King's Business - 1925-10



October 1925

SATAN’S TRIANGDE (Continued from page 424)

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“Best” Books Sunday School on the The “How” Book Baraca Class Manual By M arshall A . H udson The Workers’ Conference

immoral person, But before accepting his teachings on phil­ osophy or religion he should know his views in these peculiar fields of thought. A noted chemist in one of the leading universities of the middle west, in a magazine article, recently denied that Jesus is the Son of God and openly questioned the miracles of the New Testament. A Bible teacher in a denominational college where I once taught, rejects the miracles and prophecies of the Bible. He believes Jesus was a perfect man, but denies His Virgin Birth and resurrection. It is difficult to believe that professing Protestants can get so far away as this in view of Gal. 1:8. Both sides of questions should be taught to young people. The universities often fail in this. Their plea always is for faculty men who possess the “scientific attitude of m ind |||M men who are not prejudiced but open to the truth, to scien­ tific investigation, to facts as far as they may be secured. As an undergraduate, I was taught the evolutionary theory with all the evidence for it. These university men, however, failed to teach that there is another side to the question; that there is as much or more evidence against the theory as for it; that there have been and at present are thousands of highly educated men who believe that evolution is one of the greatest blunders that men of science have ever made. In' recent years, I have asked many of my more matured students to visit their large city or university library when at home for their vacation and determine the number of books against evolution, pagan philosophy, or destructive Biblical criticism. In nearly every case they .found that the card catalogs list books and articles for and not against these subjects. “Blind Unbelief” is Usually “Behind the' Times” Then again, college professors write many new books, but most of these are written in favor of some particular belief or explanation. For instance, the arguments and methods of destructive Biblical criticism have changed but little dur­ ing the past few decades. During this time, however, arch­ eological and linguistic research has all but demolished these arguments. This same thing is especially, true of evolution. All this must he due to a psychological “set” or prejudice on the part of university teachers. A man’s philosophy of life or prejudice is thus seen to “color” his article or book. To read a book understanding^, then, we should first know something of the author’s beliefs,— of his philosophy of life. From this it follows that every writer is apt to inter­ pret the facts of literature, art, history, or politics so that they will best fit into his particular way of thinking .1 What or who is authority in theoretical subjects is seen to be a question of even greater moment. A good example is that of the origin of life. We have already seen that all the explanations of the origin of life fall under these three headings: ( 1 .) Special creation, ( 2 ) Spontaneous gen­ eration, (3) Eternity of life. “Special creation” has certain evidence in its favor, while the other two are pure assump­ tions or guesses and have no evidence in their favor. Writers who deny that there is a personal God in and over this world are forced to deny the explanation that seems most reasonable. “Through Faith We Understand” Reason is often seen to be one-sided in books which discuss theoretical subjects. We have already seen that faith and reason can not be separated; in an article or chap-

By H en reitta H eron T he workers* conference has becom e an essential fa c to r in th e p resen t u p -to -d ate Bible school. The pu rp o se of this book is to energize th e confer­ ence, and, th ro u g h it, to gen­ erate en th u siasm an d good w o r k am ong th e various classes. P rice 75c Building a Country Sunday School By E. L. M iddleton C ontains suggestions for m aking surveys of territo ries reached by no Sunday School; H in ts fo r Follow u p C anvas; U sing C lass T eam s; Special D ays; P rogressiveness; E v an ­ gelism ; T raining w orkers; P ro g ram s. C loth $1.25 The Sunday School Teacher at His Best By A. H . M cK inney T his book should be read an d re-read. It is an aid, a tool, a guide. Successful teach in g th ro u g h perso n ality can be developed along physi- m ental, social and spir- cal, itu al lines. B oard 75c New Life for the Young People’s Bible Class By H erietta H eron E very m em ber of th e class in terested an d a t w ork is the challenge th is book p resents. P lans th a t have been tested o u t by v ario u s live classes a re in terestin g ly presented. E very p hase of class w ork is carefully review ed-. C loth, 75 cents The Home Department By M rs. M innie K . L. K am ell “This book reveals th e u n ­ lim ited p ossibilities fo r a c tiv ­ ities in th is d ep artm en t. It is su rp risin g to know to w h at extent th is w ork m ay be c a r­ ried.” This book, by the C hairm an of th e H om e De­ p a rtm e n t C omm ittee, In te rn a ­ tional Sunday School A ssocia­ tio n is crow ded w ith m any surp rises for th e advancem ent of th is w ork. 60 cents

T his book is th e official guide book fo r B araca C lasses. It tells how to reach m en— how tp hold m en— how to teach men— how to win m en a n d la st b u t n o t least— how th is all h as been successfully done. . Cloth, 75c Program for Sunday School Management By C. W . B rew baker, D. D. P rep ared t o ' aid th o se who a re w illing to give generously of th e ir service, b u t have n eith er tim e no r o p p o rtu n ity to devote to special p re p a ra ­ tio n fo r efficient w ork. C loth $1.00 A Little Kit of Teacher’s Tools By P hilip E. H ow ard Briefly sets fo rth m any of the teaching principles and. m ethods in Sunday School w ork. For th e help of th e u n ­ train ed teach er actu al lessons are w orked o u t a s illu stratio n s of m ethods u n d er co n sid era­ tion. C loth 75c How to Improve Your Sunday School By F ran k W ade Sm ith A sh o rt course w hich m akes use of the su rvey m ethod and aim s 'to help th e p re sen t w ork­ ers so to stu d y th eir ta sk th a t th ey can im prove th e ir schools in c erta in resp ects >imm edi­ ately. B oards 50 cents The Successful Sunday School Superintendent By Am os R. W ells M any m en otherw ise well qualified fail as su p erin ten d ­ en ts sim ply from a lack *of know ledge of w h at a su ccess­ ful su p erintendent should be an d do. T his splendid book of th irty illum inating ch ap ­ te rs gives all th e inform ation needed to enable any one to m ake good if they will only follow th e advice given. C loth, $1.00

Piloting the Sunday School

B y E. M orris Fergusson D r. Fcrgusson, a recognized au th o rity on Sunday School a d ­ m in istratio n , has here a new book for the “p lain ," o rd in ary m en w ho a re engaged in th e deeply im p o rtan t w ork of Sunday School Superintendency. It is n o t a technical tre a tise n o r yet a . tex t-b o o k m th e sense in w hich th a t term is u su ally con- r>tr? ed‘ ^ th e su b jects are: Increased A ttendance; Good O rder; O pening an d C losing Exercises; The Social Life; G rading; C hoosing th e L essons; G etting T eachers; Im proving th e T each- m g; The C ooperation of P a re n ts; W orship an d Evangelism . C loth $1.25 If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D., unless otherw ise specified. If goods are to com e by m ail ad d 10% fo r postage. B I OL A B O OK ROOM _______Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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