King's Business - 1925-10


October 1925


K I N G ’ S


“J U S T T H E B IB L E I’V E A L W A Y S W A N T E D ” CAMBRI CE SAPPHIRE TYPE REFERENCE BIBLE an d ¿pro.'!«“ ' 15 H A nd H a '-g a rb a re Abn had zi, =3- a so n : an d A bram called was Uri,' ' i « son’s n am e, w hich H a'-g ar ba « 4 ‘Ish'-ma-gl._________________ Large P rin t—P o ck et S ize P rice $ 3 * 6 0 M odified Pronouncing A ll B ooksellers JAMES POTT & CO. 214 ^e 2 w 3 Vd0^reet BIBLES SUNDAY SCHOOL SUPPLIES Best Goods Full Stocks : Careful Service : Lov? Price8 J. H . FLEMING 214 7th St. So. Minneapolis, M inn. WANTED 1,000 W orkers, men a n d women, to do good b y placing o u r Bibles, T estam en ts an d R eligious as well a s E ducational Books in hom es. Big profit. Full o r spare tim e. JO IN HANDS W ITH US. W rite today for free inform ation. W ILMORE BOOK AND BIBLE COMPANY 443 So. D earborn St., D ept. 11, Chicago, 111. THE HARVEST TRULY IS PLENTEOUS In various p a rts of th e w orld a N ative T rained C h ristian m ay be su p p o rted in th e w ork of God fo r an en tire y e ar for from $15. to $600. L iteratu re free. PAU L H . TABER, Sec., Box K, 2007 F o ster A ve., Brooklyn, N. Y.

S tu d en ts of H ain an Bible In stitu te stan d in g by th e co rn er stone of th e new building.


“Fishermen” from the Fishermen’s Club of Los Angeles can be found in every part of the world, engaged in every form of Christian work. A letter from Nathaniel Bercovitz, M. D., (an early member of the Club), now sta­ tioned in Hainan, China, tells of the progress being made with their new building and encloses some inter­ esting photographs of the corner stone laying, one of which is shown here­ with. Dr. Bercovitz says:

words in Chinese: ‘For ever, O Lord, thy Word is settled in heaven,’ and a plate which will be placed inside the lobby will state the fundamental doc­ trines which must always be taught in the school, a matter of paramount im­ portance in China today. . . . The first semester of this school year twenty- two young men were enrolled, all of whom took the examinations and we are much encouraged with their inter­ est in their studies. . . We are hop­ ing that the Lord will give us the funds to speedily complete the Institute buildings which will greatly facilitate our work.” The far-reaching results which have come from the work of the Fishermen’s Club prove that it is possible to reach and hold young men vnth no other at­ traction than thé simple teaching of the Word of God. Since the first meeting on Monday night, April 24, 1906, when seven young men gathered for a little time of fellowship and a Bible lesson in the kitchen of a Presbyterian Church in Los Angeles, the same program has been followed, a simple supper at 6:15, followed by a song service and then the lesson by the teacher. Those who would be interested in organizing such a club in their com­ munity will receive full information upon request of T. C. Horton, Presi­ dent, 536 S. Hope Street, Los Angeles, California. Los A ngeles Bible In stitu te G raduates Funds have been provided th e N o rth ern B ap tist T heological Sem inary for th e p u r­ pose of establishing th e P a s to r’s College w ith th e o b ject of p rep arin g those who ex­ p ect to en ter th e B ap tist M inistry fo r th a t service. In stitu te G rad u ates can receive a diplom a from th is course in one year. The p a rtic u la r su b jects a re B ap tist Principles, B ap tist H istory, B ap tist Polity, B ap tist M issions, an d such o th er su b jects a s are actu ally essential for B ap tist P a sto rs to have. E very teach er positiv ely evangelical. Fall term opens Septem ber 15th. A ddress P resid en t Geo. W . T aft, D. D., 3040 W ash­ ington Blvd., Chicago, 111. PASTOR’S COLLEGE SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT TO

“We had a joyful time at the laying of the corner stone, on which are the Beautiful Girlhood Things Every Girl in the Teens should know. BY MABEL HALE Parents are enthusiastic in their praise. “One of th e m o st b eautiful books fo r young girls th a t I ||lMp | i f have ever read ,’’ say s M rs. L ydia M. B eyer. ‘'E very “ *™®**“

m o th er owes it to h er d a u g h ter to o b tain fo r h er th is w onderful book. The sacrifice it m ay co st h er is far too sm all in com parison to th e help h er d a u g h ter will get from th e book. It can n o t be to o highly recomm ended.” G ift book style. 232 p ages p rin ted in tw o colors, bound in beautiful, blue clo th w ith colored m edallion on front cover— postpaid, $1.00. THE HERO OF HILL HOUSE This tale by Mabel H ale is th e tru e sto ry of a b rav e K an- sas boy. It is full of ad v en tu re, thrilling a n d gripping. A book th a t p aren ts a re glad to have th e ir children read for the high exam ple of a su rrendered life. T his a ttra c - tively bound book, 221 p ag es costs, prep aid only $1.00. THRILLING STORIES O ur new series of “C hristian H ero” Books F o r Y oung People include a num ber of title s b y recognized au th o rs. These books a re the life sto ries of g reat C h ristian heroes, w ritten in .a gripping, grap h ic style. John W esley__ ________by Elsie E. E germ eier John P a to n ..................; B essie L. B yrum M artin L u th er....... 1............b y John A. M orrison Jam es H. T ay lo G loria H unnex C loth bound, 130 p ages to 160 p ag es each, postpaid, 75c.

J k S .

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Send fo r o u r com plete cat- alog illu stra tin g books th a t build c h arac te r an d teach high ideals of life, a s well as com plete Sunday School an d C hurch supplies, greet- ing card s, b eautiful m ot- toes, bibles, etc., sen t free

on rec*u e st* B eautiful velvet m o tto s. 15 to a package. R etail value $3.00. U sed fo r g ifts o r to ra ise m oney. W e ship on ap p ro v al. W hen sold, send us $2.00 you keep th e difference O S P E L I R U M P E U , * q


POMONA, CALIF., 7 th and Carey Ave. ATLANTA, GA., 638 Edgew ood Ave. YAKIMA, WASH., 10 So. Seventh S treet “ TH ERE’S A WHOLESOME MORAL IN EVERY GOSPEL TRUM PET BOOK” KANSAS CITY, 15th and P ro sp ect Ave.

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