October 1925
--------------- Buy Now for Christmas - -------------- “Best” Books on the Sunday School Primary Department
THE BUGLE CALL OF GOD (Concluded from preceding page)
Will you go to the cross? A professor in a college said of me some time ago that I stayed too much at the cross. My Lord knows my failing is that I do not stay long enough there. And it is an unhappy day for you or for me when the hack is turned to the cross. W ill you come to it now? I will go with you, for I have as much need, I think more, to go to that cross than have you. Will you go with me? Will you go to have fellowship with Him and His suffering? Will you go to weep with Him, to sigh with Him? Who will be silent tonight and get under the cross with Jesus? Will you do it? He is calling you. You know it. I know it. He is call ing you away from something and you are looking at it very much as Lot’s wife looked at Sodom. But what about Bethlehem’s renunciation? Will you go to Bethlehem and then on to Calvary? “N e a r th e C ro ss, O L a m b o f G od, B r in g its s c e n e s b e fo re m e ; H e lp m e w a lk fro m d a y to d a y W ith its s h a d o w s o ’e r m e .’’ Will you say that? And some of you— oh, you are half turned around to go away from Jesus. Will you not halt and turn back and face the Lord and say with Peter, “To whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life.” And is there not some man, some woman^here who will go to the cross now? You have not far to go, for the Hero of the cross has been here all through the service. He is here now. He looks at you and calls to you. . He reaches out His hand towards you. He says, “Let me heal you. Let me save you. Let me strengthen you. Let me inspire you. Let me possess you. Take thy cross and follow me.” misrepresentations to stir up bad feelings between the lead ers of China. This telegram was published in the papers afterwards. In another interview I also asked Marshal Feng his opin ion in regard to Bolshevism. He said; “China is the most fertile field for Bolshevism, and our government is creating Bolshevism every day. Just think how corrupt officials after a short time in government service grab for themselves tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, some of them even millions of dollars while the people under them are robbed and squeezed, and become so poor and destitute that it is impossible for them to live. This is driving the people to become ‘red’. As far as I can I want to get rid of ‘corrup tion’ and have ‘fair deal’. My principle is not Bolshevik but Christian.” One day I asked General Li Ming-chung, the governor of Suiyuan, if the idea of Marshal Feng’s coup-d’etat came from the Republican party (Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s). “No, ninety per cent came from the Marshal himself.” “But why did you take that drastic step?” . “That was a revolution, I admit, but that was the only way for us to live. We were sent to the front without suffi cient food, clothing, money, and even without sufficient am munition. in fact Wu Pei-fu’s very purpose was to get rid of us. He would have been as happy to see us defeated by Chang Tso-lin, as if we had defeated Chang Tso-lin. He was so jealous and proud that he planned to crush both Chang Tso-lin and Feng Yu-hsiang at the same time. If we suc ceeded in defeating Chang Tso-lin, Wu Pei-fu would imme diately come after us. So we were sent to the way of death. The question for us to decide was whether it was worth SOME FACTS ABOUT MARSHAL FENG (Continued from page 427.)
Sand Table Illustrations By M rs. A lice Hill T his book con tain s fo rty - eig h t Bible sto ries illu strated . The sto ries a re th e ones fam i lia r to every child, w hen p re sen ted in th is graphic way, are so im pressed upon the m ind of th e child th a t th e p ic tu res of th e sto ries la st fo r ever. C loth $1.00 By Lillie A. F aris A m anual describing th e use an d care of the san d -tab le designed to aid teach ers of the E lem entary g rades in illu s tra t ing the Bible lessons by th is novel a n d im pressive m ethod. W ith th e inexpensive equip m ent described in th is m an ual of in stru ctio n , th e m ost inexperienced teach er will be able to m ain tain th e undivided in te re st of e v e r y p u p i l th ro u g h o u t th e entire teaching period. C loth 85c How to Conduct a Primary Department By Florence M cC afferty W aterm an “P rim ary d ep artm en t w ork m ade easy ’’ is th e w ay to des cribe M rs. W aterm an ’s little book. She h as p u t h er expe rience a s a P rim ary su p erin ten d en t to the b e st possible use by telling o th er P rim ary superintendents) {w h t will w ork an d w h at will not. C loth 35c The Sand Table Primary Story Worship Programs My M ary K irk p atrick B erg P rim ary teach ers will be de lighted to know th a t su ch a collection is now available. T here a re four related them es, w ith one general them e, for each m onth from O ctober to June. The p ro g ram s co n sist of sto ries, songs, S cripture p ortions, an d suggestions for th e u se of p ictu res a n d o th er sim ple equipm ent.
Sand Table Work in the Bible School By C harles H . Auld
A m ost suggestive w ork on th e su b ject w hich is rapidly com ing to be recognized as a v ery im p o rtan t m ethod of Bible teaching. D esigned to aid teach ers of th e elem entary grades in illu stra tin g th e Bible lesson b y th is novel a n d im pressiv e m ethod. Tw enty full- page illu stratio n s. 60 cents Sand Table Cut Outs To be colored b y th e child. A series of 56 outline p ic tu res. . Set No. 1— C onsists of 27 Bible P ictu res. S et No. 2-—C onsists of 6 M issionary Subjects. Set No. 3— C onsists of 24 Bible a n d m iscellaneous su b jects. P rin ted in B lack and w hite on w hite card b o ard . I l % x 7 % inches. Price each •sheet 10c; p e r doz. $1.00; com plete set of 56 sheets $4.50 How to Conduct a Beginners Department By H azel A. Lew is M iss Lew is h as observed the w orkings of th e B eginners d ep artm en t from every angle an d every p o in t of theory, and know s ju st w h at she is w rit- tin g a b o u t in h er little book. She places th e B eginners’ te a ch e r’s w ork ju s t high enough to insure b e st results. In th is delightful field th ere is no b e tte r help. C loth 35c Primary Methods in the Church School By A lb erta M unkres The w ork of th e church school a s stu d ied in th is vo l um e- is divided in to three p a rts : w orship, w ith a stu d y of m usic a n d devotional p ro gram s; in stru ctio n , w h i c h deals w ith * vario u s m ethods used in teach in g p rim ary ch il dren, w ith an em phasis upon sto ry -tellin g ; an d expression a s show n by m eans of the hand an d d ram atic a ctiv ities as well as in conduct. C loth $1.25
A n invaluable aid fo r p ri m ary w orkers in developing C hristian conceptions of life an d service. C loth $2.00 The Wonderful Garden of the Word of God By S ophie S haw M eader D ispensational T ru th Successfully T au g h t to C hildren. O ne of th e g re a t p roblem s of Bible tea ch e rs has alw ays b een how to p re se n t dispensational tru th to children in such a w ay th a t they will u n d e rstan d it. T h ey need w o rry n o longer. M rs. M eader in th is book outlines a p lan th a t is sim plicity itself an d illu strates h e r m ethod w ith c h arts th a t an y child will readily u n d erstan d . T ea ch e rs of ch il d re n will c ertain ly w elcom e this new book. P ap er, 3 5 cents If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D., unless otherw ise specified. If goods a re to com e by m ail add 10% for postage.
B I OL A B O OK R O OM Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.
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