King's Business - 1925-10

October 1925


K I N G ’ S



won’t be a missionary for Jesus,” said “Yes, Lord Jesus. What wilt Thou have me to do?” Thus we are permitted to gradually see, under the Word faithfully pre­ sented to the hearts and consciences of men from every station of life, the false giving way to the true. The month has brought us so many evi­ dences of the gracious working of the Holy Spirit that we are constrained to lift our hearts in gratitude and praise to Him who doeth all things well, and for the bless’ed work of intercession in our behalf going up from our many friends as we sow the seed. May the good work continue “till He come.”


COMMUNICAT IONS or COMPANIONSHIPS ? A Popular Number '. ’[(with topical helps) How true it is th at the value of an im portant and oft quoted tex t lies in the accuracy of its t r a n s l a t i o n and on its finer shades «of m eaning! T hus it is that, according to the Am erican S tandard Bible, F irst C orinthi­ ans 15-33, “evil companionships” rather than “evil com m unications corrupt good morals —not good man­ ners. So it is throughout this mar­ velously accurate version—the NelsonfteuSsBible (Edited by American Revision Committee) there are revisions which clarify meanings and throw new light on both text and application. The American Standard Bible text has been •adopted by all leading Colleges, Theological Seminaries, Y.M.C.A., Y.WtC.A., and Bible Schools throughout the United States, and is used by over 13,000,000 scholars from which to study the International, graded or other Bible lessons. A Nelson Bible is a guarantee of the best character of printing, binding, paper, as well as of the latest and best translation. Two hundred styles of binding and ten sizes of type. 152-T Genuine leather seal g r a i n , d iv in ity . circuit, round corners, red under gold edges, title stamped oh backinpure g o ld ,e \ ¡-n at leading b o o k - J.dU stores or d i r e c f 1 fr o m the p u b lish e rs \J

SPANISH WORK R obert H . B ender, Supt.-—Gospel M eetings and H ouse to H ouse W ork am ong 50,000 M exicans in Los A ngeles an d V icinity.

Nelson Bibles in all sizes, types and styles o f binding are ob­ tainable w h erever . Bibles are sold.

“ O n e o f t h e tw o wh ich h ea rd J o h n sp eak , a n d fol low ed h im , w a s A n d r e w , S im o n Pete r’ s b r o th e r . H e f i r s t fl n d e t h his own b ro th er S im o n , a n d s a lt h un to h im , W e have fou n d th e M e s s i n g , wh ich is bein g in ter pr ete d the C h r i s t . A n d h e b rou gh t h im to Je su s. ’’ (Jo h n 1 : 4 0 - 4 2 .) H HEN Andrew first found the Lord his mind turned toward his brother and he brought him to Jesus. A little later when' the Greeks came seek­ ing Jesus they meet Philip. He thinks of Andrew who knows how to lead others to Christ, and together they led them to the Lord. F R E E

B O O K L E T A charming 36-page booklet entitled “ The Wonderful Story,” published at 10c per copy, telling how the Bible came down through the ages, and con- l taining many facts of vital interest, will be sent FREE on request to any­ one mentioning The King's Business.

Thom as Nelson & Sons, 385-D 4 th Ave., New Y ork City Authorized Publishers for the American Revision Committee Dear Sirs: Please send me FREQS copy of your book entitled “ The ■Wonderful Story.” This does not obligate me in any way. Name..................................................................................... .............................. Street....................................................... ........................ .........................; ......... City..................I ............................................................... State......................

ICHURCH FURNITURE Everything fo r Church and Sunday School | use. From Factory to You. Finecatalogfree. DeMoulin Bros, 8C Co, 1151 South 4th St., Greenville, Illinois I

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Have we not enough floods of tre­ mendous energy in public speech? Are we not possessed of more than enough genius of executive manage­ ment? Do we not need more than anything else just now the develop­ ment of Andrew’s quiet genius for tell­ ing other men, man to man, about Jesus? This is our aim in our work among the Mexican converts, to teach and instruct them to tell out the story of Jesus and His love. It was a source of great joy when one of our converts advised us that he was going to give up his work on the railroad and do ranch work in a large Mexican colony where there is no Christian worker. We had secured him a good position with good pay in the city, and also told him he would have the advantage of the meetings here and the fellow­ ship. His reply is significant: “If I should accept that job I would not be able to reach many of my countrymen with the Gospel. No, I would rather go to the ranch and in my spare time I can proclaim the Good News, and see if I' can win some souls for Jesus.” Our reply was, “The Lord bless you as you go, and later if the Lord will, we will try and visit you to help.” This same brother hopes to go to Mexico when the way is open. Another young Mexican, one of the converts, who was employed in the In­ stitute, recently left the work here to take the Gospel to Mexico, stepping out by faith in God for his support. On arriving in Mexico he was kindly received by an American missionary 1 and offered a position with salary, and a little later a native preacher offered

Messengers S a l t a t e TEXTCALENDARS

:1926 ' NOVEMBER

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