K I N G ’ S
October 1925
EVANGELISTIC DEPARTMENT (Continued from page 443.) pels. On the dock each returning sailor received one of these, and we rejoiced that the precious seed has been sown.
For Pastors, Evangelists, Teachers
Buy Them ! Read Them! Pass Them On ! A full library of in formation and inspira
BIOLA HALL WORK D avid C ant, Supt.— O ur C ity M ission fo r Men in th e cen ter of Los A ngeles: M eetings con tinuous from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. N oon-day P ray e r M eeting. “ T h e n d rew n ear nn to H im a ll th e pub lican s a n d sinners fo r t o hear H im / *
tion at the price o f..
35c each
3 for $1.00 NEW COLPORTAGE LIBRARY (Covers in Tw o Colors) 1. SALVATION SERMONS B y R ev . A. B. S impson . Excellent for the unconverted to make the way of Salvation plain. 2. TH E FOURFOLD GOSPEL B y R ev . A. B. S impson . A most convincing exposition of the dynamic message of the Book. 3. THE CHRIST LIFE B y R ev . A. B. S impson . New and Augmented edition with Six of Dr. Simp son’s own choice poems. The book that helped to make Dr. Simpson a spiritual leader of his generation. 4. TH E C R ISIS OF TH E DEEPER LIFE B y G. P. P ardincton , P h .D. Answers the question, “Is the sanctified life a de velopment of is it a definite experience?” 5. WHOLLY SANCTIFIED B y R ev . A. B . S impson . A satisfactory treatise on Sanctification and the Spirit-filled life. 6. THE LORD FOR TH E BODY B y R ev . A. B. S impson . Dr. Simpson answers in his inimitable manner many questions that occur to the earnest seeker after the truth of Divine Healing. 7. CHRIST’S RETURN—T h e K ey to Prophecy a n d Providence B y S t . C lement . Revealing the Divine plan of God that has run throughout all ages. 8. WONDERS OF PROPHECY. (Vol. I) B y J ohn U rquhart . Introduction to sixth edition by Philip Mauro. Volume I traces Scriptural prophecy, and quotes pre dictions from Tyre and Sidon down through the time of Judea and Babylon. 9. WONDERS OF PROPHECY . (Vol. II) B y J ohn U rquhart . Volume II contains “A Prophetic Forecast of the World’s Entire History.” 10. M ISSIONARY MESSAGES B y R ev . A. B. S impson . Dr. Simpson’s missionary appeals stirred America to a new interest in Missions. 11. TH E LIFE O F PRAYER B y R ev . A. B. S tmpson . From the effective practice of a long life of prayer Dr. Simpson was well equipped to write this instruc tive treatise. AGENTS WANTED W rite u s for liberal com m ission to Colpor teu rs a n d A gents. Have yo u r p a r t in preach ing th e W ord o f Life. These books w ill sell a t sigh t. The Christian A lliance Publishing Company 260 W est 44th S tree t NEW YORK, N. Y . Please Mention This Periodical. J E W S A copy of “T he Baffled R abbi.” The g re a t e st c o u rt room w itness fo r o u r L ord Jesus C hrist in m any y ears. S ent FR EE to C hris tian s in terested in th e evangelization of th e Jew s. Christian Witness to Israel 521 W est 179th St., - - New Y ork C ity T h e Eleven Books for th e Price of T en . . . $3.50
HAT was true in the days of His flesh is still true where- ever and whenever He is lifted up in the Spirit’s power to the eyes of sinful
men. He encountered all classes, met all conditions, and none who were truly needy were ever turned away. What He began to do He still con tinues, as we at Biola Hall can bear testimony, for we cannot but note the variety of characters who come within the sound of our message night and day,— the rich young man whose do mestic troubles overwhelm him as his w ife’s unfaithfulness drives him to his knees; the high ecclesiastical member of our modern “Sanhedrin,” dissatis fied and out of touch with God, strength gone and eyes which see not, who comes creeping in by night; the “tax collector” who has heard the call and feels the tug; the thief scurrying away from the clutch of the law; the man, chained to his narcotics, seeking deliverance and crying out his misery; the woman taken in sin,— from all up and down the social scale they pass within our doors, and some believe and some believe not. They come because of heart hunger and they come for the bread which perisheth. They come for shoes, “eats,” clothes, “flops,” money, and we use all these various needs as an opening wedge to sow the seed in their hearts. We daily run across the “fifty- seven varieties” of religious beliefs as well as those who are profoundly ig norant of the Word of God. Last week three fine, intelligent men, strangers to one another, stepped out from the crowd when the invita tion was given and made {heir first public confession of the Lord Jesus Christ. Another was so overjoyed when the truth of his salvation flashed home to his heart, that he thrust a twenty-dollar bill into the hand of the astonished student, and, with tears rolling down his cheeks rushed for his train, just in time to reach it. The Englishman— keen, bright— who came in to know what we thought of reincarnation, left within two hours with faith in a resurrected Christ, who will some day change our bodies, now humiliated by sin, making them like unto His body of Glory. The “Highland laddie” brought up on the Westminster Catechism, oat meal porridge and the Psalms of David found rest for his soul in Him who cried “It is finished!” The man who for thirty years had whispered “No, I
T his book is bound in cloth, A tlas form , size I 0 % x l l inches, an d is one inch thick. It contains 34 ch ap ters, 300 colum ns of read ing m atter, equivalent to an o rd in ary book of 450 pages, an d also 42 splendid pro p h etical C harts, 9 x 20 inches, covering tw o pages, 48 one-page C harts, an d num erous cu ts. The C h arts are sim ple, clear, uniform in style, an d p resen t every p hase of “D ispensational T ru th .” It is the resu lt of 35 y ears’ stu d y of th e “P ro p h etic W ord.” The book is SANE, n o t a “TIME SETTER,” co n tain s no speculative m a tte r, is n o t m ade up of q u o tatio n s from o th e r w riters, b u t is based solely on th e S crip tu res from th e “ FUTURIST STAND PO IN T.” It is of perm an en t value, and a m ine of inform ation on “P ro p h etic T ru th ” for th e busy P asto r, E vangelist, Bible T eacher, an d all lovers of the W ord. It is largely used in Bible Schools all over the w orld. C loth Bound— Price P o stp aid , $5.00. / th e W o r d .............................. 3.00 \ T he S pirit W o rld .................. 1.50 f The Second Coming s of C h rist . .-. .25c— 5 fo r $1.00 Rev. Clarence Larkin 2302 N. P a rk A ve., Philadelphia, P a. (D ept. 15) FREE SALVATION a re Ja m e s H . M cC onkey’s fo u r late m essages, n am ely “ G uidance” A b solutely free to any one in terested en o u g h to a d d ress th e p u b lish ers— SILVER PUBLISHING SOCIETY D ept. M, B essem er Bldg., P ittsb u rg h , P a. Tracts for the Last Times The Missing Ones—illustrated; In That Great Day; Millennial Dawnism Exposed; The Four Judgments; Seven Times a Failure; Christ's Coming Premillennial; Social ism Exposed; The Red Terror; He's Coming Tomorrow; Labor Unions and Suffering Saints; The Midnight Cry; Hard Nuts For Seventh Day Adventists; The Church Walking With the World; Spiritualism: What Is It? Whither Does It Tend? Assorted Packet 50c. Send stamps or P. O. Order to A. SIMS, 5 Simpson Ave., Dept. D, Toronto, Ont., Canada. H » 1 EARN XMAS MONEY American Christntas Seals. Sell for 10c a set. When sold, -send us $3.00 and keep $2.00. , Neubecker, Dept. 116, 961 E. 23d St., Brooklyn, N. Y. OTHER BOOKS BY TH E SAME AUTHOR /B ook of R ev elatio n .................$2.50 I R ightly D ividing “ T h e N utshell of P ro p h e c y ” “ T h e M inistry of Suffering” “ If W e N eglect” (G ospel)
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