken creator watched the debris fall to the earth, head in his hands sobbing in front of family and friends. “ese balloons were my life’s work,” he told them. Now, a movement is growing to help Diego reclaim his items and about 2000 hours of surveillance footage. LOTR Reboot on Rocks Due To Nerd Pool e Warner Bros groups has announced a reboot of the early-aught classics, however original showrunner Peter Jackson and others have warned that the original nerd pool sup- plying the historical success and long-term circulation of the lm, is at risk of drying up over the next ve-ten years.

Report: Covid began at Brimley Bowl, Pg B4

Stories in Today’s Other Sections

Politician's resume says he drove into space in another dimension................................ E2 “Reefer Bear” lm essentially 2 hours of hibernating................................................ F6 Mummy comes alive at museum; unnoticed for 10 days .......................... ............ ...... G13 Store oers THC-free bud, shuts down......... H1

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