King's Business - 1925-10

October 1925


K I N G ’ S



THE ALE-SUFFICIENT CHRIST John 10:9 1. Entrance through Christ. 2. Salvation by Christ. 3. Liberty in Christ. 4. Spiritual food found in Christ. HHW esleyan Methodist. THE TEMPLE OF JOY Psalm 33 Outlined 1. Architectural P 1 a n— Forgiveness and Blessing, vs. 1, 2. 3. Excavation— Sin and iniquity, vs. 3, 4. 3. Foundation—Confession of sin, v. 5. 4. Corner Stone—Rejoicing in t h e Lord, v. 11. 5. Superstructure— Refuge, guidance and promise, vs. 6 - 10 . THE BIBLE—OUR DIVINE STOREHOUSE 3 Timothy 3 :16. 17 I. The Origin of the Scriptures: “All Scripture is given by inspira­ tion of God.” 3. The Worth of the Scriptures: “Is profitable for 1. Doctrine, 2. Reproof, 3. Correction, 4. Instruction in righteousness. 3. The Divine Object of the Scrip­ tures: “That the man of God may be 1. Perfect (complete). 2. Fully equipped— “Thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” :—Selected. GREAT WORDS IN THE EPISTLE TO HEBREWS “Let us therefore” 1. Fear to come short (4 :1 ). 2. Labor to enter into His rest (4: II, R. V .). 3. Come boldly unto the throne (4 :1 6 ). 4. Go on unto perfection (6 :1 ). 5. Draw near (10:19-22). 6 . Hold fast the confession (10: 23). 7. Consider one another (10 :24 ). 8 . Lay aside every weight (12:1-2). 9. And besetting sin, (12 :1 -2 ). 10. And run the race (12:1-2). 11. Have grace (12 :28 ). 12. Go forth to Him (13 :13 ). 13. By Him offer (1 3 :15)SS-The Witness (London). THE ROMANCE OF TWELVE BROTHERS How 11 bad were reconciled to 1 good brother. In this picture of right­ eous conciliation we have: 1. Roughness.— Spake r o u g h l y to them.— Gen. 42:7. 2. Remembrance.— Put them together " in- ward three day's, time to talk and think.— Gen. 42:17. 3. Repentance.— “We - are v e r i l y guilty,” also his blood is required. —Gen. 42:21, 22.

4. Recognition of Guilt.— “God hath found out the iniquity of thy ser­ vants.”— Gen. 44:16. 5. Reconciliation.— “I am Joseph; . . come hear unto me; . . they came near; . . he kissed all his brethren.” — Gen. 45:4, 15. 6 . Satisfaction. — “It is enough.”— Gen. 45:28. — Believers’ Pathway. “WE THANK THEE FOR THE BLOOD” A converted Jewess in a prayer meeting in a Los Angeles church prayed, “We thank Thee for thy ser­ vant and the way he spoke about the Blood of Christ. We never heard it like that before.”. The way the Holy Spirit speaks about the blood is unique and significant. “The Blood of the New Covenant” fLuke 22:20 R. V.) tells us of the passing of the old covenant. “The Blood of Jesus” proclaims the perfect Human and the perfectly numan in His death (Heb. 10:19). “The Blood of God” (Acts 20:28 ). God cannot die, but He who died for us is God. “The Blood of Jesus Christ” (1 Pet. 1 :2 ). He is the “Christ” as well as “Jesus”. Jesus leads to the throne. “The Blood of Christ Jesus” (Rom. 3:24, 25). When the names occur in this order, the Throne is the starting point and Bethlehem the goal. “The Blood of Jesujs Christ Hie Son” (1 John 1 :7 ). The emphasis here is on “His Son”. “The Blood of Christ” (Heb. 9 :14 ). The anointed One as the sent of God is the thought here. “The Blood of the LORD” (1 Cor. 11:27). The Lord’s- death is asso­ ciated with the Lord’s table, as the Lord bids us think of the Lord who died. (See “WHY DID CHRIST DIE?” $1-25, for other phases of Christ’s Death. May be had from F. E. Marsh, 28 Grove Hill, London, E. 18, Eng­ land.) —-F. E. M. “EXTEMPORANEUM” . “Have you prepared your sermon for tomorrow?” asked our Southern friend of his man-of-all-work, who was also preacher at the African Methodist Church. “No, suh,” said he, “I doan’ have to. Sometimes I preaches from a text. Then I got to study. Tomorrow I jest preaches from the extemporaneum.” “Extèmporaneum” is not often a good method to follow. 1. David said in his “haste” all men were liars. (Psa. 116:11.) 2. Peter “in a hurry” cut off the ear of the servant of the high priest. (Luke 22:50.) 3. Shimei cursed David in the cir­ cumstances of the moment, and had to

confess his wrong afterwards. (2 Sam. 16:5; 19:18-20.) 4*. Gehazi, moved by impulse, got a present from Naaman,.but if he had considered, he would not have got his leprosy. (2 Kings 5:20-27.) 5. Naaman complained in his hurry, about the direction of Elisha, but had to follow it in the end. (2 Kings 5:11- 14.) 6 . The Prodigai, moved by selfish­ ness, got sick of home, but he would have given anything for home, when he got homesick. (Luke 15:12-19.) 7. Eve, at the sudden suggestion of the evil one, took the forbidden fruit, but the story of sin and sorrow has been a bitter harvest. (Gen. 3:1-7.) — F. E. M. PURIFYING HOPE “Everyone that hath this hope, puri- fieth himself, even as He is pure” (1 John 3 :3 ). To Samuel Rutherford, the coming of Christ was a purifying hope. Hear his soul’s cry for the Bridegroom: “Watch but a little, and ere long the skies shall rend, and that fair, lovely Person, Jesus, will come in the clouds, fraught and loaded with glory. Oh, when shall we meet? Oh, how long is it to the dawning of the marriage day? O sweet Lord Jesus, take wide steps! O my Lord, come over the mountains at one stride! O my Be­ loved, flee like a roe or a young hart, on the mountains . of separation. Oh that He would fold the heavens together like an old cloak, and shovel time and days out of the way, and make ready in haste the Lamb’s wife, for her Husband. Since He looked upon me, my heart is not mine own; He hath run away with it.” - The practical power of the hope of Christ’s return is evident, if we pon­ der the following: 1. Found abiding in Christ, when He returns, will give us boldness in His presence, and save us from being ashamed (1 John 2:28). 2 . Sanctified in spirit, soul, and body will prepare us to be found blameless when He returns (1 Thess. 5:23). 3. Believing He is coming soon, will cause us to be alert, in constant watch­ ing (Mark 13:33-37). 4. A stimulus in holy service is ex­ perienced, if living in the light of His appearing (2 Tim. 4:1, 2). 5. The grace of. patience will be cul­ tivated, if we are serving in the glow of His return (James 5:7). 6 . We shall put off what the Lord enjoins, and put on what He com­ mands, if we believe the day of His coming is near (Rom. 13:11). 7. Faithfulness in life and labor will be manifest, if we believe He is coming (1 Cor. 4 :1 -5 ).— Prophetic News.

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