October 1925
K I N G ’ S
STRAWS AND SYMPTOMS (Continued from page 430.)
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ness woman, who is devoting a large part of her means to furthering the cause of Christ in various ways, espe cially in conducting a Gospel Mission in connection with the store building. Is there not a “why?” in this for thoughtful people? INCREASE OF CRIME Crime in this country has increased very rapidly in recent years. Take the crime of murder as an example. The number,- of murders in proportion to the population has more than doubled in the past twenty years. In proportion to population there are twenty-five times as many murders in this country as there are in England and Wales. In one comparatively small city of this country there were in 1920 113 murders, while in Man chester, Eng., a city of five times its population, there were only five deaths from murder during the year. Ten thousand murders were commit ted during the year in the whole of the United States. A distressing fea ture of the situation is that 85 per cent of the crimes of this country are committed by boys and young men between the ages of sixteen and twen ty-five. This shows very clearly that the boys of this country are not being given the religious training that they ought to have. When parents give their boys the religious training they need, this crime wave will recede, and this nation will no longer have the deserved but despicable reputation of having such a large per cent of crim inals in its population.— Presbyterian of the South. THE MAN “WITH AN IRON NERVE” The nerve of the man! The iron nerve of the man! With his planes both locked in the polar ice, with hope of return apparently blocked, Amund sen cooly set to work on his scientific observations and his deep-sea sound ings. These finished, he cut down rations to the lowest limit and turned to the heart-breaking task of freeing one of the planes from the ice. For three weeks the party labored before success came. Here was a case where hope, plus intelligent work, meant salvation; where despair meant ruin. Confidence won the day. It has been on such dauntless courage that the world has been explored, subdued and put at the service of man.— Kansas City Star. Is there not a challenge here for Christians who will also “do and dare” in the service of the Lord Christ? Hear Paul’s exhortation to young Tim othy: “Thou, therefore, my son, Jesus Christ. * * * If we suffer, we endure hardness as a good soldier of shall also reign with him.” OBJECT LESSON SIOF SCR IPTURE "TH E LITTLE H A N DM A ID S OF T H E BIBLE' Twelve pamphlets. Illustrated. No. 1 to 12. 12 Object Lessons in Each Pamphlet. The set of 12, $1.80, postage prepaid. Price 15 cts. each, postage 2 cents extra. Order by number. RET. C. EICKENBERG, 4029 N. Hermitage Ave. Chicago. III.
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