King's Business - 1925-10


October 1925


while to die for Wu Pel-fu and corrupt government. Our Marshal called in his high officers and discussed the problem. We unanimously decided that it was not worth our death, so we came hack to Peking.” Why do I believe that Feng is honest? I know many of his men, who are in responsible positions in public service, who otherwise would be as corrupt as other officials, but who are honest even in money matters. If you ask them the rea­ son, as I have asked them many times, they would tell you, it is because they are Christians and also because of the influence of Feng, Now if Feng can influence so many men to become Christian and become honest men, he himself a Christian and an honest man of high character. If you want to see the concrete demonstration of Chris­ tianity in Feng’s men just take a trip to the two special districts Cha-ha and Suiyuan. These districts used to be the worst places in China, notorious for opium and bandits and all sorts of corruption. Marshal Feng and some of his men have been here only a few months and already one can notice the great difference. The railway between Peking and Suiyuan is in good order. Even bandits are now cleared away. People can live in peace; farmers who used to bury their crops in the ground for fear of robbers, now dig them up for sale. Merchants who dared not go there, now travel by night, and business prospers. Wherever Feng’s men are in power the people enjoy peace and justice and mercy. When his men took over the Hata- men Customs in Peking every day they collected five thou­ sand dollars more than before. Now when Feng’s men are in office in these two districts the income is almost doubled, while the people pay less. One Custom Superintendent said to me: “We q,re publicans and sinners, but we are Christ’s publicans because we ‘exact no more than that which is appointed’.” Marshal Feng says that he believes in God more than ever before, and he also shows his faith by definite actions. He has engaged more chaplains than before and will want more if only he can get good preachers. He has organized so that each three thousand soldiers have one chaplain. He is trying to get one for every thousand. As a whole I can say from personal experience that the soldiers are very hungry to hear the Gospel. I have spent five weeks with them and everywhere I found them very responsive. In the two capital cities the governors Chang Chih-kiang and Li Ming- chang, arranged meetings to be held in their yamens, so that I got the privilege of preaching the Gospel to both the civil and military men of high rank. I tried to lead them to study the Gospel of John, which “was written that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing ye might have life through His Name.” I shall never forget the blessed hours there. An old missionary, who was pres­ ent in these meetings, exclaimed: “I can hardly believe my own eyes. I think I am dreaming.” Of course such men as Marshal Feng have many enemies, who therefore make strenuous efforts to defame and mis­ represent him. We should use discrimination in our reading. a» afe PRAISE! From all that dwell below the skies Let the Creator’s praise arise; Let the Redeemer’s name be sung, Through every land, by every tongue.

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Eternal are thy mercies, Lord, Eternal truth attends Thy Word; And praise shall sound from shore to shore. Till suns shall rise and set no more. — Selected.

B I OL A B O OK R OOM Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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