King's Business - 1925-10

October 1925



---------------- Buy Now for Christmas — -------------- Any Time —All the Time “Best” Books The Passing of “The Word” A ROMANCE O F COLLEGE LIFE H elen H enshaw T he book depicts th e w holesom e and typical A m erican C ollege girl of today— A n exceptional sto ry told in a n a tu ra l w ay-—You will live w ith R uth P ax to n th ro u g h all th e rh apsodies of love and friendship. O ne of th e very best of th e re ce n t books. C loth $ 1 .5 0

ness. The burden of his cry was for forgiveness, and for “the peace that passeth understanding,” which he had seen in his daughter’s face. His prayer was sincere, and his heart repentant, and from such a plea, God never turns away. He found that peace, and full and free forgiveness; together he and Louise sang their praises to God. Mrs. Birdsey was longer in reaching the place of full surrender to God, but before the week was out she, too, rejoiced in her new found Saviour. There was no hint of Louise’s leaving the home; there was no need, they were so happy, and as Louise stood in the church between her father and mother on the following Sunday her heart filled with praise and happiness. “I know not by what methods rare, But this I know, God answers prayer,” was her happy murmur. (To be continued) jgQWg A iÜ Jfe MY PRAYER O Father, dear; I am so weak, .

In the Twinkling of an Eye By Sydney W atson

The Conflict By M iss E lizabeth K nauss T his is th e book of the hour fo r everyone who is in any w ay in terested in th e conflict betw een th e M odernist w ing of th e C hurch and those who hold fa s t to th e g reat fundam ental d o ctrines of th e C hristian re ­ ligion. “The C onflict” tells th e sto ry in sto ry form— a real live sto ry en tertain in g from beginning to end— an d very helpful. Y ou will w an t a t least one copy for yourself a n d one fo r y o u r p asto r. O rder a t once an d p u t in circu latio n in your com m unity. C lpth, $1.25 Scarlet and Purple By Sydney W atson Good salv atio n sto ries are rare,— th is is a rare one,— a n exceedingly in terestin g sto ry . , God’s G o o d N e w s concerning H is Son an d w h at He h as done fo r u s is th e them e running th ro u g h it from beginning to end, b u t it does n o t in an y w ay in terfere w ith the p lo t o r th e ch arac te rs ex­ cep t to enhance y o u r in te re st in them . It b rin g s th e reader face to face w ith Jesu s C hrist a s Saviour, a n d m any . souls have been b o rn ag ain th ro u g h its reading. P u t “S carlet and Purple” , into th e hands of young people,— into th e hands of anyone you w an t to see converted. C loth, $1.25

A m o st abso rb in g sto ry of a young Jew ess, a business m an, (G entile) w ho loves her — and th e facts th ey face—A sto ry of th e Second Coming, w hich ’m akes vivid th e things sh o rtly to com e to p a s s ., You will th in k of th is book ever a fte r reading it. J u s t the book to read next C loth $1.25 The Mark of the Beast By Sydney W atso n T here are b u t com paratively few people who u n d erstan d co rrectly w h at th e B i b l e teaches concerning “th e G reat T rib u latio n ,”— th a t aw ful p e ­ riod of d istress th a t is com ing upon th is e arth du rin g th e tim e w hen th e A n tich rist will rule w ith unhindered sw ay. In “The M ark of th e B east” th ese fa c ts a re m o st vividly p o r­ tray ed in sto ry form . So in ­ te re stin g is th e sto ry th a t m any people read it th ro u g h a t one sittin g , only to tak e up th e . book ag ain to re-read once, tw ice an d possibly three tim es, u n til th e tru e teaching of th e trib u latio n is so fixed in th e ir m inds th a t th ey will never fo rg et it. Cloth, $1.25

Wilt Thou not take my hand, And lead me as a little child,

And of my life take full command Thou knowest what is best for me, , Thou wilt not lead me wrong, And though the way be rough, not smooth, Thy hand is firm and strong. O hold me close, lest I should stray, ■ Far from Thy loving side; O draw me closer, closer, Lord, . ' To Thy dear bleeding side. And when my life on earth shall end, And Thy dear face I see, My heart shall bow in grateful praise, ■ Throughout eternity. I’ll join with saints who’ve gone before, Their rapturous songs of love, And praise Thee e’en forever more, In that blest Home above.

Denver, Colo.

—Kate H. Haus.

Fine Gold

A M issionary R om ance of S ou th A m erica By Jo sephine H o p e W estervelt

Don’t Wait! Mail This Coupon Today!

T his m issionary sto ry is especially in terestin g an d valu­ able ju st now w hen th e re is such a decided revival of in te rest in m issionary w o rk in L atin Am erica. Mrs. W estervelt has given us in this book an exceed­ ingly en te rta in in g sto ry first of all, an d alo n g w ith the telling of th e sto ry th e re is a vivid p o rtra y a l of m issionary life and lab o r in th e Rom e co ntrolled p riest ridden sec­ tions of S ou th A m erica. You will like th e b o o k fo r th e sto ry itself b u t you will like it all th e b e tte r b ecau se it gives you a tru e vision of m odern m issionary w o rk in th a t g re at land of o p p o rtu n ity . C loth, $1 .5 0

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B IO LA B O OK R OOM Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Calif.

What thou doest, do quickly! The night cometh!

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