After treatment, then what ? The recovery process takes time - time to reverse the negative life patterns which have accumulated over time by an addiction driven life. Managing life with others in a sober living environment, learning to take responsibility again, making a commitment to sobriety , and attending 12 Step meetings regularly are the beginnings of a responsible, sobriety centered life. Reconnections to work, family and community life can then follow.
Why Twelve Step Education Program Sober Housing? We have been providing safe, clean, and sober housing for over a decade. We make sure that we get all the appropriate local occupancy permits. Our houses pass rigorous fire safety inspections for the sprinkler systems, alarms that are wired directly to the fire departments, and fire extinguishers as well as health inspections. We care not only about sobriety, but safety as well. Not all sober housing can demonstrate that. We also train our House Managers at monthly workshops on various topics. Twelve Step Education program receives no tax dollars through state or federal aid. We operate solely through fees paid and the generosity of private donors.That is why we are cost effective and make sure we get quality goods and services for our residences that represent excellent value.
The Rules Every house has to have rules so that everyone understands what is expected of them and to keep everyone safe and sober. Each Twelve Step Education Program of New England Sober Home has mandatory house meeting each week to foster a sense of community and to make sure that everyone has a chance to have input with house management.
Sobriety also brings with it new responsibilities to ourselves, our families, friends and to the other residents of our sober homes. Teaching residents to be responsible is part of our mission. Every resident is responsible for their behavior in our homes and are held accountable for their actions. This accountability is to show respect for our residents’ sobriety.
We understand how tough it can be to stay sober. Our program was developed from the experiences of hundreds of thousands of recovering persons who have followed the Twelve Step principles of various Anonymous Fellowships.
Residents come to us from many sources - some are self referred, others come from treatment facilities, detox, counseling centers, therapists, the correctional system, shelters, veterans’ programs, or the streets. One thing they all have in common - wanting to stay sober. Many of our residents literally have no where else to go in order to stay sober and still live affordably.
Every house has to have rules so that everyone understands what is expected of them and to keep everyone safe and sober.
We understand how tough it can be to stay sober.
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