King's Business - 1925-10

October 1925



K I N G ’ S


Earn Money Any Individual or S. S. Organi­ zation can Q U C K l S' E A S I L \ By selling th e m o st po p u lar CHRISTMAS goods on th e m arket. P o s t C ards and Envelope G reetings w ith m essages w hich m eet th e needs of C hristian p e o p l e . A Cheery M essag e. for Every Day, an d a Special M essage fo r Special D ays. No Investm ent— E xcellent P rofit— Goods sell on sig h t. Send fo r C atalog an d P a r­ ticu lars. A lso, S. S. Teachers* H elps, A ttendance B uilders, M em ory W ork, etc., S. S. Sup­ plem ent on R equest. MRS. L. F. PEASE 260 L aurel S t. D ept. K . B uffalo, N. Y.

Iowa C h r i s t i a n F u n d a m e n t a l s A s s o c i a t i o n

President, Rev. David Alexander Grundy Center, Iowa - ist Vice Pres. Rev. W. P. Fink

Gen. Sec’y, A. C. Huston I . . Carlisle, Iowa

Yeung Peoples* Sec’y, Carleton E. Null

- Winterset, Iowa - Treasurer, Mr. E. M. Pyle

Bible Study Secretary, Miss Elin Falk 1607 E. Ninth St., Des Mo.nes, la.

Earlham, Iowa

895 14 th St., Marion, !£&■:

and Vice Pres. B. W. Woodrow Conference Sec’y, Mr. John Dunkerton Editor, Dr. T. F. Ccoke Newton, Iowa 915 4 'cth Place, Des Moines, la. 704 Kellogg Ave., Ames, la.

W e a re glad to announce to all ou r friends in Iowa .th at The K ing’s B usi­ ness is to be ou r m edium, of inform ation reg ard in g Iowa Fundam entals A sso­ ciatio n new s, and tru s t th a t it will prove m utually helpful to b o th o u r A sso­ ciatio n and The K ing’s Business. One of t h e . b e st w ays wè know of to advance th e cause of o u r blessed L ord is. to do w h at we can to increase th e circu latio n of m agazines th a t are stan d in g for th e tru th .

Iowa Fundamentalists will be inter­ ested in knowing that Pastor L. E. Brough, formerly of Maquoketa, Iowa, but now of Anoka, Minn., held a well attended Prophetic Bible Conference in that city during the month of July. Bro. Brough was assisted by Pastors John Milton of Anoka, E. W. Vdlken- ant of Florida, and W. G. Asher of St. Cloud, Minn. Such themes as: “The Power and Coming of' our Lord” ; “Meeting the King at His Coming” ; “The Second Coming: Literal or Spir­ itual?” “The End of the Present Age” ; and others of like nature were consid­ ered. Such conference's are not only informational, but inspirational as well, and it would be splendid if e.very pastor in the nation who believes in the fundamentals of the faith would put on at least one each year. ,

Rev. Robert D . Kinney of Eldora, Iowa, Is setting a good example in the above direction. He is now planning the third Bible conference in nine months for his church, with Henry Ostrom of the. Moody Bible Institute Extension Department as the teacher. Pastor Kinney’s church, has been greatly blessed and strengthened by these conferences. Rev. W. L. Cain, for the past five’ years pastor of the Presbyterian church of Creston, Iowa, and a former presi­ dent of the Des Moines Bible .Associa­ tion, has accepted a pastorate in Min­ nesota, but we are not in possession of the name of the city. * * * He Hs The passing of the Hon. William Jennings Bryan recalls to Iowa Fun­ damentalists his appearance at the Coliseum in Des Moines two years ago under the auspices of the Des Moines Bible Association, when he gave his great lecture on “Evolution and the Bible” to an audience of over eight thousand people. We cannot hut thank God for Mr. Bryan’s consistent defense of the, inspired Word of God, and earnestly pray that other men of his caliber may be raised up to carry on the fight against rationalism in the pulpit and evolution in the schools. Rev. R. Bultema of Muskegon, Mich., assisted by the pastor of the United Presbyterian church at Boyden, la.,- and two brethren from Muskegon, held Maranatha Conferences in Boy­ den, Hull, Sheldon, and Orange City, la., during July. These are men filled with the Spirit, and zealous for the Word, and for the near return of our blessed Lord. The meetings were largely among pur Holland brethren, and were partly in the Dutch, and partly in the English language. •!• H® % sfs tfc As was noted in last month’s items, Rev. David Alexander o f Grundy Cen­ ter, Iowa, is planning an eight-day conference in January, 1926, and ex­ pects to have Leon Tucker and his Christian Workers Wanted To d istrib u te religious lite ra tu re in their own comm unities. Big pay. E xperience not required. S pare tim e can be used. W rite for special term s a n d te rrito ry . U niversal Bible H ouse, D ept. 299, Philadelphia.

A sim ple, p ractical, su p ­ plem entary set of H and W ork to be used w ith th e INTERNATIONAL , GRADED LESSONS for | B eginners an d P rim ary ades. Som ething f o r th e child to do every Sunday in th e year. The m aterial for th e child is A L L prepared. A T eacher's H andbook.

Send stam p fo r Specim en Pages. M ILLER PUBLISH ING CO., Salam anca, N . Y.

MAKE YOUR SPARE TIME PAY ! A A T N T C need in tellig en t men oraflJH lUSS a n d women. W ork all or WANTED p a rt tim e. Sell B i b l e s— B o o k s—C alendars-—Make big m oney. No experience necessary. L ib­ eral discounts. N atio n al E ducational Society " Chicago, 111. 433 S. D earborn St.,

The Successful Pastor M ust be a successful c h u rch m an ag er. H e m ust m ake p eople th in k a b o u t his ch u rch . H e m ust m ake them talk a b o u t it. T o increase th e a tte n d ­ an ce a t his c h u rch he m ust re ac h p eople w ho do n o t a tte n d it— and m ake th em w a n t to com e and see w h a t’s “doing.” P ersonal w o rk is good, b u t its possibilities a re necessarily lim ited. The Parish Paper Idea

(but' (L'luufti ®turn*


Is an idea th a t h as been tested a n d h as proven its w orth. The p arish


p ap er can be m ade to reach every m an, w om an and child in y o u r comm unity. W ith it you can ta lk to every one of them— you can tell them w h at you are doing— an d w h at you w an t to do— arid w h at they can do. W ith it you can extend th e glad hand to all. A p arish p ap er Will: A dvertise y o u r church. Increase the atten d an ce. E ncourage th e auxiliaries. Be an a ss is ta n t p asto r. Save you m uch h a rd labor. P u t m oney in y o u r po ck et o r your ch u rch tre a su ry . Aid every financial arm of th e church. Keep non-resident m em bers in to u ch w ith y o u r church. Increase y o u r prestige. P u t you in p ersonal c o n ta ct w ith business men. C ost you nothing to s ta r t it. C osts you nothing to ru n it. G rand R apids, M ich. Send m e full p a rtic u la rs an d sam ples of y o u r P arish P ap er proposition, w ith o u t obligating m e in an y way. The N ational R eligious P ress,

“ I cleared $11.81 a fte r pay in g all expenses on the la st issue of m y p arish paper.SS-R ev. J. V. Howey, H alkirk. * * * “V ery m uch pleased w ith ou r p arish p aper. C leared $14.00 from la st '-issue.”— Rev. E. N. R osier, F o r t B ranch. * * * “V ery m uch pleased w ith y o u r service. P rofits on la st i s s u e am ounted to $30.50|-!=-MRev. A. O. R un­ ning, D allas. * * * “O ur p a p e r is doing w onders for us. Cleared $32.00 on la st issue.’’— Rev. W . R. Jo rd an , M abelvale. * * * “A p a rish p ap er is a profitable v;e n t u r e in a financial w ay as well a s all others. C leared $37.26 from la st issue.’’ — -Rev.' F. O. H athaw ay, Stockton.

................S tate...—. (W rite plainly)

K. B.

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