King's Business - 1925-10


October 1925


ter they may, but not in a human life or soul. We are agnostics, atheists, or Christians through faith, not reason; we are Baptists or Presbyterians through faith, not reason. We have here used the word “faith” with other than a Scriptural meaning. In the physical realm, reason holds a large place. In the spiritual realm it is faith. We cannot apply natural laws to supernatural problems. In our expe­ rience parallel lines never meet, and the circumference of k circle is a curved line. In higher mathematics this is all changed. Here, parallel lines meet at infinity, and the circumference of a circle with infinite area is a straight line. This is a good illustration of the difference between the natural and the supernatural. If one had never studied higher mathematics it would be difficult for him to believe that a quarter of something is equal to the whole of it, hut we leairn that a quarter of infin­ ity equals infinity. Therefore, the natural mind cannot com­ prehend the supernatural. It isn’t difficult for one who has had miracles performed in his own life to believe the Bible miracles. In talking with an aged man about the Virgin Birth he said, “I can’t understand it, therefore I can’t believe it.” He was trying ,to understand the supernatural in terms of the natural. He didn’t know that “The world by wisdom knows not God.” Reasonable Faith vs. Faithless Reason A young Christian is often helped in his discrimination between faith.and reason by knowing that faith is higher than reason. Faith is here used as “the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” My extension ladder, consisting of two ladders, illustrates this. One can climb into an upstairs window by either one, but the two must be put together to climb to the roof. The lower one is compared to reason; the upper, to faith. One climbs first by reason and then by faith into a belief in the Virgin Birth and the Resurrection of our Lord. A belief in miracles comes through a “reasonable faith” not a “faithless reason.” Men are born again through a “reasonable faith,” not a “faithless reason.” • Expert Evidence Who or what then is authority? This is a question of great import and one difficult to answer. Mere learning is not enough. The highly trained man is just as liable to error outside his own narrow field as is the untaught man. Expert evidence may be true or it may be false. To know and catch the spirit of farm life, one has to live with a farmer on a farm. One cannot get it from a teacher or a book. To know and catch the spirit of Christianity, one has to believe and accept Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour— to be born again. An authority in things Chris­ tian, therefore, is one who is a Christian and has had experience in Christian living, not an unbeliever though he has several university degrees. It pays, therefore, to measure and weigh articles and books as we read them. It pays to study men and their messages before believing fully in either. It pays to read carefully and critically before forming our own conclusions, whether they be in the field of finance, history, science, or religion. The question of authority is a vital question. (Continued in November)

---------------- Buy Now for Christmas ---------------- “Best” Books Sunday School on the Cradle Roll Department A Successful Cradle Roll System By M aude H . F letch er H elpful suggestions for th e successful estab lishm en t a n d con­ tro l of a Sunday School C radle Roll. The a u th o r h as had wide experience a n d w rites inform ingly on questions relatin g to organization, requisites, th e effect of th e C radle Roll on p aren ts an d g u ard ian s a n d Special D ays. W ith C h arts 75c The Cradle Roll of the Church School Lucy S tock Chapin The Cradle Roll Department

By E lizabeth W . Sudlow The real pu rp o se of the C radle Roll is to secure co­ o p eration betw een th e home, th e Sunday School, an d the chu rch in th e train in g of the child during th e first y e ar of its life. The resu lt in every b ran ch of th is w ork, how ever, depends first, upon th e sp iritu al life of th e p erson in charge, an d sec­ ond, upon th e thouroughness of th e organization. T he c h ap ­ te rs in th is volum e deal w ith m ethods w hereby th e D ep art­ m ent w hether larg e o r sm all, m ay be helped. B oard 60c How to Conduct a Cradle Roll Department By Phebe A. C u rtiss No one is b e tte r qualified th a n M rs. C u rtiss to help C radle Roll sup erin ten d en ts and w orkers. She h as probably been in a c tu a l touch w ith m ore C radle Rolls th a n any Woman in Am erica. S h e know s ju s t w h at should be done an d tells it in hefr own charm ing w ay in h er little book. P rice 35c Cradle Roll Birthday and Record Book It is of convenient size, handsom ely p rin ted in blue ink on heavy p in k paper, w ith p ages for th e reco rd of “J a n ­ u ary B abies,” etc., a n d o th er p ages for reco rd s of prom o ­ tions, receptions, etc. It is bound in g ray m at b o ard w ith m ounted m edallion p ic tu re of m o th er a n d baby. P rice, 35 cents

H ere we have definite plans fo r the o rganization a n d de­ velopm ent of th e C radle Roll, by a skilled expert. L eaders everyw here will w elcom e th is new book a s a m uch needed m anual on th is all-im p o rtan t featu re of th e C hurch school. C hapter H eadings: 1. The B aby an d Its M other. II. The C radle Roll S tan d ard . III. O r­ ganization. IV. Equipm ent. V. W ays of W orking. VI. L es­ sons fo r th e C radle Roll. VII. Special D ays. V III. T he C radle Roll an d M issions. IX. H elping th e M others. X. C hildren’s W eek. C loth $1.25 Object Lessons for the Cradle Roll B y F ran ces W . D anielson A series of fifty-tw o lessons, w hich w ill enable th e p a re n t o r teach er to in stru c t little children in th e hom e, using as aid s th e th in g s th a t are m ost prom inent in th e little child’s w orld. A dozen new selections of m usic by M iss G race W . C onant. T h irty -eig h t b lack ­ b o ard illu stratio n s. C loth $1.50 Cradle Roll Manual By K ath erin e W illiam s T h e a u th o r is su p erin ten ­ dent of w h at is said to be the la rg e st C radle Roll in the w orld, and h er book is the o u tg ro w th of th is successful experience. The m any rem ark ­ able th in g s th is g re a t C radle Roll h as accom plished in the w a y of reaching in to the hom es, of b rin g in g w hole fam ­ ilies in to th e church, p re ­ sented. B oard 60c Cradle Roll Lessons

By M rs. Louise M. Oglevee A book fo r th e C radle Roll class of th e Bible school an d for little children in th e hom e, containing a p ro g ram fo r every Sun­ day in th e year, including th e Bible sto ry , a finger-play, h an d ­ w ork, p ic tu re an d c u t-o u t suggestion, an d songs— b o th w ords an d m usic. C loth $1.50 Stand-up Illustrators A set of fifty-tw o daintily colored stan d -u p c ard s (size, 4'% x4% inches) to accom pany “C radle Roll L essons,” illu s­ tra tin g th e sto ries as to ld in th e book. To be used w ith Oglevee’s “C radle Roll L essons.” Pictures A se t of sixteen colored pictu res, size 10% x12 inches, h as been p rep ared fo r use w ith these C radle Roll class lessons. They a re p ictu res of th e beautiful th in g s in God’s w orld, and th o se w hich em phasize th e F ath er’s loving, w atchful care by n ig h t a n d day. To be used w ith O glevee’s “C radle Roll L essons.” P rice p e r se t 75 cen ts Cradle Roll Picture Paper A four-page folder for th e little folk. On th e p ag es a re found finger-plays, rhym es for little fingers, n o tes for m other, etc. Sold only in sets of fifty-tw o. To be u sed w ith O glevee’s “C radle Roll L essons.”_____________________ P rice p er se t 53 cents If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D., unless otherw ise specified. If goods are to com e by m ail ad d 10% fo r postage.

P R A Y E R “Prayer is the Christian’s vital breath, The Christian’s native air; His watchword at the gate of death— He enters Heaven with prayer.”

B I OL A B O OK R OOM Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

— James Montgomery (1819)

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