King's Business - 1925-10

October 1925



---------------- Buy Now for Christmas ---------------- Send Missionaries THINGS THEY MAY GIVE AWAY Help y o u r friends to greet o th ers w ith card s, m o tto s, booklets, calendars. They w ill ap p reciate it. W e will m ail y o u r order direct.

OUR BIBLE INSTITUTE IN CHINA (Continued from page 431)

Innis might preach my funeral sermon.” At the time the wish was expressed it did not seem to be a possibility, but “With God all things are possible,” and He tqok Doctor Maclnnis way across the continent at just the right time, and brought him to ús at Fort Plain in fulfilment of His handmaiden’s earnest desire. The Rev. E. R. Kruizenga, pastor of the Reformed Church at Fort Plain, New York, conducted the service July 2'3, 1925. He gave a brief statement of Mother’s activities in the church, a member since 1863, a Sunday school teacher, a charter member of the Women’s Missionary Society and an active member of the Fort Plain Study Cláss. At the close of his words of appreciation and sympathy Mr. Kruizenga introduced Dr. Maclnnis, who said: “No thoughtful person can walk in the .valley of the shadow of death without serious thoughts concerning the meanings, significance and issues of life— this is particularly true when the life that passes on and summons us into the valley is such a life as that of the dear Saint of God for whom we are performing the last rites of the living for the dead this afternoon. Mother Keller was a woman of unusual Christian life and character, and to her was granted a most unusual Christian ministry. “First of all she w a s :a woman of a quiet, calm and serene life and faith-—she greeted her friends and circum­ stances of life with a quiet, confident smile that could not help but favorably impress all coming into contact with her — that is an impression that sweetly lingers with us as we think of her life-^calm, confident, with the soft light of a radiant life. “In the second place her quiet and serene life was the poise of strength. The greatest strength of nature and life is not in noise and bluster, but in the quiet and silent places of life. No one could long converse with Mother Keller and not come to realize that back of the radiant smile and quiet dignity there were strength and resolution. She was strong in her thinking and in the resolution to carry her thinking into effect. She sweetly listened to what people had to say but was far from being merely passive in her attitude. Having heard what others had to say she thought and acted for herself and was surely ’firm and strong in her opinion and action. Hers was the firmness and strength of a graciously enlightened mind. “In the third place this enlightened strength was a daring Strength. She had the courage of faith and loyalty. “It would be easy to mention many illustrations of this from her life, but one is sufficient. “After she was eighty years of age she faced the alter­ native of continuing in the familiar surroundings of a long life of service and pleasant friendship, with all the tender ties that áre represented by the word home, or, for the sake of the service of men and the cause of Jesus Christ, breaking with all these sacred and happy associations and going out into a new world——a land Of strangers, with a stranger civilization. “With great earnestness and firmness she faced this most serious question and dared to break with the past and face the dangers of mountains, plains, seas and rivers for more than nine thousand miles in order that her son and his devoted wife might be able to carry on the ministry__for which they are so preeminently fitted. That kind of daring, courage, and loyalty is not common even in the highest • Circles of Christian life and history. As a result of this daring and loyalty God graciously gave her a very remark­ able, ministry to crown the closing years of her faithful

CELLULOID BOOK MARKS 8 cen ts each, 2 for 15 cents

A ttractiv ely d eco rated w ith th e B eautitudes, th e L ord’s P ra y e r, th e T en C omm andm ents, o r th e Books of the Bible. SCRIPTURE TEXT BIRTHDAY CARDS P ack ag e of to for 2 5 cents T hese card s a re tru ly artistic-—H igh grade, gilt edge, a rt p a p e r in softly colored illustrations. T h ey a re w o rth a t least 10 cents each b u t we a re selling th em 10 for 25 cents. BIBLE STORY BOOKLETS 10 Books for 2 5 cen ts C olorful little B ooklets of six a ttra c tiv e pages (3J/2 by 5 in .) m ake inexpensive gift w hich an y child will ch erish an d an y M issionary love to give. O rd e r a q u a n ­ tity of these— T h ey tell the story of;

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Getting Things From God

Motto Cards

L et M otto c ard s w hich will give a good a sso rtm en t of S crip tu re ‘tex ts fo r w alls an d b lo tters. Send u s -the am ount of m oney you w ish to spend a t .10 to $1.00 each an d tell us w h at you w ish. W e have it. W e will m ail to you o r d irect to your m issionary w ith y o u r card. O rd er to d a y 1 select

By D r. C harles A. B lanchard W e alw ays hope to p ra y for “O ur M issionaries“-—W e long to be pow erfully used of God, th ro u g h th e privilege of in te r­ cession.” T his book, w ill feed y o u r soul, an d b rin g a v ery definite deepening an d b ro a d ­ ening of y o u r p ra y e r life— R ead it— an d you will re-read it a n d p ass it on to y o u r friends. P aper, 75c; Cloth, $1.25


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B I O L A B O OK ROOM Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Calif.

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