AIM Training Directory 2016

AIM Directory 113

Human Resources COURSE OPTIONS


1 Day





$655 $470

$725 $520

Bris, Melb, Syd Other Locations*

Call 1300 658 337 or click here for locations and dates


Course Entry Requirements: There are no course pre-requisite requirements. To enrol in this course, you must be 18 years of age at time of enrolment. Students are required to have a unique email address. Accreditation: This course aligns with the following unit of competency: BSBHRM513 Manage workforce planning

The Workplace Planning short course teaches you how to effectively evaluate and forecast your organisation’s ongoing needs by profiling your workplace, analysing supply and demand, and devising strategies to minimise workforce gaps. This course is right for you if: Your role involves workforce planning and establishing resourcing strategies. Your employer will benefit because: You’ll be able to examine and interpret the strategic plans of your organisation and the effect they have on the workforce requirements. Learning outcomes: - - Assess the current and future supply and demand of employees and job roles - - Develop workforce strategies and action plans - - Implement initiatives to support workforce planning objectives

*Excluding Western Australia

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