K I N G ’ S
October 1925
“Musical Messengers.” Any other pas tor desiring the services of Mr. Tucker during that month will do well to get in touch at once with our Conference Secretary, Mr. John M. Dunkerton, 915 40th St. Place, .Des Moines, Iowa. $ $ ^ ^ $ Dr. T. F. Cooke of Ames, Iowa, lay- evangelist, and editor of these items, was in Wayne, Neb., for ten days, and in Norfolk, Neb., for six days during July. The meetings in Wayne were held in the open air on the lawn, or, when the weather was bad, in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Young, two of God’s very own. In Nqrfolk the Baptists, who were without a pas tor, very kindly offered the use of their church. These meetings, in both places, were a combination of Bible teaching and Evangelism, under the general theme: “Thinking through God’s Plan of Redemption.” God hon ored the testimony in the strengthen ing of believers, and in the salvation of souls in both places. $ $ # $ 4c The following communication from the pen of John M. Dunkerton, Iowa Conference Secretary, is very timely: “Let Fundamentalists be Up and do ing this year as never before. Our Lord is coming soon, and our time for service here in the scene of His rejec tion is very fast drawing to a close. Many Christians need to learn more of the prophetic plan God has in His Book and therefore to be looking for His re turn. The Thessalonians were turned ‘to God from idols to serve the living and true God and to wait for His Son from heaven.’ This should be our attitude as the oncoming tide of apostasy and unbelief sweeps over these lands, once bright with Christian testimony. The world rejects the Son of God and God’s Word, as we see in most of the editorials upon the Dayton trial and the passing of Mr. Bryan. The world prefers Satan, the god of this age, and will bow the knee to the Anti-Christ when Satan energizes him to take the place Christ should have by divine right. “Our work in Iowa is attracting the attention of Christians in Iowa and nearby states, and a number of emi nent teachers can be secured for Bible Conferences over the State. Let’s get busy.” “I love reading the magazine which contains such mines of spiritual teach ing and much that is needed in these days for inspiring souls for higher Christian living. The Sunday School lessons are of much value to me, especially, for my Sunday School work in the European Sunday School here. I have been using the lessons in my class of Juniors, and they greatly enjoy them. I wish I could get more subscribers for The King’s Business, but I pray that God will bless it and increase its circulation throughout the world and thus be the means of spreading the knowledge of the truth as it is in Jesus.” (W.H.B.,India). “A MINE OF SPIRITUAL TEACHING”
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