King's Business - 1925-10



K I N G ’ S


October 1925

Any Book Reviewed or Advertised in These Columns may be Obtained a t Biola Book Room 536-558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif.

Two very interesting missionary vol­ umes relating to the work in the New Hebrides are Won by Blood, by A. K. Langridge, author of “John G. Patón; Later Years and Farewell.” This is a thrilling story of missionary service at the cost of life. The tragedy of sacrifice of the missionary and of the native tribes by other natives, and the long fight for success, is stimulating to the faith. (See illustrated article on page 425 of this number of The King’s Business.) Price $1.00. And, Midst Volcanic Fires, by Maurice Frater, Missionary of the John G. Patón Mission Fund. An account of missionary tours among' the volcanic islands of the New Hebrides. Every page is intensely interesting. Today the missionaries can move about among the savages with perfect free­ dom. This volume will give you a new conception of what it means to “go into all the world.” Price' $1.50 Both volumes’are illustrated and are issued by the Pilgrim Press (Boston) and James Clarke & Go., Ltd., (Lon- clon) Odd Patterns in the Weaving, by Sonia E. Howe, author, of “A Thou­ sand Years of Russian History,” “Real Russians,” and other books. An in­ tensely interesting record of remark­ able events which form threads in the tangled skein of life, The incidents áre delightfully related with ever-pres­ ent and thrilling interest from cover to cover. Presént-day conditions in Rus­ sia bring it before the phblic today as never before. The book will give you some new conceptions. (Marshall Bros., London). 6 /. or $2.00 The Dog Watch Meetings, or A Re­ vival on a Tramp Steamer, by Alex­ ander Stewart. A real story of a seaman’s experience in living and tes­ tifying as a Christian engineer, show­ ing what the Gospel of God’s grace Can do for a seaman. Some extraordinary events are recorded of the convicting and converting power of the Holy Spirit. It is a natural account of daily incidents and will be interesting and helpful to all. It would be a splendid thing if those interested would place a copy in the “Seamen’s Resorts” as Well as on board vessels. (Marshall Bros.) 2/6 Net. Delia, the Blue-Bird of Mulberry Bend, by Emma M. Whittemore, foun­ der of the “Door of Hope” Mission, New York City. In presenting this new and revised edition of a little book which, in its previous form, has been blessed of God to the hearts of

thousands in all parts of the civilized world, Mrs. Whittemore desires not only to urge, with fresh emphasis, the duty of Christian women towards their fallen sisters, but to express the hope that the story of Delia may find its way into the hands of many a poor, friendless, girl, flung hither and thither on thé tideway of the city streets. Cloth, $1.00; Paper, 75c China’s Christian Army, by George T. B. Davis. Mr. Davis was for years a newspaper man and has the essen­ tial facility for depicting the wonder­ ful Christian soldierS-Marshal Feng -—and -his soldiers. Mr. Davis has given years of his life to the work of the Pocket Testament League as Sec­ retary. The present day conditions in China,-and thé’, life story of this re­ markable Christian general and his influence over his army and the na­ tion, are sufficient to create a large demand for the book and we heartily commend it. It contains sixteen full page illustrations. (Christian Alliance Pub. Co.) Cloth, $1.00; Paper 50c. Bible Baptism, by Stephen Marcus Lindsey. The author says: .‘‘I wish it understood at the outset that this book is to direct attention to vital truth and not to revive old contro­ versy about the mode of water bap­ tism. The essential fact of regenera­ tion symbolized; in baptism is infinitely more important than the mode of ap­ plying the water.” An eminent judge says of it: “Irrespective of church affiliations I feel that every. candid Bible student who Would know what information can be attained on this subject by sober, sane; and courteous discussion, has much to gain by read­ ing this book.” (Christopher Pub. House) $1.50 An Adventure in Evangelism, by Daniel A. Poling, LL.D. Mr. Poling has' j u s t recently become President of the Christian Endeavor Society of this country. A member of this so­ ciety for years, he has been associated with that prince of preachers, Dr. David James Burrell, of the Marble Collegiate Church of New York City. Mr. Poling has been giving evangelis­ tic addresses in the evening, and this volume contains the outlines of eigh­ teen of such addresses. An authentic, clarion note of uncompromising war on sin and unrighteousness is bravely sounded in the book. It is the story of how, through a strong, fearless, Gos­ pel message, men of all grades—-mer­ chants and outcasts alike—have been brought to God, (Revell) $1.50

BOOKLETS Four Old Pals, by Frederick E. Burnham. The story of the conver­ sion of a jail bird, proving the power of the Gospel and personal work. (B. I. Colportage Ass’n) 10c What Would I Do If I Were Young? by Prof. E. M. Broen. A straightfor­ ward, clear, inspiring exhortation to clean living. It should have a wide circulation. (Broderbaandet Pub. Co., Grand Forks, N. D.) 25c Mary Antipas, by H. W. Pope. An interesting story of a young girl whose middle name, “Antipas,” meaning “Against them all,” proved to be a wise choice for a faithful witness. B. I. Colportage Ass’n) 10c One Thousand Best Bible_ Verses, by J. B. Smith. Dr. Gray, of the Moody Bible Institute, says in his introduc­ tion: “Any plan that , will interest people in reading the Word of God, and especially in memorizing it, is to be earnestly commended, and this plan of Dr. Smith’s is an exceptionally good one.” (B, I. Colportage Ass’n.) 50c The Most Important Thing In My Life, -by Wm. S. Dutton. This is what Dr, Howard A.. Kelly, world-famous surgeon and scientist, says about the religion o f the Bible. He declares it made ¡ him litera lly ,another man, and tells how it has remade other men. An extraordinary story, coming from a great heart and a great Wind. (B. I. Colp, Ass’n .) 10c •. The Children’s Master, by Winifred Scutt, A book of 27 chapters, each of which describes in story form, an inci­ dent in the earthly life of our Lord. Into each chapter the author has in­ troduced the child element— that is to say, a child is* brought face to face with Jesus, and made a witness, of one of the important events which marked the journey which began at Bethlehem and ended at Bethany. (-Revell) $1.25 Grace and Glory, by Captain W. H. Dawson. Here are:-eight Bible stories, treated in a practical and profitable way, by this interesting soldier man. Chaplain-General Jarvis, in a fore­ word, says: “It is a pleasure to com­ mend this little book. To those of us who owe so much to the writer, the very title embodies the experience we have come to know through his gra­ cious ministry; from the first kindlings of the grace of God, on ,and on, grad­ ually unfolding all the wonder of the glory.” (Marshall Bros.) Price 6 d

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