K I N G ’ S
October 1925
him a church, but he preferred to see a friend of ours and labor with him. A recent letter tells of his work in the market places, also in the stations. He says the people just crowd around him and follow him from place to place in order to hear more of the Gospel, and that there are any number of towns with ten and twelve thousand souls who have no one to tell them the story of'Jesus. In his last letter he says he is so glad to be in Guadala jara, the opportunities are great, and says to “tell the other members of your Bible class to hurry and come down.” • This young man was brought to the Lord in one of the railroad camps. Don’t you think it was worth while to seek this man who, after sev eral years of training under our care, is now an ambassador for the Lord Jesus Christ? , Another member of our Bible class who is now in the State of Durango, Mexi.co, writes: “I have a church of sixty members, but I visit several large ranches out from this town, and we have large crowds. One night I gave the invitation and twenty persons came forward weeping and confessing their sins.” He says that the people are so hungry for the Word of God and urge him to come hack soon, and begs Us to hurry and send him some Bibles, Testaments and Gospels. Will you not pray that this need will be supplied very soon? We would like to flood Mexico with good literature and the Word of God. Who will come to the help of the Lord? The work in the railroad camps continues with unabated interest. We have large crowds and good atten tion. How we praise God for the glo rious opportunity of preaching the Gospel to those who have never heard the news. Please pray for us that strength may be given and that God will raise up more friends and means to send the Gospel to needy Mexico.
When Will Christ Return? R ead the ab lest, m o st in terestin g d iscus sion of th is g re a t question ever presented in th is w onderful
By W. E. BIEDERWOLF, Em inent E vangelist
Y ou have read in th e 14th c h ap ter of John th e saying of Jesu s: “A nd if I go and p rep are a place fo r you, I will come .again, a n d will receive you u n to m yself: th a t w here I am , th ere ye m ay be also. * * * * I will h o t leave you d esolate: I come u n to you.” P erh ap s no, o th e r su b ject is of m ore abso rb in g in te re st to all C h ristian s th an th a t w hich p ertain s to th e second com ing of C hrist. A nd all discussion centers aro u n d the question of WHEN He will retu rn . You have y o u r opinion a n d beliefs based largely, no doubt, upon the M aster’s own assu ran ces th ro u g h H is A postles. B u t do you realize th a t from G enesis to R evela tions the Bible co n tain s hundreds of ref erences to th e “second com ing?’’ M any of them , how ever, are so obscurely p h rased j th a t few Bible stu d en ts w ould ever suspect them of having a d irect bearing on the subject. In one concise volum e T he M illennium Bible p resen ts in ready reference •form a com plete course in th e in te rp reta tio n of every w ord, verse, ch ap ter, an d book in th e Bible b earin g on th e second com ing of C hrist. A w ork th a t has been ten years in p rep aratio n— th e m ost rem arkable of its kind ever published. This w onderful book will m ake clear to you every p assag e w hich you do n o t th o r oughly un d erstan d . It will enable you to th in k clearly an d form an intelligent opin ion a b o u t th is m om entous question w hich concerns th e w hole C h ristian W orld. Invaluable to M inisters, Sunday School T eachers, C hurch W orkers— and should be in every C h ristian hom e th ro u g h o u t the land. SEND d»l You can a p p reciate the ONLY * com prehensiveness, b road scope, an d general tre a tm e n t of th e M il lennium Bible only by seeing it. So w rite o r m ail the coupon w ith only $1.00 an d we will send it to ' you p o stp aid , w ith retu rn privilege w ithin 7 days if. you are n o t s a t isfied. If you keep it p ay $1.00 a m onth for 5 m onths. COUPON DO YOUR OWN THINKING— L et This W onderful Book Guide You to Intelligent C onclusions
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“THEN SHALL I KNOW” (1 Cor. 13:12.)
Not till the loom is silent, And the shuttles cease to fly, Shall God unroll the canvas, And explain the reason why The dark threads are as needful, In the Weaver’s skilfull hand, As the threads of gold and silver In the pattern He has planned. — Selected.
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