October 1925
JOHN G. PATON (Continued from page 426.)
--------------- Buy Now for Christmas --------------- “Best” Books on the Sunday School Bible Drills—Finger Plays—Picture Talks
some of the chiefs, who had attended the worship, rose and said: ‘Our conduct has been bad; but now we will fight for you and kill all those who hate you.’ ” The first fruit of his mission work, the converted heathen Namuri, was killed. But he died with this prayer on his lips: “O Lord Jesus, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing. Oh, take not away all Thy servants from Tanna! Take not away Thy worship from this dark island! O God, bring all the Tannese to love and follow Jesus!” And Paton stayed apd the worship of the Saviour was not taken away from the dark island. Although he was seized with the fever more than fourteen times, he persevered in his
The Blackboard Class F o r Sunday School T eachers By Florence H ; D arnell This is ju s t th e book th a t Sunday School teach ers have been looking for. It gives in a series of sim ple lessons th e fundam ental p r i n c i p l e s of blackboard draw ing. The book abounds in illu stratio n s. P rice 50c Little Jetts Telling Bible Stories By W ade C. Sm ith T his book is th e young folks’ delight. Odd l i t t l e etchings th a t will am use an d in stru ct. -The p ictu res a re delightful m ysteries, solved b y looking up th e accom panying Bible references. P rice $1.25 Bible Drills By H erb ert M oninger A book of over 750 qu es tions and answ ers p rep ared fo r general supplem ental w ork, Bible drills, T eacher T raining class drills a n d B ible-class sn ap sh o t drills. A Bible ‘‘Spell ing Bee” fo r social a n d class occasions, B i b 1e-know ledge co n tests, o r fo r p riv a te stu d y an d edification. Cloth, 50c Blackboard Lessons By Jo h n R itchie T his book contains a variety of Gospel su b jects for th e young, to be used in Chil d ren ’s M eetings, in Sunday Schools, an d aro u n d th e F ire side in th e C hristian home. C loth $1.00
Picture Talks
By Jo h n R itchie T his book p resen ts a series of illu stratio n s th a t can b e re produced w ith chalk on an o rd in ary b lack b o ard b y alm ost anyone. T eachers will find th a t the use of th is book will stim u late an in te re st in th eir classes. C hildren especially enjoy p ictu re talk s. P rice 75c Bible Boys and Girls By S tu a rt N ye H utchison Every one of these sto ries h as an appeal th a t will reach an d . s tir an d w in the h e arts of the children. P asto rs, S uper in ten d en ts a n d teach ers will find t h i s volum e v ery su g gestive. C loth $1.25 Rapid Hand Drawing By L. O. Brown A book designed especially fo r th o se w ho are u sin g o r w an t to use chalk w ork in teaching. The a u th o r explains the fu n dam entals a n d principles of th e m ethods used in prep arin g a chalk talk in such a w ay th a t even the m ost inexpe rienced can g rasp th e idea. P rice 50c Finger Plays B y Em ilie Poulsson This book is to o well know n to need description. M a n y th o u san d s have been sold to teach ers in p rim ary an d k in d e rg arten grades, an d it is also well established in the hom es w here th ere a re young children. In. th e elem ent of ch ild -in terest, it is unexcelled. Illu strate d w ith m usic. C loth $1.50 Seeing Truth By C. H erb ert W oolston, D. D. A book of O bject L essons w ith M agical a n d M echanical Effects. A pproach to m ind a n d h e art th ro u g h eye-gate is th e idea D octor W oolston em phasizes in these pages. Some well- know n p rinciples of m agic an d m echanics a re here m ade p reach ers of m orals and reli gion. C loth $1.00
Jeh o v ah ’s R ain Saves P a to n ’s Life.
How to Make and Show 100 Eye-Gate Lessons By H y P ickering
work, established a printing press, and passed by no oppor tunity to tell these benighted cannibals of the grace that was theirs in the Saviour. The work went forward with slow progress and for a time it seemed as though the hostility of the cannibals had been overcome. But a plague of measles robbed him of some of his staunchest followers, and one disaster followed upon another. In his biography he tells of a striking incident which illustrates the perils with which he was surrounded. “Seven or eight savages surrounded me,” he writes, “and raised their great clubs in the air. I heard a shout— ‘Kill him! kill him!’ One savage tried to seize hold of me, but, leaping from his clutch, I drew the revolver from my pocket and levelled it as if for use, my heart going up in prayer to my God. I said, ‘Dare to strike me, and my Jehovah God will punish you. He protects us and will punish you for burning His church, for hatred to His worship and people and for all your bad conduct. We love you all; and for doing you good you want to kill usi But our God is here now to protect us.’ "They yelled in rage and urged each other to strike the first blow, but the Invisible One restrained them. /¡“ At.this dread moment occurred an incident which I trace directly to the interposition of God. A rushing and roaring
P a sto rs a n d teach ers who are beginning to ap p reciate th e fact th a t in stru ctio n re ceived th ro u g h th e e y e is retained no longer th a n in fo r m ation gained in an y o th er w ay will w elcom e th is very suggestive book w hose t i t l e tells th e sto ry of its contents. A book full of illu stratio n s an d useful inform ation. Cloth, $1.00
Five Hundred Children’s Subjects By Jo h n R itchie
A splendid book fo r w orkers am o n g st the young, w ith outlines of B lackboard and Em blem atic Gospel A ddresses. The “S ubjects” a re sim ple, th e O utlines” n atu ral, a n d th e “ N otes” only sug- S ^ tiv e — th e p reach er or the teach er being b e st able to fit in an d fill up w ith th a t w hich will m eet th e need of th o se to whom he bears th e m essage. C loth $1.00 If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D., unless otherw ise specified. If goods a re to com e by m ail ad d 10% fo r postage. B I O L A B O OK R OOM _______Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.
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