K I N G ’ S
October 1925
This really unique work for girls has been carried on by one of our B. I. O. L. A. graduates, Miss Celestia Churchill, since November, 1922, who has had some wonderful illustrations of God’s ability and willingness to sup ply every need “according to His riches in grâce by Christ Jesus.” The “Home” is small, seldom more than six girls being in it at one time, and the age limit is fixed at thirty- five, it being intended for girls in the teens and twenties. A two-week limit is also fixed, for in that period mat ters can usually be adjusted, work found or health regained. In excep tional cases, the stay is extended. The “Mary-Martha Home” is a faith work. Room and board is fixed at $5.00 per week, to be paid when able, and most of those who have enjoyed the hospitality of the home have been very conscientious and paid as soon as they were in a position to do so. The amount thus received covers just about one-third the expense, and the balance comes from the Hand of Him who is able to “do exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask or think.” We will let Miss Churchill tell just how the need was supplied one day,— a fair sample of other days: “We pay our rent in advance the first of each month. During the-first summer of our work a certain month opened on Sunday. We did not have enough to pay thé rent. Did not need it that day, but we did need it the next. We said, ‘Lord, it’s Your home,, we’re just keeping it. If the rent is not paid, the home closes.’ Monday morning in the mail I received two letters from friends in the middle west. One had a check for $3.00 and the other a $5.00 bill. Going to the books I found that with what we had, this made $50.05. Paid the rent for July and had just five cents left. “We needed vegetables that day and five cents would not buy them, but by going to the wholesale market we could get the vegetables from dealers there who often give them to us when we come after them. Had the carfare to go down, but how was I to get home? I thought of two milk bottle tickets I had from down town, slipped two empty bottles into my bag, dressed for town, paid the conductor my last nickel and got a transfer. When I reached town I went to the two places, and at each received a nickel for the bottle. Had carfare home and 5 cents to spare. “Walking over to the transfer point I used the transfer and went to the wholesale market. Never had such a variety given us there before. The meat man gave a'5-lb. roast and a big piece of salt pork. The vegetable man gave carrots, peas, celery, cucumbers, lettuce and cantaloup. He put them into a new gunny sack, had the Jap. sew it up with a handle and so I came home loaded. Never knew a nickel to go so far before in my life. Little is much when God is in it. The next day a lady handed me $ 2 . 00 , so before we needed anything else there was plenty. “And so the work goes on— ‘He knows, He loves, He cares; nothing
this truth can dim; and does the very best for those who leave the choice with Him.’ He has already sent nearly a hundred girls into our family, quite a number of whom have accepted Jesus Christ as their Saviour, and others of whom have surrendered their lives to Him. Our first object is that the Mary-Martha Home may be a soul saving station—a place where the girls may find something more needed than the mere food and shelter the house affords. “If you are a praying man or woman will you pray for us? Pray for the Home, pray f o r , the individual girls and their problems, and pray for those in charge that the Lord will give the wisdom, love and patience needed for the work. The prayers of Christian people have kept.the Home in opera tion.” MAKE IT PLAIN! An ex-chaplain of the British army B S |l sat beside- a lad fatally wounded in battle. The boy did not know the Gospel story. I told him of salvation through Jesus Christ, and stayed with him until the end. At the last the lad raised himself and looking straight ahead as if seeing some one he knew, said, ‘Why it’s Jesus.’ ” Oh that we might make Him so plain to dying souls all about us. GOD’S ORDER . 1. God wants some folks for min isters of the Gospel; but none to be lords over His people. 2. Some to be evangelists; but none for ease and financial gain. 3. Some to be leaders in His Church; but none to be “bell-sheep.” 4. Some folks to pay the bills; "but none to brag about it. . 5. Some folks to fight and win bat tles; but none to take the honor on themselves. 6 . Some to endure hardness, afflic tion and persecution and keep sweet; hut none to look down on' the one that failed and fell. 7. He wants us to keep the fire burning in our souls; but not wildfire. 8 . Wants us to be tender and kind; never raspy and harsh. 9. He wants us to be diggers; but not dirt diggers. 10. God’s Spirit will help us to pros per as a people if we observe His order. APPRECIATED AND “PASSED ON” “I can say with all sincerity that The King’s Business is one of the best religious publications I have ever read. I want to thank you for the Three Months’ Trial subscription, and am enclosing check to cover a year’s sub scription and a three months’ trial subscription for someone else (B-L, Canada).
OrderPromptly T o Insure E arly D elivery of Y our N ecessary Lesson Helps for 1926 T h e Sunday School L esson com m ents, w hich form erly a p p ea red in T he K ing’s Business M onthly, a re now issued separately , for th e c o n venience of teachers, as THE KING’S BUSINESS S. S. QUARTERLY an d provide lesson com m ent su it able fu r all d epartm ents, b y re co g nized specialists in the, field of S u n day School teaching. 10 or More Subscriptions to One Address, each 60c per year FOREIGN 75c PE R YEAR A dd 15c each su b scrip tio n fo r postage. Sample Copy F R E E ( E v e r y re g u la r subscription to T he K. B. m onthly includes a su b scription to th e S. S. Q u a rte rly .)
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Bible Institute of Los Angeles
536-558 S. H ope S treet Los A ngeles, Calif.
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