October 1925
K I N G ’ S
EVANGELISTIC DEPARTMENT (Continued from page 432.) streets. We began to look for their vessel and before long located not one but two anchored just Inside the break water) each flying her “Little Sun” in the breeze. We learned after inquiry that they would not sail for several days, which afforded us time for prayer and prepa ration to make our “attack’ip—not to sink the vessel but to win a soul for Christ. Packing our valises with Gospels, tracts and pamphlets for officers and men we went to the dock where the motorboats land. We failed on our first attempt to catch one of these boats, but knowing there were several days to visit the ships we waited an other day rather than pay the “water taxi” fare. Next day we were successful after a half hour wait, and while traveling from' the dock to the ship we presented each returning lad with a Gospel and tracts. These being in their own lan guage were much appreciated. After our arrival we boarded the vessel and began at once to place our written message in the rooms of the officers and in the quarters of the men. Past experiences have taught us not to trust the literature in the hands of the ungodly but to distribute it our selves. After thoroughly covering the ship we entered the officers’ dining room to inquire from the officer of the day the possibilities of getting a boat to take us to the other ship. He in formed us it would be over an hour before it would leave, and politely In vited us to be seated and, calling a cabin-boy, asked if we desired liquor, but upon receiving a negative reply ordered the boy to bring tea and cakes. Here at the table, enjoying the hos pitality of this fine intelligent Japa nese officer, we soon turned the con versation to things of eternity. He was interested and permitted us to answer questions and give explana tions of the Scriptures. “Line upon line and precept upon precept” we see the Word of God fall upon good soil. Japanese people do not make hasty decisions as a rule, but before our hour was up this soul yielded to Christ. After his decision he told us of a Christian wife, and we knew her seed sowing had been watered and that God had given the increase. Let us pray for this young officer that he may grow in grace and be strengthened to give testimony for his Lord. We know you will want to hear about our success on the other vessel. Here we were met with the opposite kind of reception. The officer of the day refused the literature himself and forbade us to distribute it to the men. It looked as though we were defeated, but ere long we had this young officer where he was forced to listen to a “straight-from-the-shoulder” message and we also had opportunity of reach ing the captain. After we left the ship, while en route to shore, we folded all of our tracts and inserted them in the Gos- (Continued on page 446.)
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WhatAieYOUR MistakesinElfish They may offend others as much as these offend you I F someone you met for the first time made the mistakes in English shown above, what would you think of him? Would he inspire your re spect? Would you be, inclined to make a friend of him? Would you care to introduce him' to others as a close friend of yours? These errors are easy for you to- see. Perhaps, however, you make, other mistakes which offend other people as much as these would offend you. How do you know that you do not mispronounce certain words; are you always sure that the things you say and write are grammatically perfect? To you they may seem correct; but others may know they are wrong. Unfortunately people will not correct you when you make mistakes; all they do is to make a mental reservation about you. “He is ignorant and uncultured,” they think. So you really have no way of telling when your English offends others. P O P P Book on English * * * E j 1 d and 15-M inute Test Sherwin Cody, perhaps the foremost teacher of English in the country, has prepared a simple 15-minute English test which you can take in your own home. This . test, with the answers which will also be sent, tells you at once just where you stand. You can discover at a .glance whether you make even slight errors. Give your self this test. If you are efficient in English, it will give you greater confidence; if you are de ficient, you surely want to know it, so that you can correct your mistakes. Mr. Cody’s remarkable new invention, the 100% Self-Correcting Method, has already improved the English of more than 41,000 people. No useless rules, no tedious copying, no hard study. Only 15 minutes a day required. You learn by creat ing the HABIT, of using correct English. Noth ing like Mr. Cody’s method has ever been used before! . You do not want others to judge you unfairly. Write today for this test—it is free. We will also gladly mail you our new free book, “How to Speak and Write Masterly English.” Merely mail the coupon or a postal card. Sherw in Cody School of English 7310 Searle Building Rochester, N. Y . Sherwin Cody School of English 7310 Searle Building, Rochester, N. Y. Please send me your Free Book "How to Speak and Write Masterly English," and also Mr. Cody's 15-min ute Test of my English.
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