King's Business - 1925-10


VOL. 16


PERSISTING INFLUENCES OF CHILDHOOD "BRING UP A CHILD IN THE WAY HE SHOULD 60: AND WHEN HE IS OLD,HE WILL NOT DEPART FROM IT - prov . 22.6 2 0 cen ts a copy —$ 1^5 a year in U .S . —F oreign $ l^ g

Science Discovers the Secret of Caruso’s Marvelous Voice

Caruso’s Throat and Yours Why is it that the humble peas­ ant boy of Italy became the great­ est singer of all time? This dia­ gram of his throat will show you. Caruso’s marvelous voice was due to a superb development of his Hyo-Glossus muscle. Your Hyo- Glossus muscle can be developed too! A good voice can be made better — a w eak voijee becom e strong — a lost voice restored — stammering and stuttering cured. Science will help you.

The Hyo-Gloasu# (Singing)Muaclc

Diagram of Caruso’s Throat Showing the Superb Development of his Hyo-Qlossus Muscle. The Hyo-Glossus (Singing 1 Musde

Diagram of the Normal Throat Showing the Com­ plete Vocal Mechanism,

We Guarantee— Your Voice Can Be Improved 100% E VERY normal human being has a Hyo-Glossus muscle in his or her throat. A few very fortu­

Opera Singers—discovered the secret of the Hyo-Glossus muscle. Dissat­ isfied with the methods used by the maestros of the Continent who went on year after year blindly following obsolete methods, Professor Feuch­ tinger devoted years of his life to scientific research. His reward was the discovery of the Hyo-Glossus, the “Singing Muscle”. Professor Feuchtinger w e n t even farther into the Science of Singing. He perfected a system of voice train­ ing that will develop your Hyo- Glossus muscle by simple, silent exercises right in your own home. Grand Opera Stars Among His Students Hundreds of famous singers h a v e studied with Professor Feuchtinger. Over 10,000 h a p p y pupils have' received the benefits of his wonder­ ful training. There is nothing complicated about the Professor’s methods. They areideally adapted for cor­ respondence instruction. Give him a few minutes each day; The exercises are silent. The results are sure. The Perfect Voice Institute g u a r a n t e e s that Professor Feuchtinger’s method will im­ prove your voice 100%. You are to be your own judge—take

this training—if your voice is not improved 100 % in your own opinion, we will refund your money. A Beautiful Voice for YOU You do not know the possibilities of your voice. If you want to sing—if you have always felt that you could sing but lacked the proper training because you had not the time nor the means to study—here is your chance. Professor Feuchtinger’s course will improve your voice 100%. You can now learn to sing at a very small cost and in the privacy of your own home. If you want to improve your speaking voice—if you stammer or stutter—Professor Feuchtinger will help you. Inspiring Free Book "Physical ‘V o ice Culture i” Send us the coupon below and we’ll send you FREE this valuable work on the voice culture. Do not hesi­ tate to ask. Professor Feuchtinger is glad to have us give you this book and you assume no obligations what­ ever by sending for it. You will do yourself a great and lasting good by studying “Physical Voice Culture.” It may be the first step in your career. Do not delay. The number of t h e s e books is limited. Send today for your copy.

nate persons—like the late Caruso —are born with the ability to sing well. But even they must develop their natural gifts. Caruso had to work many years developing that muscle before his voice was perfect. Whether your voice is strong or weak, pleasant or unpleasant, melodi­ ous or harsh, d e p e n d s upon the development of your Hyo-Glossus muscle. You canhaveabeautifulsing- ing or speaking voice if that muscle is developed by correct training. Prof. Feuchtinger’s Great Discovery Professor Feuchtinger, A. M.—de­ scendant of a long line of musicians —famous in the music centers of Europe, Munich, Dresden, Berlin, Bayreuth, Vienna, Paris andFlorence, for his success in training famous

iuiiliiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiinmiliiniiiuiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiuimiiiHiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiuiiiiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiuuiiiuiimiiiiiiimy Perfect Voice Institute Studio53'17. 1922 Sunnyside Ave., Chicago | Please send me FREE your new book, "Physical Voice Cul- 1 sure". I have put X opposite the subject that interests me g most. I assume no obligations whatever. D Singing □ Specking □ Stammering □ Weak Voice 1

N am e.

Perfect Voice Institute 1922 Sunnyside Ave., Studio 53*17» Chicago, 111.


------ Age_____

T he K ing ’ s B usiness "Motto: “I, the Lord, do keep it; I will water it every moment: lest any hurt it, I will keep it night and day.** Isaiah 27:3. PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY AND REPRESENTING THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES

T . C. HORTON , -

E ditor-in-C hief







THIS MAGAZINE stan d s for th e Infallible W ord of God, an d fo r its great fundam ental doctrines. ITS PUR PO SE is to stren g th en th e faith o f.a ll believers, in a ll'th e w orld; to s tir th e ir h e a rts to engage in definite C hristian w ork; to acq u ain t them w ith the varied w ork of the Bible In stitu te of Los A ngeles; an d to w ork in harm ony a n a fellow ship w ith them in m agnifying the person an d w ork of o u r L ord Jesu s C hrist, an d th u s h asten His com ing. Volume XVI October, 1925 Number 10

Table of Contents


Editorials Page The Philosophy of Prayer.............................................. .............................. 419 Wheelbarrow Wisdom ......... 419 A Fixed Foundation.................... ..................................... ............................420 The Power that Pushes the Pawn..................... ........... ............................420 The Present Peril................................. 421 Contributed Articles The Bright Side of Death— Dr. A. C. Dixon............................................ 422 The Bugle Call of God— Dr. W. B. Hinson....................... ..................... 423 Satan’s Triangle— Prof. S. J.Bole.......................................................... ...424 John G. Paton: Servant ofChrist...................................... 425 Some First-Hand Facts About Marshal Feng Yu-hsiang — Rev. Marcus Ch’eng ...... ,.................................................................42 7 The Scriptures Stamped by Christ’s Testimony—Dr. F. E. Marsh...... 428 Fine Gold (A serial Story)— Josephine Hope Westervelt.........................:..429 Straws and Symptoms.......................................................... 430 Our Bible Institute in Hunan Province (China).............................................. 431 Evangelistic Department (Interesting Soul Winning Stories from Real Experience)......................................................................... 432 Pointers for Preachers and Teachers (Homiletical Helps)............. ................ 433 The Family Circle (For Fellowship and Intercession)..................................... 434 Practical Methods of Personal Work (For Defenders of the Faith)............. 435 Outline Studies in the Epistles of John—T. C. Horton................................ . 436 The Children’s Garden (The King’s Business Junior)..................................... 437 Christian Endeavor Topics..................................... 439 Best Books ....... 1 ..;..’;....... 449 A Fisherman in China............... 442 Iowa Christian Fundamentals Association..................................... 444 The Mary-Martha Home for Girls......................................................................... 450

J. M. IRVINE P resid en t GEO. F. GUY,


J. P. W ELLES, Sec. to th e B oard of D irectors


T F R M Q $1.25 p e r year. Single copies 20 cents. Foreign C ountries * (including C anada) $1.50 p e r year, o r 7 Shillings English m oney. Clubs of 10 o r m ore 25 cents reduction on each su b scrip tio n sen t to one o r to sep a ra te ad dresses as preferred. P. o . Money O rder, payable to th e “Bible In stitu te of Los A ngeles.“ R eceipts will n o t be sen t for reg u lar su b ­ scrip tio n s, b u t d ate of expiration will show plainly, each m onth, on outside w rap p er o r cover of m agazine. A T Q P R T P X S Tnp K ing’s B usiness can n o t accep t respon- IV lrA l >1U J d \ l i 1 »J sibility for loss o r dam age to m an u scrip ts sent to it for consideration. R F IX /IT ’I " I *A M P F I v L i V i i 1 1 r i i i L L Should be m ade by B ank D raft, E xpress or

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R O O K Much confusion an d delay will be avoided if o rd ers for books are sen t d irect to th e B iola Book Room . H ope St., Los A ngeles, C alifornia, in stead of being enclosed in m ail intended for The K ing’s B usiness. E ntered as Second C lass M atter N ovem ber 17, 1910, a t th e P o st Office a t Los A ngeles, C alifornia, u nder the A ct of M arch 3, 1879. A cceptance for m ailing a t special ra te of p o stag e p rovided fo r in Section 1103, A ct of O ctober 3, 1917, authorized O ctober 1, 1918. ^ - ORDFRS


536-558 S. H ope Street,

Los A ngeles, C alifornia

Martha Groff Keller April 28 , 1836 ' July 16 , 1925

'HE asked God for a son who should be a minister of the Gospel, and at his birth consecrated him to the service of her Lord. She labored, prayed and sacrificed to that one end, and when she had reached the age of eighty years gave up her home, crossed the Pacific and lived in inland China for eight years that the work begun might not be interrupted. Dr. Keller’s beautiful tribute to his mother will be found on page 431 .

T he K ing ’ s B usiness Motto: " I, the Lord, do keep it; I will water it every moment: lest any hurt it, I will keep it ni&ht and day.” Isaiah 27:3. PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY AND REPRESENTING THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES

T. C. HORTON , - - - Editor-in-CH ief WM. A. FISHER, M anaging E ditor






DR. W . B. RILEY THIS MAGAZINE stan d s fo r th e Infallible W ord of God, an d for its g reat fundam ental doctrines.

ITS PUR PO SE is to stren g th en th e faith of all believers, in a ll'th e w orld; to s tir th e ir h e arts to engage in definite C hristian w ork; to acq u ain t them w ith th e v aried w ork of th e Bible In stitu te of Los A ngeles; an d to w ork in h arm ony an d fellow ship w ith them in m agnifying the person an d w ork of ou r L ord Jesu s C hrist, an d th u s h asten His com ing.

Volume XVI

October, 1925

Number 10

Table of Contents



Page ..419 .4 1 9 .420 .420 .421

J. M. IRVINE P resid en t GEO. F. GUY,

The Philosophy of Prayer.

Wheelbarrow Wisdom ........ ........... .................................... ................. A Fixed Foundation............................................................. ..... ............ The Power that Pushes the Pawn............................................ .......... The Present Peril........................................................... ........................ . Contributed Articles The Bright Side of Death— Dr. A. C. Dixon..................................... . The Bugle Call of God— Dr. W. B. Hinson................... ................. . Satan’s Triangle— Prof. S. J. Bole................................ .................... . John G. Paton: Servant of Christ........................................................ Some First-Hand Facts About Marshal Feng Yu-hsiang — Rev. Marcus Ch’eng ...... j........................................................... The Scriptures Stamped by Christ’s Testimony—‘Dr. F. E. Marsh. Fine Gold (A serial Story)— Josephine Hope WestervelC..................... Straws and Symptoms.................. ................................................................ .... Our Bible Institute in Hunan Province (China).............. ......................... Evangelistic Department (Interesting Soul Winning.Stories from Real Experience).................. .......... ________ ................. . Pointers for Preachers and Teachers (Homiletical Helps)....................... The Family Circle (For Fellowship and Intercession)............................... Practical Methods of Personal Work (For Defenders of the Faith)....... Outline Studies in the Epistles of John—T. C. Horton............................ The Children’s Garden (The King’s Business Junior)............................. Christian Endeavor Topics.............................................................................. Best B o o k s ...... ............ -......... ................ ......................". ...... ..... ..I;........... A Fisherman in China...... Iowa Christian Fundamentals Association.................................................... The Mary-Martha Home for Girls...................................................................


.422 423 .424 .425 .427 .428 429 .430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 439 440 442 444 450

J. P. W ELLES, Sec. to th e B oard of D irectors



' I 'L 'D 1V4C $1.25 p e r year. Single copies 20 cents. F oreign C ountries * (including C anada) $1.50 p e r year, o r 7 Shillings English m oney. Clubs of 10 o r m ore 25 cen ts reduction on each su b scrip tio n sen t to one o r to sep a ra te ad dresses a s preferred. p . o . Money O rder, pay ab le to th e “Bible In stitu te of Los A ngeles.” R eceipts will n o t be sen t fo r reg u lar su b ­ scrip tio n s, b u t d ate of expiration will show plainly, each m onth, on outside w rap p er o r cover of m agazine. MANUSCRIPTS The K ing’s B usiness can n o t accep t resp o n ­ sibility fo r loss or dam age to m anuscripts sent to it for consideration. D C M I ' | ” I *A M P C r\.I—iiV il 1 1 /A IN v -'t# Should be m ade by B ank D raft, E xpress or

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Much confusion and delay will be avoided if o rd ers for books are sen t d irect to th e B iola Book Room, 536-558 S. H ope St., Los A ngeles, C alifornia, in stead of being enclosed in m ail intended fo r The K ing’s B usiness. E ntered as Second C lass M atter N ovem ber 17, 1910, a t th e P o st Office a t Los A ngeles, C alifornia, u nder th e A ct of M arch 3, 1879. A cceptance fo r m ailing a t special ra te of p o stag e provided fo r in Section 1103, A ct of O ctober 3, 1917, authorized O ctober 1, 1918.


Los A ngeles, C alifornia

536-558 S. H ope Street,

October 1925



K I N G ’ S


THE PHILOSOPHY OF PRAYER Christians are members of a family. They are bora into the family of God hy faith in Jesus Christ. They are children of God. They are sons of God. They are heirs of God and joint-heirs with Jesus Christ to an inheritance that is incorruptible, undefiled and that fadeth not away, eternal in the Heavens. This new relationship involves new laws and new conditions which are henceforth to govern their lives. They are obligated to know and abide by these laws, for their position is peculiar. They are in the world, but not of the world. They are subject to the laws of their country, as citizens, and to the laws which gov­ ern them in this new relationship as sons of God. They need wisdom. They need help. They need guidance. Concerning the laws of the State, they are expected to seek advice and instruction from those in authority,.and conduct themselves accordingly. In this new kingdom, they must also be guided and directed. For this purpose, they are given the privilege of access to the throne of God, through Jesus Christ. They acknowledge their sins and seek forgiveness. They seek for wisdom which is promised and given. They need bodily strength. They need courage. They need sympathy. The way is open. “ Ask and ye shall receive.” Come holdly unto the throne of grace and find help in time of need. You are children of God. Then come to your Heavenly Father. Having given you His Son, will He not freely give you all things ? There is nothing more practical or logical than the philosophy of prayer. The personality and power of God the Father are clearly defined. The privileges of the children of God are great. The laws which govern their appropriation are many and manifest, and every true believer has been able to demonstrate for himself their efficacy and surety. God says, “ Call upon me in the day of trouble!” We do, and He answers. Prayer is not a theory but a fact. It has seldom been utilized by God’s children as He intended it should be, but it would be but a poor sort of Christian who had never proven its value. The Word of God is the law of God governing prayer. What we need to do is to put God’s law into operation and put our philosophy of prayer to proof. Elijah did it (James 5:17, 18): “EUjali was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain; and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months. “And he prayed again, and the heavens gave rain, and Doing a bit of early morning gardening recently, the editor was wheeling a barrow full of fertilizer and meditating on some of his experiences in Christian work, when, somehow, the barrow seemed possessed of personality and spake thus: “ Am I not a wonder? See how much I can carry! How easily I ride the path! the earth brought forth her fruit.” WHEELBARROW WISDOM

I do not feel honored, of course, in carrying fertilizer. It is humiliating to me. It would be much more fitting if I were loaded with some of your library books, or with beautiful fruits and flowers.” “ Why, you poor old barrow,” we replied, “ you are really the most useless thing in the world unless some­ one loads you up and pushes you along. You would never move an inch without some external power. And as to being ashamed of carrying fertilizer,—don’t you know that fertilizer produces fruit and flowers? You ought to apologize and give thanks that someone has the power and the desire to use such an insignifi­ cant, one-wheel thing!” And is not this an illustration of one of the greatest perils that confronts those whom the Lord has blessed in His service? No matter what the station in life may be, prosperity is the precursor of evil, for “ pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.” In no other walk in life is this temptation greater than in Christian work, nor is its manifestation more fatal in effect. One commences Christian work- in fear and trem­ bling. A sense of lack of ability and fear of criticism humble the worker. But if the blessing of God follows the modest efforts (and the Spirit of God gladly uses a humble worker) a sense of conceit takes the place of the feeling of awe, lowliness of spirit vanishes and loftiness of pride succeeds. Self-distrust gives way to self-assumption. The bowed head of humility surren­ ders to the haughty spirit of arrogance. Satan is on the joh. He uses all his subtle powers to help the servant exalt himself. The manner of the man has changed and so has the matter of his message. Once, his desire was to teach the truth of God’s Word. Now, it is to parade the philosophies of men. Once, it was “ Thus saith the Scriptures.” Now,'it is “ Thus saith the scribes or the scientists.” For fifty years the writer has had the privilege of mingling with “ men of the cloth;” has watched their progress from school to platform; heard the acclaim of their attainments and boasts of their houndless service; seen them arise and shine in their own light and then fade away like the flickering flame of the candle. This is not true of all—thank God! But it is true of many, and the temptation confronts us all. Like the wheelbarrow, we forget that we are only instruments in God’s hand and that “ without Him we can do nothing.” “ God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; and base things of the world/ and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are; that no flesh should glory in His presence. But * * * He that glorieth let him glory in the Lord.” And so to our brethren in the Lord’s service we would say: “ Remember, we are just old barrows. Of what use are we unless the Spirit of God fills us, pushes us along, empties us and refills us, so that His Word may fertilize the human heart and cause it to produce the fruit of the Spirit and the flowers of His grace?”

October 1925



K I N G ’ S


lowering of the standard of the cross of Christ. We may be called upon to yield our possessions to others and not contend for them, although few are willing to do that. We fight for our property. We defend the lives of our loved ones and friends. But,.alas ! alas ! many will not put Christ above earthly possessions and position. In such a time as this, the Bible Institute of Los Angeles rejoices in saying to the world: “ We are founded, fixed, on a statement of doctrine, which is in the corner stone of our structure. No man or woman can speak from our platform who cannot conscien­

A FIXED FOUNDATION The Bible Institute of Los Angeles set its seal to a fixed faith in the fundamental doctrines of the Bible when it erected its splendid buildings in the center of a great and growing city. The significant signs which were even then apparent of the rising tide of unbelief in the so-called Christian nations demanded a definite statement of doctrine which would ring true to the Christ of the Bible in the coming :church crises, and such a statement was

prepared and in­ corporated in the deed to the prop­ erty. T h e vision of the approaching anti-Christian con­ flict was real and is npw being real­ ized. There have been false Christs in the p a s t and there are f a l s e Christs now; but there are also false u s a g e s of t h e name of Christ, for many so-called Christians are no longer believers in the Virgin Birth of our Lord and are, t h e r e f o r e , knowingly or un­ knowingly, Anti- Christians a n d agents of the Anti- Christ. The' war against the Christ of the B i b l e is being waged with inten­ sified hatred. The leaders in the at­ tack u p o n Him are s m o o t h of tongue, sentimen­ tal in teaching, seductive in terms, specious in tactics and spurious in tendency.

tiously confess a f u l l agreement with that- state­ ment. ’’ Those who pray for us and contri­ bute to our work can do so with full f a i t h that t h a t statement cannot be changed. Those who seek instruction in the Word of God can c o m e unhesitat­ ingly, sure that no subtle, seducing heresy will ever be permitted here. T h e standard is sure and the satis­ faction is great, that the e n e m y can never find a resting place be­ neath our r o o f , and t h o s e who have entrusted us with funds to be used in the service of our crucified, risen, c o m i n g Lord, need have no fear that their money will ever be used as have the funds of many saints whose in­ vestments are now in the hands of the misleading Mod­ ernists.

The Pawn

— C ourtesy Los A ngeles Tim es

Could you put your finger upon the pulse of the peo­ ple of our country, you would feel the surging of a heated frame of mind. The question of oUr youth is “ Where are we? Whom and what shall we believe?” Beai statesmen are viewing with surprise the serious­ ness of thè situation. The true followers of Christ, with Bibles in hand, are now forced to take sides with their Lord and, led by the Spirit of God, wage a cease­ less warfare against the fictitious friends ( ?) of the church of God. There can be no white flag flying over the armies of the Lord. He “ came not to send peace but a sword.” “ There is no peace to the wicked.” There can be no

THE POWER THAT PUSHES THE PAWN The daily papers are not always behind the times in sensing world conditions and the insignificance of the efforts of mere man when subject to the inevitable laws of God, as is evidenced by the cartoon which we are reproducing by permission of the Los Angeles Times. Men may utter great swelling words ' Concerning “ science” and its achievements, but there is a “ Thus far shalt thbu go and no farther” against which they are powerless. They cannot control the wind or waves, nor the inner movements of the earth, and in the pres­ ence of these mysterious forces they are as helpless as


K I N G ’ S


October 1925

4 2 1

THE PRESENT PERIL We who are Christians have the Prophetic Book: in our hands. We are familiar with its notes of warning concerning the last days and the predicted drift from the moorings in Church and State. We can feel the pulse of the people and when we do we find that there is but little red blood left to be stirred .concerning the downward tendency in morals in both young and old. Our hearts are heavy as we contemplate the indiffer­ ence apparent in the majority of the Lord’s people concerning the rising tide of unbelief and_its inevitable result to the cause of Christ. The spectacular death o f ’Mr. Bryan, the beloved leader in our land in defence of the Bible and his country, both of which he loved, has awakened iis, however, to a new consciousness of the peril confront­ ing us, and of the disastrous consequences of failure: to recognize the personal responsibility and obligation which rests upon every Christian to rally to the help of the Lord against the mighty, as He calls His forces together to meet the emissaries of Satan in their effort to lower the moral standard and minimize the charac­ ter of dhe church to that of a mere social organization. Hundreds of thousands of God’s children have been asleep, hoping for the best, but not doing their heist. The call of God has been sounding out but ears have been deaf. But the hope of saving souls and building np the true church depends upon a hearty response to the call for help which has gone out not only from The King’s Business but from, many other periodicals which are seeking to do their part in stemming the tide, every one of which should have the prayers and whole-hearted support of their constituents. The effort which we are putting forth in this direc­ tion is costing us money, for The King’s Businesses published at an actual financial loss, though it has a large circulation and is helping thousands of people in this and many other lands. The King’s Business is designed to meet the needs of Christian people for ammunition and armor in this great battle in defense of the faith. From the first to the. last page it i s ' full of matter calculated to strengthen the faith of young and old and prepare them for effective service. . Run through this number and carefully note every d e p a r t m e n t , —the Editorials; the Articles; the intensely interesting Serial Story; the Current Com­ ment; the inspiring soul-winning stories from real experience as told in the Evangelistic Department; the helps for Preachers and Teachers in the form of Bible Outlines; the daily devotional suggestions for the Family Circle ; Practical Methods of Personal Work for Defenders of the Faith; the splendid comments on the Christian Endeavor Topics; the unique Children’s Garden for the little folks; the Outline Studies in the Epistles of John, and many other helpful things. Then resolve to do your best to put this helpful material into the hands of some other Christian who needs it but does not know about it, even at some sac­ rifice of money and time. Remember, it is YOUR OWN FAMILY PAPER, and send us any helpful suggestion for its betterment. We will do our best. Will you do yours? Read the inside back cover, turn to coupon on page 460, pray over it, fill out as the Lord directs and send it in.

the pawn on the chess board is to hinder the finger of the player. Some of us have seen the path of the tornado which has swepit every living thing before it; have seen where the bolt of lightning has left its deadly mark; have felt high and lofty structures tremble like a leaf in the hands of a child; and there are yet many other things which we may live to see more startling than any of these. Man, by nature, is a pompous “ pawn,” inclined to strut before his fellows, seeking to make the most of his personality, boasting, bragging and sometimes braying like his friend in the field. But there is a Book which few of these “ pawns” know anything about: which they berate as a back number, while they inform us what God never did and never can do. This Boob describes such as “ traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of themselves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof,” and then admonishes us “ from such turn away. ’’ For years we have watched as one after another these men have risen to some sort of prominence and then passed away, bursting like a toy balloon and lost in the air with’ which they were inflated, while others have taken their places and, through their sophistries and soft speeches, sought to mislead the multitude. There is an incident related in God’s Word which is well worth considering in this connection as illustrat­ ing God’s thought concerning such (Acts 12:21-24): “And upon a set day Herod, arrayed in royal apparel, sat upon his throne, and made an oration unto them. “And the people gave a shout saying, It is the voice of a god, and not of a man. “And immediately the angel of the Ijord smote him, because he gave not God the glory and he was eaten of worms, and gave up the ghost. “But the word of God grew and multiplied.” Such will be the ultimate fate of every man who exalts himself, but “ the Word of God” will “ grow and multiply” in spite of all the destructive deniers in church and school. God’s laws are beneficent. Let us use them in every way possible for the benefit of mankind and give just praise to those who are able to harness them for our use. But, remember, they are God’s laws. He is the Author of all law and will do what He pleases, when He pleases and as He pleases. He has made it possible for man to use His. laws, but He has never surrendered one iota of His authority to man and He never will. So long as men work in harmony with God’s laws blessings will follow. When they violate them, suffering must follow. God’s Written Law-Sthe Bible—Is the basis of all righteous living. Every attempt to belittle it will result in sorrow for those, who attempt it. “ The blessing of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple; “ The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; ‘‘The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes; “ The judgments of the‘Lord are true, and righteous altogether. “ Moreover by them is thy servant warned, and in keeping of them there is great reward.”



K I N G ’ S


October 1925

Extracts from “THE BRIGHT SIDE OF DEATH” . By Dr. A. C. Dixon

“Absent from the body— Present with the Lord” Death is a sleep. The body becomes unconscious. As one lies down to sleep at night, expecting to wake in the morning, so we may lie down to die expecting that the body which loses consciousness shall wake to life in the morning of the resurrection. Jesus said to His disciples, “Our friend Lazarus is fallen asleep, but I go that I may wake him out of sleep.” So our Lord will one glad day say to the angels of heaven: “Our friends on earth have fallen asleep. Let us go and wake them out of their sleep.” The wakening of the body is as certain as its sleeping. But the soul does not .sleep with the body in the grave. The body is only the tent in which the soul lives, until death shall release and send it to a better home. It is evident, therefore, that while death is a sleep for the body, it is rather an awakening for the Spirit. The important question remains to be answered: Where goes the Spirit at death? And the answer is three­ fold. (1) It goes to be with Jesus Christ. Our Lord said to the converted malefactor, “Today shalt thou be with Me.” An aged Scotchman, asked what he thought of death, replied, “It matters little to me whether I live or die. If I die I will be with Jesus, and if I live Jesus will be with me.” Paul defined life as being at home in the body while we are absent from the Lord, and death as being absent from the body while we are present with the Lord. ( 2 ) The soul goes to be with Jesus in Paradise. Our Lord said to the man who whs dying at His side, “Today shalt thou be with Me in Paradise.” In a vision Paul “was caught up into Paradise and heard unspeakable words which it is not lawful for a man to utter.” It is clear from this Scripture that in Paradise there is to be a larger revelation than any we have had or could endure here. (3 ) Death in introducing the Christian to the presence of Jesus in Paradise enlarges his sphere of opportunity and activity. “To die is gain.” Paul declared that to depart and be with Christ “is far better” than remaining in the body. Be it remembered that Jesus is not in the grave. He came out on the third day. If we would find Him we must seek Him not among the dead but among the living. He is the God of the living. When Paul said, “The time of my departure is at hand,” he used a word which carries with it the idea of lifting anchor, spreading sail and going out of the land-locked har­ bor into the open sea. To him death was not contraction but expansion. The passage is short, but it is not dark, for the Chris­ tian’s way shines brighter and brighter till the perfect day. Death rather parts the curtains and wakes the spirit to everlasting day. There is only one thing better than dying, and that is to be alive when the Lord of Life shall come in glory. I do not desire death, and try to shun it, for I want to do all the good I can, and remain, if possible, to the day of His glor­ ious appearing; but, when death does come, I shall welcome it as a vanquished enemy, made to serve its conqueror by setting at liberty the spirit that is now in the bonds of limitations. Let no child of God live in bondage to the fear of death. The Lord of life holds the lines and guides His children safely through the gates of death into the Paradise of God. “H e being dead, y et sp eaketh.”— H eb. 11:4.


have fou g h t a good fight, I have finished m y course, I have k ep t th® faith : H enceforth th ere is laid up for m e a crow n of righteousness, w hich the L ord, th e righteous judge, shall give m e a t th a t day : and no* m e only, b u t u n to all them also th a t love H is ap p earin g ” — 2 Tim . 4:7, 8. H is M otto ^Text: “ W o rth y is th e Lam b th a t w as slain to receive power, a n d riches, and w isdom , and stre n g th , an d honor, an d glory, and blessing.”— Rev. 5:12. jjACULTY and students, together with many friends, gathered in the Bible Institute of Los Angeles to listen to the exercises of the graduating class of ’25, were shocked to hear Dr. Maclnnis read a telegram announcing the death of A. C. Dixon the day before. It hardly seemed possible to those who had but a few months previously enjoyed his gracious fellowship within the walls of the Institute, that Dr. Dixon had passed through “The valley of the shadow.” Born July 6 th, 1854, at Shelby, N. C.,;he was ordained as a Baptist minister in 1876. His first pastorate was at Chapel Hill, N. C., followed by three years ministry in Asheville, N. C. In 1883 he became pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church, Baltimore, where he remained until 1890. The interval between 1890 and 1921, when he returned to the city of Baltimore as Under-shepherd of the University Church, marked the greatest years of his life.; The follow­ ing appointments he filled with distinction and abundant blessing:' Hanson Place Church, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1890-6; Ruggies St. Church, Boston, 1896-1901; Moody Church, Chicago, 1901-11; Metropolitan Tabernacle, London, 1911- 19; Member of the Faculty and Special representative of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles,' 1919-1922. The subjoined extract from “The Bright Side of Death,” delivered before he went to be with the Lord, will be read with interest. M g H ■ B s



K I N G ’ S


October 1925

The Bugle Call of God A Sermon by Dr. W. B. Hinson, Pastor of the East Side Baptist Church, Portland, Oregon A portion of one of Dr. Hinson’s weekly sermons, which are printed and distributed by the Publicity Committee of the East Side Baptist Church, Portland, Oregon, of which he is the beloved pastor. Dr. Hinson rings true to the Word of God in every message, and always appeals to the hearts of his hearers.

I never heard any other woman in the world talk that way about the monotonous and the commonplace duties of the household. But you see that woman had been to Nazareth. That is where she: learned that lesson. And by the Way you do your work tomorrow, my brother, and by the way you behave yourself tomorrow, my sister, some­ one will estimate God. For it is a trite saying but a true one;—men are not reading the Bible very extensively but they are reading you, the professor of religion. At the Jordan And then He went to the Jordan—^so I read. And the Jordan is the unique experience in Jesus’ life and in our history, for the only time in all the world and in all the generations when the three persons of the Trinity were present in an articulate form was at the baptism of Jesus. Startling and suggestive is that fact; God the Holy Spirit descending in the form of a dove; God the Father commend­ ing Jesus; and Jesus submitting to the ordinance of bap­ tism. I am asking you to recall what He said to John the Baptist when He approached for baptism. For John had remonstrated and in humility answered, “I have need to be baptized of Thee, and comest Thou to me?” Now listen. “And Jesus answering, said, Thus it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness.” And there at the Jordan he enunciated the great law of life— Righteousness. Now the sad thing today is the divorce between creed and deed, between, belief and practice. I know men in this city whose creed is orthodox and their lives are heterodox, and what they need is to go to the Jordan and learn that the great law of life is righteousness. The day you receive money for an eight hour day and have only given seven and one half hours of service is the day that betrays you, and evidences you to be a poor disciple of Jesus Christ. And woman, when last Thursday in the car you went past the conductor and took your seat, he having failed to notice as you went by, and you suddenly remembered that you had paid no fare and you smiled a little to yourself and hushed your conscience by saying, “Well, eight cents is too much anyhow,” to that extent you went away from walking with Jesus. And if that conductor happened to be informed of what you had done and learned that you were a member of this church, you made eight cents, but you hurt the church and you hurt the cause of Jesus Christ and you hurt Christ Himself. So let us go to the Jordan. On the “Hill of Testing” And then He went to the hill of testing Where the duel of eternity was fought, and Jesus the Son of God and Satan the prince of the power of the air met.- And the struggle was protracted and terrible. ‘Have you learned the lesson of that hill? Here is one lesson we should learn from it. (Continued on page 451.)

“J e s u s s a id , I f a n y m a n w ill c o m e a f t e r m e, le t h im d e n y h im ­ s e lf, a n d ta k e u p h is c ro s s d a ily , a n d fo llo w m e .1— L u k e 9:23. B fTjjHOLLOW me.” And if I follow Him, I must go where He goes. And in this world first He went-to 1 | | | Bethlehem, and in a manger there lay the One ¡¿SSI who is the Son of God. And Paul, thinking hack to Bethlehem, said “He emptied himself.” So Bethlehem stands for Renunciation. Now have you been to Bethle­ hem? Have you gone through an experience of self-empty­ ing? Has your life become like bruised grapes for God?' Have you really felt that your highest place is lying low at your Redeemer’s feet? Do you recall Monod’s great hymn, which ends with the verse— “H ig h e r th a n th e h ig h e s t h e a v e n s , ' D e e p e r th a n th e d e e p e s t s e a , L o rd , T h y lo v e a t l a s t h a s c o n q u e re d , N o n e o f s e lf a n d a ll o f T h e e .” Have you been to Bethlehem? Will you go' you really say—®',! And w: “H a v e T h in e v o w n w a y , L o rd , H a v e T h in e o w n w a y ; T h o u a r t th e P o tte r , I a m th e c la y .” At Nazareth And He went next to Nazareth. What did He do there, do you ask? Oh, He made chairs and tables and plows for the people. And He was God? Yes! Xam always astounded whqn I read that men said, “Is not this the carpenter?” But in the carpenter’s shop, standing upon the fragrant shav­ ings, pushing the plane, moving the saw, He behaved like the Son of God and He lifted up commonplace things and made things that were ordinary extraordinary by the way He did them. We need to learn the lesson which we can alone learn in Nazareth. To you women to whom I seldom preach, I would like to tell a story of my former pastorate before I came to Oregon. The woman I have always thought was one of the three foremost women I. have known in intellect and heart, stood up one night and said this, in effect: “We women ought to -thank God for our ministry. Our fathers, hus­ bands, brothers, sons, toil all day in all sorts of surround­ ings. And they come home with their physical strength depleted and their nerves all on edge, and they look like wrecks when they enter the house. And there is a grimness about them, suggestive of much. And then our gracious ministry comes in. For we have prepared a meal,— care­ fully, lovingly prepared it. We say Very little but we place the meal before them, and they partake of it, and the wrinkles go out of the face and the eyes grow larger, and a smile begins to threaten to appear on the countenance. And after a while they find their tongues and they composedly speak about the day, and we have captured them for God.”

October 1925



K I N G ’ S


Satan’sTriangle: Evolution, Philosophy and Criticism S. J. Bole, Professor of Biology, Wheaton College, Illinois The sixth in a splendid series of articles refuting the Satanic and destructive theory of evolution which is being so widely taught as fact in our schools and colleges. We quote from the “Introductory Statement” which appeared in the May issue: “By ‘Satan’s Triangle’ is meant a false science, a false philosophy, and a false religion; or Evolution, Pagan Philosophy, and Destructive' Biblical Criticism. . . . The evidence is greater against than for organic evolution. These truths came to me after leaving the class room and the grad­ uate seminar. The Christian point of view was not presented by my professors, either through

the lecture, text-book, or references..............I am writing these articles with the hope . that many college students may read them and conclude with Emerson that, ‘The things that are new are not true, and the things that are true are not new.’ ” Chapter 6

Dr. James Orr, the noted Scotch author, writes: “The present‘age has abounding faith in scholarship. When a scholar speaks about the Bible let no man peep or m u tter.. . But it is very much to the point to observe that it has never been by learning, by philosophy, by science, that the church has been revived and saved in eras of great religious laxity and abounding infidelity. . . .When Jesus introduced His religion into the world He did not choose scholars, but hum­ ble, simple-minded men attached to Himself by a living faith and endowed with power from on high.” The Credulity of Critics Instead of believing that God brought “forth living crea­ tures after their kind” and made “man in His own image,” many scholars and professional men take by faith the theory of evolution, pagan philosophy, and the new theology. They insist upon being able to explain the Virgin Birth and the Resurrection before they can believe them, yet they take by faith the supposition that man evolved from lower animals. One of the pathetic things is that most of these modernists are sincere. They believe they are right because they have had a wide experience with men and books. A noted writer has said, “If a thing is new, it is not true; and if it is true, it is not new.” This is a wonderful truth. God can save a college man despite the handicap often caused by his educa­ tion. Preaching is no longer “foolishness” to one who is saved. A newly converted person may turn all his knowl­ edge, logic, and experimental methods upon the Bible and his faith only becomes brighter. . , Those who were in college twelve or fifteen years ago find that their old textbooks in chemistry, physics, astronomy, and. other sciences are now out of date. Books on science are changing each decade, but Genesis is true now as it always has been; The “nebular hypothesis” and the “mole­ cular theory” have been relegated to the historic past, but men still have to be “born again” to be saved. Authors not Always Authorities In reading a book of fiction one does not always, care to know about the author. But we read science, history, and literature not to. forget but to remember. So most of us prefer to know something about the author of a book or article. The writings of infidel historians like Hume and Gibbon, no matter how scholarly, have to be discounted. Because they were not. Christians, their interpretation of sacred even ts. are more or less colored by their beliefs. Before beginning to read philosophy one prefers to know that Kant and Spencer were agnostics, and that Hegel and Schelling were pantheists. Before beginning to read poetry or prose one prefers to know that Longfellow, Franklin and Emerson were Unitarians. One may appreciate and enjoy a poem or story written by an atheist, an agnostic, or an (Continued on page 454.)

WHAT IS AUTHORITY? H HOM shall we believe? Shall we place equal confi­ dence In our next-door neighbor, our pastor, and our college professor? Shall we believe all meh? Shall we believe what we read in the “Ladies’ Home Journal,” the “Outlook,” and the “Literary Digest” ? In other words, who or what is authority in history, science, literature, and religion? Most of us are a long while learning that we must choose carefully whom we can believe. As a boy I decided never to sign a note. Finally, I signed a friend’s note at the bank and^paid the note! Since then I have not signed any more notes. Most people have had a similar experience. And so, little by little, we learn to trust and mistrust men. A college training seldom fits one to understand the problem of authority. Many young people, at least, have equal faith in all men and all books, and only learn through experience that the question of authority is one of the great problems of life. Because college professors teach, and students and grad­ uates read in books and magazines, that man came from the higher animals and these in turn came from the lower, educated people become evolutionists. Most people know that evolution is questioned by many, but because eminent men in colleges and universities teach and write about it in books and magazines they accept it. Students generally go a little farther than do the college professors and writers of books. While a professor usually calls, evolution a theory, the student often thinks of it as a fact. Blind Leaders of the Blind It is not necessary to bring up Bible questions in history or English classes, but it is often done by teachers. When a college professor having a Ph. D. degree teaches that cer­ tain parts of the Bible are fables, certain parts myths, and certain other parts are a mixture of legend and history, the ordinary student is not going to seriously question such teachings. Unless the student is well grounded in his faith he will accept these teachings as true. I am glad that I put forth the necessary effort through a period of years to graduate from two universities; I am pleased with the knowledge, most of it, that I acquired at these institutions of learning. I am pleased with the fel­ lowship that I had with students and faculty. I am ashamed, however, that so large a majority of college and university men are either atheists, agnostics or pantheists. Lest some one should remind me that most college and university professors are church members and attend church quite regularly, let me hasten to say that church membership has come to mean very little in these days, and denomina- tionalism less. Belief in Modernism or the New Theology is largely due to the reverence men hold for supposed scholarship or authority. It is often the case of “the blind leading the blind.”

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