King's Business - 1925-10


October 1925


K I N G ’ S


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THE BUGLE CALL OF GOD (Continued from page 423.)

‘‘Best” Books on the

My Lord was hungry at His heart to gain the world. He wanted to win it for holiness and for Himself. And Satan said, “I will give you the world for a moment, if in that moment you will acknowledge me.” And the opportunity came to Jesus to possess the world. Satan bribed Judas with only nineteen dollars and a half, but Satan knew Jesus and he offered Him all the world! And Jesus who wanted the world refused it, teaching us the great lesson that ever God’s work must be done in God’s way. It is right to make bread, but bread made at the sug­ gestion of Satan means, sin. A man may do God’s work and fail to do it in God’s way. If any man knows that, it is the preacher. I am speaking for no one else, but only for myself when I answer a question put to me some time ago in this form: “What will you do if your'church puts in a moving picture plant?” And abruptly I said, but I answer just as abruptly now, “ ‘When it comes in, I go out.” I am not saying anything about you or anyone else, I am only talking about myself; but I have a conviction that such, a course is not God’s, way of doing God’s work. We must be careful of the method. “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” And then Jesus went out into this weary wicked world, and amid all sorts of people and under all sorts of circum­ stances He lived the incomparable life that we know as the life of JeSus upon the earth. Are you prepared to follow Him? Are you prepared to make Monday as sacred as Sun­ day? Are you prepared to converse with men tomorrow in the same spirit with which you sang these hymns and joined in the prayer? Are you prepared to rebuke as He rebuked; to defend as He defended;, to be always true and sincere;; and so in your degree say what He said in His infinite degree, “I do always those things that please God.” On the Cross Lastly, if you follow Him, you will go to the Cross. You may wear it outside as an ornament, but do you remember a solo sung here last Sunday, “You tnust set up the cross in your heart.” “I am crucified with Christ” (Gal. 2 :20 ), con­ tains the secret of the wonderful life of Paul the Apostle. “I am crucified with Christ,” That is religion. . This is dis- cipleship. That is the philosophy of the Christian life. “You are not training your daughter for the world in for­ bidding her to dance,” a woman said to a saint. And that woman answered back, “I am making no effort to train my daughter for this world, but I am humbly hoping I may train her for the world which is to come.” A young girl with tears in her eyes and on her cheeks told me she was ostracized in a Portland school because she did not dance. That is the cross, and it is unfortunate that such things occur. But what can you expect of a school board that lets out school buildings— built by us all in our taxes^-for dancing, which is undesired by very many of those who pay the taxes? Some of these people are not expecting to go to Calvary. But you and I must go there. For you see we are to follow Him even as He bears His cross. Listen, “If any man will come after me, let him take up his cross and follow me daily.” What if I do? “I f I fin d H im , if I fo llo w , W h a t m y g u e rd o n h e re ? M a n y a la b o r, m a n y a s o rro w , ; M a n y a te a r . “I f I s till h o ld c lo s e ly to H im , W h a t h a th H e a t la s t ? : L a b o r e n d e d , s o rro w v a n q u is h e d , J o r d a n p a s s e d .” . (Concluded on next page).

Sunday School For Workers Among Boys

The Senior Boy

Around the Campfire With the Older Boys P ro f. M arg aret W . E ggleston A collection of sto ries to tell a t th e cam pfire, in the house an d th e class. In the a u th o r’s w ords, “These stories a re designed to «create in the life of the boy a desire fo r the g re a t an d th e noble.” P rice $1.50

By Eugene C. F o ste r T he book is sym pathetically w ritten , in a convincing and a n encouraging w ay. It has n o t been w ritten to fu rth er an y special m ethod, b u t . to save th e boy. A careful stu d y of th e book will b rin g one to a g reater u n d erstan d in g of the boy of th is age. 60 cents

Boy and the Sunday School

Boy’s-Eye Views of the Sunday School By “P uck er”

B y John L. A lexander T his volum e of ex p ert m eth ­ ods an d suggestions fo r lead ­ ers an d teach ers in th e Sunday school aim s to prom ote th e b e tte r handling of the so- called boy problem . W ith forceful d irections an d p ra c ­ tical in sig h t it g rasp s th e e s­ sen tial difficulties to be m et. C loth $1.00

A series of shrew d com ­ m ents from th e bo y ’s s ta n d ­ p oints a s to th e stro n g and w eak p o in ts in Sunday Schools he h as visited. Full of keen co n stru ctiv e criticism . Every Sunday School w orker who deals w ith boys should have th is book. P rice 75c By P hilip E. H ow ard A bout E lectric bulbs— the “ second look”— tennis— an d a h undred o th er things, applied in a w ay th a t will in te re st the boys a n d encourage them to clean an d m anly living. J u st the so rt of stra ig h t little talk s th a t a m an can have w ith the boys he know s b e st; intim ate talk s a b o u t th e th in g s every­ body is up ag ain st, - com ing rig h t from the h e art of one who still rem em bers w hen he w as a boy. C loth, $1.50 Boy Talks

Our Big Boys and The Sunday School By A. H . M cK inney

Mr. M cK inney u n d erstan d s th e “ Big Boy,” - know s ju s t w hen he becom es big and how he feels a b o u t it, an d w hy he needs careful treatm en t, b o th in hom e and in the Sunday School, ju st a t th is critical tim e in his life. T his book will prove exceedingly p ro fit­ able fo r all w ho have th e in ­ te re sts of big boys a t h eart. B oards 75c

Guiding Boys Over Fool Hill By A. H . M cKinney

Dr. M cK inney w rites o u t of fo rty y ears of in tim ate a cq u a in t­ ance w ith boys of all kinds, on th e difficulties and even dangers w hich su rround boys ap p roaching m atu rity . D iscusses, too, th e boy’s view point, an d frankly indicates how an d w hy teach ers a n d preach ers, an d even p aren ts, so often fail in th e ir efforts to induce him to accep t w isdom an d guidance. The book also contains som e valuable suggestions a s to how boys should be d ealt w ith w hen a rriv in g a t a period of definite religious aw akening. C loth, $1.50 The Boy and His Clubs By W illiam M. C orm ack Stories for Talks to Boys

B y F. H . Cheley All w orkers w ith young peo­ ple know th a t th e sto ry is th e p a rt of a talk th a t is rem em ­ bered b est. The a u th o r, long a successful w orker w ith boys h as g ath ered f r p m m any sources illu strativ e m aterial upon w hich group leaders, S unday school teachers, and speakers can draw to drive th eir m essage home. C loth $2.00

The a u th o r w rites from a successful e x p e r i e n c e in planning an d conducting Boy’s Clubs. H e w astes no w ords on theories b u t goes to th e h e art of th e m a tte r a t once a n d tells “how to do it.’’ P a s­ to rs and teach ers, w ho recog­ nize th a t the w eakness of nearly all ou r C hurch w ork fo r boys has been th a t we have no places to p u t them to w ork no t to p u t them to play, will welcom e th is book. C loth 60c

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B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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