King's Business - 1925-10

October 1925



---------------- Buy Now for Christmas ---------------- “Best” Books Sunday School on the For Workers Among Juniors All About the Juniors By E lizabeth W illiam s Sudlow T h is very p ra ctic a l m anual fo r Ju n io r w orkers, a fte r being w idely used, has now b een carefully revised by th e a u th o r, t Mrs. Sudlow is a busy a n d efficient w o rk e r w ith th e boys and girls, a n d all h e r plans have been tested in successful S unday school w ork. T h o se w ho a re w ork in g w ith Ju n io rs in a n y d e p artm e n t of th e c h u rch outside of th e S unday school will also find m aterial th a t m ay be Used in one w ay o r a n o th e r. C loth 75c The Juniors, How to Teach and Train Them By M aud Ju n k in Baldwin The Junior Church in Action

sound came from the south, like the noise of a mighty engine or of muttering thunder. Every head was instinctively turned in that direction and they knew, from previous hard experience, that it was one of those awful tornadoes of wind and rain.” And Paton Was saved again. It is impossible to follow the many colored career of this missionary of Christ through the multitude of adventures that crowded into his career. The one fact, which, as Paton says, broke the back of heathenism, was the sinking of a well. The cannibals had only known one water that came down from the sky and when Paton, during a season of heavy drought, dug a well which produced clear water in great abundance for everyone, a chief cried out: “Missi, wonder­ ful, wonderful is the work of your Jehovah God! No God of Aniwa ever helped us in this way. The world is turned upside down since Jehovah came to Aniwa! But, Missi,” continued he, after a pause that looked like silent worship, “will it always rain through the earth or will it come and go like the rain from the clouds?” Paton not only told them the mystery of this water, but also of the Living Water which the Saviour offers to alleviate all spiritual thirst. From that time on there was a steady progress in the mission. The Saviour’s promise that all things were to be made true proved itself in an unmistakable manner. In 1903, after Paton had labored for more than thirty years with these superstitious cannibals, had been in uncounted dan­ gers, suffering in body and soul, and had travelled practically all over the entire world to secure support for his mission, he could write: “The converts have built Christian villages in which they live. All are clothed. To these villages they welcome all new converts, teach them and help to protect them; and if they resolve to remain, all unite and assist in building a new house for them, observing straight street lines. Such cottages are a great contrast to the heathen hovels. They are homes of happiness. No day begins or ends without praise and prayer— a daily object-lesson to the heathen of the joy and peace that come through Christ." After a life that was so richly filled with the evidences of Christian love, this good and faithful servant was called Home on January 28, 1907. Of his last moments his son says: “In a moment, as if by the Invisible Hand of the Great Father Himself, the lines of pain were smoothed out and a look of heavenly peace suffused the pale features. He had seen his ‘Precious; Jesus,’ and the afterglow of that glorious vision was reflected in his face. The watchers felt that they were on holy ground, and a great tenderness and awe filled their souls as they stood at the brink and beheld.” “ D E F E N D T H E F A I T H ! ” “ I* * “ex h o rt you th a t y e should e arn estly c o n ten d for th e faith w hich w as once delivered u n to th e sain ts.” Ju d e 3. O v er Tw o T ho u san d “DEFENDERS O F TH E FA ITH ” invite y o u to jo in th e ir ra n k s and help fight th e d e stru c ­ tive deniers of th e W ord of God. E nroll a t once, and receive y o u r “A m m unition” for c arry in g on the battle in defense of th e h o n o r of o u r Lord, o u r hom es and o u r children. N am e........................................................................................................... . C ity an d S tre et.................................................................. ...................... S ta te ............................ ................................... f................................ ............

By R ev. W eldon F. C rossland The a u th o r w rites from long an d successful experience to w hich is ad d ed th e testim o n y of tw o h undred leading p a s­ to rs w ho a re conducting su c ­ cessful Ju n io r C hurches. A book th a t tells in full detail how to institute" and c a rry on th is v ery necessary an d v ital d ep artm en t of a full fledged m odern church. C loth $1.50 Junior Method in the Church School By M arie Cole Pow ell In o rd er to help th e te a c h ­ ers of Ju n io rs, th e w riter has a tte m p te d to see th e Ju n io r child in the w hole range of his life experience. The book seeks to show how som e freer educational m ethods of to d ay m ay be used in a thoroughly p ractical w ay a n d w ith clearly recognized r e s u l t s in th e chu rch school. C loth $1.25

T his book w as w ritten under the conviction th a t th e Su­ prem e aim of th e S u n d a y School is to develop to th e u tm o st th e religious life of every pupil. A nd every w ork­ e r w ith Ju n io rs will find it exceedingly helpful. B oard covers, 60 cents Tested Methods for Teachers of Juniors By M abel C. R ingland The o bject of th is book is to in d icate a n d discuss w ith teach ers th e v ario u s asp ects of th e ir w ork am ong Ju n io r Sunday school sch o lars and th e problem s a risin g th e re ­ from . A lthough n o t a te x t­ book, in th e conventional sense of th a t term . M rs. R ingland’s volum e deals expertly w ith an unusually larg e num ber of m a tte rs w hich relate to th is p a rtic u la r field of Sunday school activ ity . C loth $1.25

The Sunday School Teacher as a Soul-winner By Wm . F. B erger A bove an d before all th in g s else, th e Sunday School T eacher should be a w inner of souls T he a u th o r h as p rep ared a th o u g h t­ ful an d fo rth rig h t stu d y of th e following asp ects of his subject. The M ind of th e T eacher, H is P ray er Life, H is C hurch C onnec­ tions, H is Social Life an d H ab its, H is P assion fo r Souls, H is C lass, H is M ethod of Teaching etc. M r. B erger also appends a carefully selected bibliography, germ ane to his general them e. C loth $1.25 Average Boys and Girls By A . H . M cK inney, D. D. A M anual fo r P aren ts, P a sto rs a n d o th er C hristian w o rk ers in te rested in th e religious education of children a n d youth. P roceeding on th e w ell-founded p ro position th at, fundam entally, boys an d girls a re p re tty m u ch alike everyw here, D r. M cK inney presents, fo r th e consideration of all who, w ith himself, a re co n cern ed a b o u t n u tu rin g a n d developing th e religious instincts of th e young, a series of plain, search in g analyses. None, in terested in this m ost im p o rta n t of all form s of C h ristian activity, can afford to dispense w ith D r. M cK in­ n ey 's wise an d forceful counsel. C loth $1 .0 0 If m oney does n o t accom pany o rder, goods will be sen t C. O. D., unless otherw ise specified. If goods are to com e by m ail ad d 10% fo r postage.

B I OL A B O OK R OOM Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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